Breathtaking Awe

A few nights ago, the neighbors gathered in the streets to see this beautiful Arizona sunset!

You all know how I love my sunrises and sunsets. As I was standing there, taking it all in Gail said, “God did that”! He sure did – He painted the sky with the deepest golden hues – beautiful.

This morning I waiting to see the sunrise. The skyline is cloudy gray but that’s ok too. The last couple of days we have enjoyed much-needed rain. The desert is feeling refreshed.

I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for the breath I have in my lungs – clean, fresh air. Breath to praise such an awesome and almighty God but more than that – breath to talk with my loving heavenly Father and to thank Him for all He does.

Loving family, good health, a secure home, the beauty of his creation, the stillness and the peace I feel in His presence each day and the dear friends He has added to my life.

Yesterday I asked you to make a thankfulness list. I hope you did. This morning I’m asking you to follow King David’s example and enter into praise.

“Praise the Lord! Praise God in His holy place! Praise Him in the heavens of His power! Praise Him for His great works! Praise Him for all His greatness!

Praise Him with the sound of a horn. Praise Him with harps. Praise Him with timbrels and dancing. Praise Him with strings and horns. Praise Him with loud sounds. Praise Him with loud and clear sounds. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!” Psalm 150 NLV

Do you have breath? If you do, praise the Lord!