All I Need

Years ago we attended a monthly gathering of mostly farmers and ranchers. It was a time of Bible Study and general fellowship. It was there that I heard a little praise song for the very first time. That song was engraved in my heart and to this day is my prayer.

He’s all I need,
He’s all I need;
Jesus is all I need.
He’s all I need,
He’s all I need;
Jesus is all I need.

There is nothing in this world that I want more than Jesus.

Oh yes, I have desires and dreams but if having those meant I had to give up my relationship with Jesus I would be a pauper, gladly. The Apostle Paul wrote of the many things he had achieved and gained in life and he said that when it compared them to knowing Jesus, they were all rubbish. Garbage!

“But Christ has shown me that what I once thought was valuable is worthless. Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up everything else and count it all as garbage. All I want is Christ” Philippians 3:7-8 CEV

Luke, a physician, who traveled with Paul wrote the book of Acts. He was with Paul when he was preaching and teaching in Athens. Athens was a hub of “new thinking” and they had many gods that they worshipped, gods fashioned from stone, gold and silver. They even had an altar to “the unknown god”. Paul began telling them about this god – the God whom Paul and the Christians worshipped. Here is part of the message that Luke recorded:

“and he gives us the power to live, to move, and to be who we are. “We are his children,” just as some of your poets have said. 29 Since we are God’s children, we must not think that he is like an idol made out of gold or silver or stone. He isn’t like anything that humans have thought up and made.” Acts 17:28-29 CEV

In God, as His children, we live – move and have our very being! He’s all we need.

There have been times that I have let other things distract and take priority over my relationship with the Lord; those were unhappy times. I have such peace and contentment now, it’s the peace of God. I hope you know that same peace.

Jesus, is all I need!