All I Need

Years ago we attended a monthly gathering of mostly farmers and ranchers. It was a time of Bible Study and general fellowship. It was there that I heard a little praise song for the very first time. That song was engraved in my heart and to this day is my prayer.

He’s all I need,
He’s all I need;
Jesus is all I need.
He’s all I need,
He’s all I need;
Jesus is all I need.

There is nothing in this world that I want more than Jesus.

Oh yes, I have desires and dreams but if having those meant I had to give up my relationship with Jesus I would be a pauper, gladly. The Apostle Paul wrote of the many things he had achieved and gained in life and he said that when it compared them to knowing Jesus, they were all rubbish. Garbage!

“But Christ has shown me that what I once thought was valuable is worthless. Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up everything else and count it all as garbage. All I want is Christ” Philippians 3:7-8 CEV

Luke, a physician, who traveled with Paul wrote the book of Acts. He was with Paul when he was preaching and teaching in Athens. Athens was a hub of “new thinking” and they had many gods that they worshipped, gods fashioned from stone, gold and silver. They even had an altar to “the unknown god”. Paul began telling them about this god – the God whom Paul and the Christians worshipped. Here is part of the message that Luke recorded:

“and he gives us the power to live, to move, and to be who we are. “We are his children,” just as some of your poets have said. 29 Since we are God’s children, we must not think that he is like an idol made out of gold or silver or stone. He isn’t like anything that humans have thought up and made.” Acts 17:28-29 CEV

In God, as His children, we live – move and have our very being! He’s all we need.

There have been times that I have let other things distract and take priority over my relationship with the Lord; those were unhappy times. I have such peace and contentment now, it’s the peace of God. I hope you know that same peace.

Jesus, is all I need!

The Compass Rose

Most everyone of us has felt lost at one time or another – physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. It’s a sinking feeling!

I live with a man who loves maps. In fact for many years of our marriage a map would be the perfect gift for him for Father’s Day, birthday and even Christmas. He will sit for hours, it seems, with a map before him as he plans our next trip. He wants to know where we are going and which roads are the best for our journey.

Isn’t that just like the Lord?

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.” Psalm 23:1-2

Dave and I have some big decisions to make over the next few weeks and months. We need to know that we are taking the right path; that we are following what the Lord has for us. In our younger years if we followed our own thinking and made a mistake we had years ahead of us to recover. But now, in our late 60’s and early 70’s we want to be sure that we are following the Lord’s leading. No time for mistakes.

“But now you will again see the Lord, your teacher, and he will guide you. 21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice saying, “This is the road! Now follow it.” Isaiah 30:20b-21 CEV

The compass rose is the center of the compass. “A compass rose, sometimes called a wind rose or rose of the winds, is a figure on a compass, map, nautical chart, or monument used to display the orientation of the cardinal directions (north, east, south, and west) and their intermediate points.”

When I searched for images of compasses this morning I chose this one because the compass rose is brilliant, bold and quite frankly it reminded me of the strength and wisdom that we find in Christ.

We once had a cowboy preacher friend of ours give us this advice, “If God says go North, He will provide. If you go South, you’ll think you died”. That has stuck with us for 40 years now. No more going South – we want to follow God’s leading. The Lord’s compass rose always points to true North.

“Shout praises to the Lord!
    He is good to us,
    and his love never fails.
Everyone the Lord has rescued
from trouble
    should praise him,
everyone he has brought
from the east and the west,
    the north and the south.

Some of you were lost
in the scorching desert,
    far from a town.
You were hungry and thirsty
    and about to give up.
You were in serious trouble,
    but you prayed to the Lord,
    and he rescued you.
Right away he brought you
    to a town.
You should praise the Lord
    for his love
    and for the wonderful things
    he does for all of us…

19You were in serious trouble,
    but you prayed to the Lord,
    and he rescued you.
20 By the power of his own word,
he healed you
    and saved you
    from destruction.

21 You should praise the Lord
    for his love
    and for the wonderful things
    he does for all of us.” Psalm 107:1-8, 19-21 CEV

I would encourage you to take time to read the whole chapter of Psalm 107. Then “Praise the Lord for his love and for the wonderful things he does for all of us”.

The Lord is our rescuer, our deliverer. He is our Compass Rose and He will always lead us on the right path!

Learning to Lean

When I got up this morning, those three words were going through my mind. Learning to Lean…

The first thing I thought of were the times I have been on boats. “Getting your sea legs” is what it’s called. My dad took me deep sea fishing when I was a girl – I got seasick. Really seasick. But later that same day I learned to shift my weight with the rolling of the waves and it wasn’t so bad.

I’ve seen those movies and documentaries where the beautiful couple stands posing on the bow of the boat, and they seem to stand effortlessly, but that’s Hollywood and the stabilizing effect of a large cruise type ship.

We all need to learn to lean.

In the forest around us, there are many trees that are leaning. They have grown that way after being shaped by the wind. Sunflowers lean to face the sun, palm trees lean in the direction of water.

We need to learn to lean also.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

“With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.” Proverbs 3:5-6 CEV

We often think we can handle things on our own. However, our own thinking is finite and subject to error and misconception. When we learn to lean on the Lord and trust His direction our steps will be sure and our decisions will be right.

May I encourage you to lean back in the arms of Jesus – He will not fail to hold us steady!

Preparing for the Future

Fall has come. The leaves are turning and the gardens which were planted in the Spring and Summer have been harvested. Now, the soil is being turned over and will lay dormant over the winter. But a good farmer or good gardener is already preparing for the future.

We should be of that same mindset.

This morning while reading in Proverbs I saw the instruction to the farmer who was tending his goats and his sheep.

“ …the harvest is over, 26 you can sell lambs and goats to buy clothes and land. 27 From the milk of the goats, you can make enough cheese  to feed your family and all your servants.” Proverbs 27:25-17 CEV

His diligence during the summer provided for his family later in the season. From there, I began reading in the book of James and the words jumped from the page as I read about our uncontrolled conversations and critical words.

“My dear friends, with our tongues we speak both praises and curses. We praise our Lord and Father, and we curse people who were created to be like God, and this isn’t right…”

We should be preparing for the future by the words we speak. Critical words, harsh words, words spoken in jealousy have no place in the life of a believer. In fact, these very words can and will destroy the crop of God’s blessings in our life.

Whenever people are jealous or selfish, they cause trouble and do all sorts of cruel things. 17 But the wisdom that comes from above leads us to be pure, friendly, gentle, sensible, kind, helpful, genuine, and sincere. 18 When peacemakers plant seeds of peace, they will harvest justice.” James 3:16-18 CEV

The words we sow in our lives can bring life or death. The power rests in our tongues.

“Words can bring death or life! Talk too much, and you will eat everything you say.” Proverbs 18:21 CEV

We should be like a farmer – plow up the field of harmful words and begin sowing seeds of kindness, life, encouragement.

“Again Jesus said: God’s kingdom is like what happens when a farmer scatters seed in a field. 27 The farmer sleeps at night and is up and around during the day. Yet the seeds keep sprouting and growing, and he doesn’t understand how. 28 It is the ground that makes the seeds sprout and grow into plants that produce grain. 29 Then when harvest season comes and the grain is ripe, the farmer cuts it with a sickle.” Mark 4:26-29 CEV

We will eat well when we sow words of life. Start now preparing for the future!

Thank You!

This morning I will deviate slightly from my normal blog teaching because I want to say thank you to the ladies of Desert Christian Fellowship. I so enjoyed being with you yesterday. Your hearts were so tender and receptive. I know you all will be bolder women sharing God’s love.

Pastor Kathy and the Women’s Ministry team welcomed me and my daughters. You were such gracious hostesses. Thank you.

Seeing dear friends of 35+ years was an added bonus. These ladies have enriched my life greatly through the years!

The Praise Music was perfect! Thank you Julie. You led us right to heaven’s presence – how can we not be bolder women when we are reminded that Standing on the Promises we cannot fail!

Honor Christ and let him be the Lord of your life. Always be ready to give an answer when someone asks you about your hope.” I Peter 3:15 CEV

Our purpose was to honor Christ and I know we did; now we are ready to give an answer to all who ask us about the hope we have, the hope we have in Christ.

God bless you ladies! Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to share my heart with you!

Obedience & Boldness

This morning I will be sharing teachings with the ladies of Desert Christian Fellowship in Phoenix. Through the year I have been studying different women in the Bible who were world-changers because of their boldness.

The Lord has taught me that there is a link between boldness and obedience. The women whose stories I will be telling were not particularly gifted or talented but they were obedient to what God asked of them. Once they knew God had called them to a specific task and they were obedient in accepting that calling, they stepped out boldly.

Obedience and Boldness go hand-in-hand.

“Tell me,” Samuel said. “Does the Lord really want sacrifices and offerings? No! He doesn’t want your sacrifices. He wants you to obey him.” I Samuel 15:22 CEV

The Lord is more concerned about our heart’s attitude than our religious actions.

Once you do a word search on “obey” it doesn’t take long to find the names of Bible greats who obeyed God; there was Noah, Abraham, Moses, Aaron, David, Samuel, Gideon, Daniel and let’s not leave out ladies like Esther, Ruth, Miriam, Mary, Sarah, Rahab…These were ordinary people who boldly stepped forward in obedience when the Lord called on them.

“Today I am explaining his laws and teachings. And if you always obey them, you and your descendants will live long and be successful in the land the Lord is giving you.” Deuteronomy 4:40 CEV

Just like little children, we are to obey our heavenly Father and that obedience empowers us for the tasks we face. When we are obedient we can have boldness that He is leading us and providing for us each step of the way.

“Long ago I promised the ancestors of Israel that I would give this land to their descendants. So be strong and brave! Be careful to do everything my servant Moses taught you. Never stop reading The Book of the Law he gave you. Day and night you must think about what it says. If you obey it completely, you and Israel will be able to take this land. I’ve commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:6-9 CEV

Obedience and Boldness walk hand-in-hand. We obey and God gives us the strength and the boldness. We are never alone when we walk obedient to His calling!

“God is working in you to make you willing and able to obey him.” Philippians 2:13 CEV

Unseen Changes

I guess the Holy Spirit was giving me a head’s up yesterday morning when I shared with you about “order up” because our day went nothing as we had planned.

“We make our own plans, but the Lord decides where we will go.” Provers 16:9 CEV

Shortly after I posted my morning blog, Dave and I were sitting in our living area, looking out our big window and having coffee. We saw one of our campers come up to the check in area. He went towards the neighboring camp hosts RV and then walked back to his truck. He was on his phone. I walked out in my robe and slippers to see what he needed. He was talking to a 911 operator.

He told me one of our campers had tripped and fallen and his leg or hip appeared to be broken. I let him finish giving the 911 operator our location. I told him we’d be at the site as soon as we dressed. When I got back to the 5th wheel Dave was dressed. I told him what was going on and he left. I text our managers to tell them what had occurred, dressed, grabbed an extra blanket and headed to the site.

I met Dave coming back. He was going to wait for the ambulance and direct them to the site. He told me who the camper was, it was a man I had been talking with the last few days. I was concerned it was him – we had been sharing the Lord and having good conversations. He was camping alone. I got to the site and covered him with the heavier blanket and then knelt beside him. I told him I needed to leave the medical treatment to the professionals but if it was ok I would pray with him and for him.

We prayed.

The course of his day had been drastically changed and my morning events were altered too. I was where I needed to be. I sat on the ground beside him, holding his hand, talking when him as he grimaced through the pain. He spoke of the goodness of God that he tripped at the campsite because he could have had an accident out on the highway where he would have been alone.

He talked about his belongings, would we gather things up for him, and his wife driving up from Tucson by herself. He asked if I would call her once the ambulance had taken him to the hospital to let her know he was ok and where they would take him. All of this we did!

Friends, we can’t be fearful of situations outside of our comfort zones. We can only do what we know to do – we can bring encouragement and comfort to the heart of those the Lord brings by our paths. Last I heard from his wife, they were waiting for the surgeon’s consult and surgery would have been done last night or today. She thanked us again for being there – she called us a “God-send”. I believe we were.

“With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.” Proverbs 3:5-6 CEV

When we get up each morning, we prayed “Lord, direct my steps today”. When He does we must be obedient to follow.

Order Up!

Have you ever been to one of those coffee shops or diners where the cook in the kitchen sets the food in the window and hollers out “order up”?  We had several places like that in Idaho and Montana. They were some of our favorite places to go!

But I want to talk with you this morning about a different kind of order.

The kind of order I’m going to talk with you about is the absence of confusion, order.  I woke from a dream this morning that was filled with confusion and disorder.  Saturday, I will be speaking at a women’s advance, not a retreat mind you, but an advance. In my dream I was trying to get myself and some others to church.

I wasn’t ready but grabbed what I would need to finish getting ready there. We started for the car and I realized I didn’t have the car keys, sent the others on a head and went back for the keys. Got delayed again to answer a question and so it went through out the dream.  I ended up getting to the church just as I was being introduced – I was late, unkept and harried.

The first thing I did when I woke was thank the Father that He is a God of order, not disorder; the Father who brings peace and not confusion.

 God wants everything to be done peacefully and in order.” I Corinthians 14:33 CEV

Take a look at the Earth, it is in an orbit that is structured and methodical. Rotating around the sun, tilted on its axis so that just the right amount of sunlight hits its surface at the correct time. If we were any closer to the sun we would burn, any further away and we would freeze.

Animals live an orderly life. Right now, the animals in the mountains are preparing for hibernation or the cold of winter. Finding more food to eat or to store, coats are growing heavier and colors changing for better camouflage .

“You lazy people can learn by watching an anthill. Ants don’t have leaders,  but they store up food during harvest season.” Proverbs 6: 6-8 CEV

I was just reading about the Israelites and their journey through the wilderness this morning. The Lord ordered the way the camp would be set up. Three tribes each set up on the north, south, east and west of the Tabernacle. They were to protect the holy place of God. They marched out in the same order.

Then the members of the tribe of Levi, the priests, all had particular duties when it came to moving and setting up the tabernacle. Each family group had different responsibilities for the items in the Tabernacle. Some carried the curtains, while others carried the lamp oil and incense. Still others were given the responsibility for the candle stands, the tables and the Ark of God’s covenant.

By no means, am I implying that we can’t be spontaneous or act in an impromptu way. The Bible teaches us to be prepared for the unexpected. Jesus was always being interrupted. He ministered to people and never made them feel as if they were ruining His plans or roadblocking His day.

Nicodemus came to him at night, Zacchaeus waited in a tree. He went to a wedding feast and ended up providing the wine.

“The Lord shows us how we should live,
    and he is pleased when he sees people living that way.
24 If they stumble, they will not fall,
    because the Lord reaches out to steady them.” Psalm 37:23-24 ERV

Start your day asking the Lord to guide your steps, to direct your way. It may surprise you to see how He takes your plans and make them “order up”.

Power’s Out!

Last night we had friends come for a bar-b-q. About 8 pm, the power went off.

No matter, we were outside enjoying the light of the full moon and the outdoor lights, which were 12v. It wasn’t until everyone went home and we went inside that we had to begin using alternate sources of power. The electric heaters didn’t work so we switched on the gas heat. The water heater had been operating on electric and so there was enough hot water to do up the dishes but it did pose a question about our morning showers if the power stayed off.

I always get the coffee ready at night so I can turn it on when I get up. I filled the coffee maker but I also filled the stove-top percolator in case I needed to make coffee the old-fashioned way. My computer battery was fully charged, no problem there and our signal booster is 12v so that would be operational.

About 11 pm, I woke to the electric clock flashing. Power had been restored!

The Bible is filled with stories of God’s power being displayed in the earth. Each story had a specific purpose which demonstrated God’s love and holiness.  But, such displays were isolated and temporary, then the power would go out until the next occasion. Until Jesus!

His was a life of daily demonstration of the love and power of God. Everywhere He went, everything He did, He was God in action. The miracles, the messages, the compassion, the selflessness were demonstrations of God’s power. His life was the power of the Holy Spirit moving in concert with God’s plan and Jesus’ obedience.

“About that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and John baptized him in the Jordan River. 10 As soon as Jesus came out of the water, he saw the sky open and the Holy Spirit coming down to him like a dove. 11 A voice from heaven said, “You are my own dear Son, and I am pleased with you.” Mark 1:9-11 CEV

He had told his disciples in one sermon that they would be light which would shine in the darkness.

 and no one would light a lamp and put it under a clay pot. A lamp is placed on a lampstand, where it can give light to everyone in the house. 16 Make your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:15-16 CEV

After Jesus’ death and resurrection, Jesus commissioned his disciples, us included, to be His witnesses in the earth. As He was getting ready to leave earth, his disciples were concerned about political power. Jesus told them, that’s not for your concern. You need to be filled with spiritual power so you can change the world the way I have.

“While the apostles were still with Jesus, they asked him, “Lord, are you now going to give Israel its own king again?” Jesus said to them, “You don’t need to know the time of those events that only the Father controls. But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.” After Jesus had said this and while they were watching, he was taken up into a cloud.” Acts 1:6-9 CEV

Once the Holy Spirit filled them with power they changed the world with the message of Christ.

Do you ever feel that somehow your power’s been cut? You’re operating on alternative power? The promise of the Holy Spirit infilling our lives and giving us the power of God holds for us today.

There is no clearer promise for us to take to heart that what the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4:13:

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength”.

No need to be concerned about a power shortage when we have a direct line to the Omnipotent Father.

Set the Table

Years ago I was acquainted with a lady named Dorrie. She was in her mid-forties, her children were grown and gone and she had been divorced and had no one to share her day-to-day interests with.

She told me that life had been lonely for her until she decided to set the table and welcome her lifelong Love to have coffee with her each morning and dinner with her each night.

 I pray that you will enjoy the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.” II Corinthians 13:13 CEV

Each morning before she left for work, she would put 4 coffee cups on her kitchen table. She would fill hers and then she would sit and talk about her day, her children, her desires and her fears. She would have sweet conversation with Jesus, the heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. She would ask them for guidance and direction. She didn’t do all the talking, she had her Bible open on the table and would read to get Their insight for her day.

When she came home at night, once again she would set the table for four. She would make her meal and over dinner they would once again discuss her day. Now, to some this may seem strange, even a bit bizarre, but not to Dorrie. She knew that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were as close as her next breath. She experienced a sweet fellowship that many desire but some never know. She made time in each day to spend, on purpose, talking with Those she loved the most.

 Ask me, and I will tell you things that you don’t know and can’t find out.” Jeremiah 33:3 CEV

I remember after my grandpa died that I would go to my grandma’s house for lunch. She lived close to the elementary school and I could walk there and back during my lunchtime. She spent her day talking to the Lord, her closest friend. It wasn’t a “heads bowed, eyes closed” kind of prayer but a walking through the house dusting, vacuuming, washing dishes, kind of prayer. Whatever was on her heart, she talked it out with the Lord.

“Always be joyful 17 and never stop praying. 18 Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do.” I Thessalonians 5:16-18 CEV

Dorrie said she was never lonely anymore because she realized she never was alone. She was always surrounded by the Ones would loved her most.

Maybe today would be a good time to set the table or at least grab the coffee cups and have time with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.