Bird Brained Thinking

I have lived in the desert most of my life. Took a 22 year hiatus in the northwest but the desert is my home. I think some of my favorite animals to watch here on the desert are the birds. Oh I’m far from being a “birder” but I am fascinated by the dove, quail, roadrunner and hummingbird. They give me many hours of enjoyment. Other than the hummingbirds these other species are drab in color. They are basically brown and that’s for their protection, it gives them the ability to hide from their prey.

Do they complain? I’ve never heard them. In fact, what I hear is their sweet song each morning. They wake to the day with a melody that is soothing and joyous. During midday their song is the same and finally as day comes to a close you can hear their song on the evening breeze. They are content!

The term bird-brained has been used in a derogatory manner. MacMillan’s dictionary defines it this way: “Someone who is unintelligent, stupid or silly: fool, lump, clown” but I don’t see it that way at all. I will gladly be bird-brained when it comes to worry and trusting God.

Oh to be them – to be bird brained. Programmed to sing!

“So I tell you, don’t worry about the things you need to live—what you will eat, drink, or wear. Life is more important than food, and the body is more important than what you put on it. 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or save food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. Don’t you know you are worth much more than they are?” Matthew 6:25-26 ERV

We, on the other hand, have a tendency to worry and many of us are very good at it. God doesn’t want us worried or fretful. He wants us trusting Him, relying on Him and being confident in who He is. Have you ever seen a bird complaining because they aren’t as brightly colored as another species or that their song may not be as sweet. No never! They are content in who they are because God made them for a purpose.

God is our provider and creator!

When we were in Iowa for the summer we experienced some terrible winds and rain. The sky would blackened, the winds would blow gale force and we were often notified of tornados in the area. I must admit those storms made me fearful. And then I began to watch the birds. They would continue to go about business as usual – hopping around on the ground, flitting from tree to tree, singing their songs. As long as the birds were singing I knew things were fine. When they stopped, I knew we had a big storm coming and it was time to take shelter. They knew – they were bird brained but they knew.

“Aren’t two sparrows sold for only a penny? But your Father knows when any one of them falls to the ground. 30 Even the hairs on your head are counted. 31 So don’t be afraid! You are worth much more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-30 CEV

What a wonderful example God has given us on trust. We are valuable to God. The birds go out each morning and expect to find bugs and seeds. They have an instinct that protects them in face of danger and they always have a song. God has promised to cover us with His protection as a mother hen does to protect her chicks.

“You can go to God Most High to hide. You can go to God All-Powerful for protection. 2 I say to the Lord, “You are my place of safety, my fortress. My God, I trust in you.” 3 God will save you from hidden dangers and from deadly diseases. 4 You can go to him for protection. He will cover you like a bird spreading its wings over its babies. You can trust him to surround and protect you like a shield.” Psalm 91:1-4 ERV

I hope you are beginning to see that God has promises for every area of our lives. He wants us to trust confidently in His word.

“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” I Peter 5:7 CEV

Join me today in becoming “bird-brained”

A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep like a baby…it may seem strange for me to be talking to you about sleep. I know, I’m the one who rises early and doesn’t seem to require a lot of sleep and maybe it’s because I have learned these verses.

“I can lie down and sleep soundly because you, Lord, will keep me safe.” Psalm 4:8 CEV

I hear so many people talking asking “how’d you sleep last night”. It’s big business – specialized mattresses, memory foam pillows, just the right comforter and if all those fail then there are the sleep aids. We are obsessed with getting a good night’s sleep and rightfully so. Our bodies need rest to reenergize. Our brains need sleep so that we can function with clear headed alertness. Yes, sleep is important and since it is, God has something to say about it.

“It is a waste of time to get up early and stay up late, trying to make a living. The Lord provides for those he loves, even while they are sleeping.” Psalm 127:2 ERV

Many times we lose sleep because we are working so hard that we just don’t have time. Or we get so anxious over what needs to be done to provide for our families that we just have to stay up a few more hours to get this project done. A good work ethic is important. The things we do should be done right and done well. However, we sometimes put more pressure on ourselves than we should. “If I don’t get this done…”

The Lord is the one who provides us with the job/career we have. He is the one who has given us the abilities we possess and ultimately it is the Lord who is our provider. Our jobs may be one avenue of income but God is our source. Lie down at night with a prayer on your lips “Lord, thank you for giving me restful sleep tonight so that I can wake up refreshed in the morning. Ready for another day of honoring you.” You’ll be amazed at how well you sleep.

Roll all the cares and worries of the day over on Him. He has big shoulders and his solutions are better than yours so He can solve the problems that are facing you.

“ Come to Me, all of you who work and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. 29 Follow My teachings and learn from Me. I am gentle and do not have pride. You will have rest for your souls. 30 For My way of carrying a load is easy and My load is not heavy.” Matthew 11:28-30 NLV

The Lord desires to carry those things that weigh us down and cause us to worry and in turn to lose sleep. Jesus certainly faced as many stressful and anxious moments as we do but He was able to sleep in the middle of those storms. We should follow His example and handle our storms the same way.

“ A very bad wind came up on the lake. The waves were coming over the sides and into the boat, and it was almost full of water. 38 Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, “Teacher, don’t you care about us? We are going to drown!”39 Jesus stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. He said, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind stopped, and the lake became calm.40 He said to his followers, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:37-40 ERV

I can hear someone saying “Ya, but that was Jesus. I’m not him and I’ve got big problems.” Ok, so let’s look at a guy with big problems, Peter. He’s about to be tried in court and possibly executed; he fell asleep, peaceful sleep.

“One night, Peter, bound with two chains, was sleeping between two of the soldiers. More soldiers were guarding the door of the jail. Herod was planning to bring Peter out before the people the next day. 7 Suddenly an angel of the Lord was standing there, and the room was filled with light. The angel tapped Peter on the side and woke him up. The angel said, “Hurry, get up!” The chains fell off Peter’s hands.” Acts 12:6-7 ERV

When I was a young child my sleep was plagued with nightmares. All sorts of monstrous and horrible images filled my dreams. I would wake up frightened many nights. On the worst occasions I remember going in and asking my Mom if I could sleep with them. She would comfort me and take me back to bed and then I would be ok.

After I became a mother I would pray over my little ones as I put them to bed. “you will rest without a worry and sleep soundly” I put the Father in charge of their sleep. It made their nights and mine more restful.

“My child, use common sense and sound judgment! Always keep them in mind. 22 They will help you to live a long and beautiful life. 23 You will walk safely and never stumble; 24 you will rest without a worry and sleep soundly.25 So don’t be afraid of sudden disasters or storms that strike those who are evil.” Proverbs 4:21-25 ERV

If you face nights without sleep I encourage you to choose one of the verses above and tell the Lord when you go to bed, “Lord, this is your promise and you don’t lie so I’m depending on what you said for a good night’s sleep”.

You know there are times, few and far between, when my sleep is uneasy or absent and that’s when I go back and remind myself of these verses. Then there are many times, like the other morning, when I get up in the middle of the night to pray. That’s different. But whether it’s sleep or strength I have learned to trust God to provide exactly what I need.

Rest well dear ones. Sleep in peace!

Peace Beyond Comprehension

While looking through my index cards of verses I have come across several there that are promises of peace.


 Be full of joy always because you belong to the Lord. Again I say, be full of joy! Let all people see how gentle you are. The Lord is coming again soon. Do not worry. Learn to pray about everything. Give thanks to God as you ask Him for what you need. The peace of God is much greater than the human mind can understand. This peace will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:4-7 NLV

How well I remember the first time I was truly blanketed with peace. Dave and I had just moved back to Arizona from living in New Mexico for two years. The kids were little, 2 and 4, and I had recently had a miscarriage.

We were back home and I was glad to be here. Getting reacquainted with old friends, Mom and Dad were close but my heart was heavy. We had received a cold and chilly rebuff to moving to this home.

One neighbor, who wanted to live in a Senior’s Only neighborhood, came to the door as we were unpacking boxes and told me that she was circulating a petition to have our lease nullified…really!

Oh Lord, my heart was overwhelmed and I felt no peace. I was really in turmoil and for the next few days I kept busy unpacking boxes, helping the kids get settled in while Dave went off to work. Agriculture work in Az is in full force in the Spring and so he had some pretty long hours.

The anxiousness grew and peace was gone. One night after the kids were in bed, I went out into the backyard and sat on one of the kids swings. It was a clear night and when I looked up the sky was filled with stars. I began to cry.

Don’t you love it! Crying is such a good thing especially for us women. It allows us to release emotion that we really can’t do any other way. With tears running over my cheeks I said “Lord, I want to trust you but my heart is aching and I really don’t know why. I need to be a good mom and wife. I need to be strong and I feel like I’m falling apart.” Transparency with the Lord is best; He’s knows what in our hearts.

And then that verse I had known since I was little came rushing into my thoughts.

My God will use his glorious riches to give you everything you need. He will do this through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 ERV

What I needed was peace! Looking up at the stars I was also looking up to God for his strength. I began to think of all those people I knew from the Bible. God had Abraham look at the stars and it was there he received a promise from God. David, as a young boy, tended sheep at night under these stars and God was there. Jesus would go out at night and pray under these stars and His Father would meet him there.  As long as there had been stars God had been there and He was in control.

You will keep the man in perfect peace whose mind is kept on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever. For the Lord God is a Rock that lasts forever. ” Isaiah 26:3-4 NLV

It was like a blanket fell from the sky. A warm comforting blanket and I was wrapped snuggly within it. The tears were gone, the anxiousness was gone, joy was there. Not a laugh-out-loud kind of joy but a settled peace.

Circumstances hadn’t changed but my outlook had. I knew I could trust God and He would take care of my worries. It was His peace that wrapped around me and I felt His presence. Everything was going to be alright!

As I’m finishing up this morning, this verse just came to mind (another good one for you to write down).

God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” I Peter 5:7 CEV

Was that the last time I worried or was overtaken by anxious thought? Not hardly! But it is a mile stone – it is a place in my life that I mark with calm assurance that God revealed his loving character and met my need.

I hope you don’t mind me sharing these life experiences with you. I feel it’s important that you know that God’s word is trustworthy – He does keep his promises. If He will meet me like this, He will do the same for you!

Moses gave instruction to the people of Israel to remember what they had seen God do and to teach their children and grandchildren so they wouldn’t forget the Lord.

You must be very careful not to forget the things you have seen God do for you. Keep reminding yourselves, and tell your children and grandchildren as well. 10 Do you remember the day you stood in the Lord’s presence at Mount Sinai? The Lord said, “Moses, bring the people of Israel here. I want to speak to them so they will obey me as long as they live, and so they will teach their children to obey me too.” Deuteronomy 4:9-10 CEV

When worry comes, and it will, let peace guard your heart! Keep your mind focused on God who always was, who is and who always will be!

Like a New Baby

This is how I spent most of my afternoon and evening yesterday. What a joy!

And no matter how hard I would try, I would never be able to count the number of those fine, tiny hairs on the top of Kristine’s head. Holding her in my arms, I watched her breathe, listened to her squeek, felt her wiggle and stretch

and was just totally amazed at the miracle of life.

Some days I feel unprepared, insecure and vulnerable just like a new baby and other days I feel like I have things handled and am as strong as Samson. But no matter what the circumstances of the day I have a promise from my heavenly Father.

“When birds are sold, two small birds cost only a penny. But not even one of those little birds can die without your Father knowing it. 30 God even knows how many hairs are on your head. 31 So don’t be afraid. You are worth more than a whole flock of birds.” Matthew 10:29-31 ERV

That promise is to all of us who are His children! Our Father is watching over us, just like I was watching Kristine and He tells us to “fear not” because we are dearly loved.

Welcoming Rains

Yesterday morning I was emailing a friend and telling her about the rains we had the night before. Telling her how the whole area was greening up and everything seemed to be refreshed and welcoming to the rains.

As I was keyboarding the message I looked out my front window and saw a beautiful bird sitting on the top of the gate with a big, fat worm hanging from his beak. What a great image! Starting the day refreshed and full.

How do birds know they like worms? How do some know that they only like seeds? And then there are the little hummingbirds who come by the dozens to drink from my feeders…how do they know?

“So I tell you, don’t worry about the things you need to live—what you will eat, drink, or wear. Life is more important than food, and the body is more important than what you put on it. 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or save food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. Don’t you know you are worth much more than they are? 27 You cannot add any time to your life by worrying about it.

28 “And why do you worry about clothes? Look at the wildflowers in the field. See how they grow. They don’t work or make clothes for themselves. 29 But I tell you that even Solomon, the great and rich king, was not dressed as beautifully as one of these flowers. 30 If God makes what grows in the field so beautiful, what do you think he will do for you? It’s just grass—one day it’s alive, and the next day someone throws it into a fire. But God cares enough to make it beautiful. Surely he will do much more for you. Your faith is so small!

31 “Don’t worry and say, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ 32 That’s what those people who don’t know God are always thinking about. Don’t worry, because your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things. 33 What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need.” Matthew 6:25-33 ERV

The sun isn’t even up yet but the birds are singing. They are anticipating the goodness of the day! Shouldn’t we start our day the same – with a song?

Thank you Father for providing ALL I need. I want Your plan to be my plan today. I trust You!


I overslept this morning. For some, my statement makes them chuckle because they know me as one of their early rising friends. But really I slept until 5:15 – not a common occurence. I so enjoy my morning quiet with the Lord, watching the sun come up, hearing the birds start their morning songs and having my coffee and time with all of you.

So since I overslept it seems only appropriate that I share what God’s word has to say about rest and sleep.

The practicality of the God of Word is ingenious! Large or small there is no problem that it doesn’t address.

“There are some who ask, “Who will be good to us?”
Let your kindness, LORD, shine brightly on us.
7 You brought me more happiness than a rich harvest
of grain and grapes.
8 I can lie down and sleep soundly
because you, LORD, will keep me safe.” Psalm 4:6-8 ERV

In the King James, verse 8 says that “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.” …lay down in peace and dwell in safety – that will give you a good night’s sleep.

This goes along with a verse in Isaiah that tells us how to live in peace – stress free, free of anxiety and fear.

“The LORD gives perfect peace to those whose faith is firm.
4 So always trust the LORD because he is forever
our mighty rock.” Isaiah 26:3-4 CEV

When we keep God and His Word as the center of our focus we will be in perfect peace and we will rest and sleep in safety.

Here’s to a day of peace and rest!