Love in Action = Grace

Dave and I sat out by the fire last night talking of the friends and acquaintances we have made over the last 50 years. Some of these people are on my Christmas card list and we still keep in touch. It’s amazing how our lives have been blessed by so many.

It wasn’t long until we found ourselves talking of one friend who has been going through a very rough time. He has run headlong into some tough circumstances, some of his own making, and he’s angry, and unyielding. I’m not sure if he’s angry with God or just mad at the world, maybe a little of both. We are praying for him to have a true encounter with the grace of God.

You see, grace is really God’s love in action.

Grace is God’s kindness and blessings showered on our lives when we deserve judgement and condemnation. As a young girl I was taught this acrostic – Grace is God’s Righteousness At Christ’s Expense.

“Christ Jesus our Lord treated me with undeserved grace and has greatly blessed my life with faith and love just like his own.” I Timothy 1:14 CEV

When we don’t realize that we are recipients of God’s grace we demand perfection from ourselves to earn God’s love and in turn, we struggle with being gracious to others. Both scenarios leave us angry and unkind.

“I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God. You are not saved by the things you have done, so there is nothing to boast about.” Ephesians 2:8-9 ERV

Grace is not a one-time thing; it’s a virtue that grows in our lives as we learn more about Christ and His character.

“Let the gift of undeserved grace and the understanding that come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help you keep on growing. Praise Jesus now and forever! Amen.” II Peter 3:18 CEV

Grace was love in action when Jesus said to the criminal on the cross “Today you’ll be with me in Paradise”. Grace was love in action when Jesus lifted Peter from the sea when he began to sink. Grace was love in action when Christ cried out from the cross “Father, forgive them”.

“Honor and thanks be to the Lord, Who carries our heavy loads day by day. He is the God Who saves us. 20 Our God is a God Who sets us free. The way out of death belongs to God the Lord.” Psalm 68:19 NLV

“My soul, praise the Lord and never forget how kind he is!He forgives all our sins and heals all our sicknesses. He saves us from the grave, and he gives us love and compassion. He gives us plenty of good things.” Psalm 103:2-5 ERV

Why am I writing this to all of you this morning? The friend I’m talking about will probably never read this blog, but you may have someone in your life that is a lot like him. Someone who needs you to be gracious; someone who needs you to be loving and forgiving.

Someone you know, perhaps it’s you, needs to receive grace which is love in action!

Questioning God’s Love

People today often question how a loving God could allow bad things to happen so I would like to answer a bit of that.

“A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life—life that is full and good.” John 10:10 ERV

There is a real enemy on this earth, the devil, and he causes and manipulates people and circumstances for evil. God has given us power over all the works of the enemy. And when we get to heaven all will be perfect. No devil, no evil.

I have heard this question asked on several occasions, I’m sure you have too. “How can a loving God send good people to hell?” The answer in their minds appears to be hard and calloused and anything but loving. Jesus addresses that in His teaching.

 “You can enter true life only through the narrow gate. The gate to hell is very wide, and there is plenty of room on the road that leads there. Many people go that way. 14 But the gate that opens the way to true life is narrow. And the road that leads there is hard to follow. Only a few people find it.” Matthew 7:13-14 ERV

No one has ever gone to hell for the bad things they have done but everyone will go to hell for the one thing they haven’t done.

“And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Acts 16:31

We have to remember that God has the ability to look at the heart while we only look at the outward appearance. It’s only God who can know if someone has accepted or rejected the sacrifice that His Son made for the forgiveness of sin. Good people can’t work their way to heaven, they must have a Savior. On the other hand, bad people can’t be so bad to have God turn them away.

Remember the criminal on the cross. He had a death-bed conversion.

“Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you begin ruling as king!’ 43 Then Jesus said to him, ‘I promise you, today you will be with me in paradise.’” Luke 23:42-32 ERV

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” II Peter 3:9 KJV

“This is what the Scripture says: ‘God’s teaching is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart.’ It is the teaching of faith that we tell people. 9 If you openly say, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from death, you will be saved. 10 Yes, we believe in Jesus deep in our hearts, and so we are made right with God. And we openly say that we believe in him, and so we are saved. 11 Yes, the Scriptures say, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disappointed.” Romans 10:8-11 CEV

With salvation our whole life is changed. We become new creatures in Christ, we get a heart transplant removing a heart of stone and giving us a heart of flesh and we get our minds washed as they are renewed by God’s word and we no longer conform to this world ways but we are transformed in our thinking, a new mind set.

God’s love is unconditional and reaches to all. Do I question God’s love? No, it’s perfect!

If, Ands or But

Sometimes I get up and know that the Lord is speaking right to me. This is one of those mornings and I’m going to let you come along and listen in. This is a point He has driven home to me many, many times and He knew I needed to hear it once again.

BUT GOD…who is rich in mercy and love – anytime things seemed stacked against me, I remember this, BUT GOD! How can I not come out a winner when I know that no matter what happens there’s a BUT GOD in the plan.

“But God is rich in mercy, and he loved us very much. 5 We were spiritually dead because of all we had done against him. But he gave us new life together with Christ. (You have been saved by God’s grace.) 6 Yes, it is because we are a part of Christ Jesus that God raised us from death and seated us together with him in the heavenly places. 7 God did this so that his kindness to us who belong to Christ Jesus would clearly show for all time to come the amazing richness of his grace. 8 I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God.” Ephesians 2:4-8 ERV

There isn’t a problem too big or a reward so great that they aren’t solved or enriched with BUT GOD. The enemy of every Christian is satan and he sends many challenges and problems to discourage and destroy. BUT GOD… Then there are also rewards and opportunities that look too good to pass up BUT GOD will show me if they are traps to get me off course or if they are really opportunities He is sending to bless me.

The old saying; No if’s, and’s or but’s about it, was used to drive home a point that something was solid or unchangeable; BUT GOD. God is the miracle worker and nothing is impossible with Him.

“All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. 24 But God treats us much better than we deserve, and because of Christ Jesus, he freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins.” Romans 3:23-24 CEV

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was barren, with no form of life; it was under a roaring ocean covered with darkness. But the Spirit of God was moving over the water.” Genesis 1:1-2 CEV

From the very beginning God has been here creating, establishing, forming and planning an abundant life for me. He will establish each day and set me on the right path because He is rich in mercy and love.

As I go about my day, when things come up, I will remember BUT GOD and know that He is for me so anyone or anything that is against me has to face no one else BUT GOD!

Because of Love

These past weeks we have been looking at the God’s love and the way He expresses it towards us. Now let’s look at how we express our love to the Father.

 We love because God loved us first. 20 But if we say we love God and don’t love each other, we are liars. We cannot see God. So how can we love God, if we don’t love the people we can see?” I John 4:18-20 CEV

A big part of our loving God is how we love others. His love for us is unconditional; Paul tells us that God’s love thinks the best of others and doesn’t store up wrongdoings. In other words, love forgives and forgets. It doesn’t keep score; real love wipes the slate clean.

I’d like to share two different portions of Scripture I was reading this morning. They really spoke to me and gave me a mandate of how I’m to live, reflecting the love of God. Maybe they will do the same for you.

“Love should always make us tell the truth. Then we will grow in every way and be more like Christ, the head 16  of the body. Christ holds it together and makes all of its parts work perfectly, as it grows and becomes strong because of love.” Ephesians 4:15-16 CEV

Paul, who wrote these verses and the ones we will read next, had a divine insight to love. When he had his conversion experience, he was leading a murderous campaign against Christians. He carried arrest warrants on his person, looking for those who professed Christ and were claiming that Christ was the Messiah. He was on the road to Damascus to arrest many more when Christ appeared to him. He went from hating and persecuting the believers to loving them and teaching them how to be more Christ-like.

“Let love be your only debt! If you love others, you have done all that the Law demands.  In the Law there are many commands, such as, ‘Be faithful in marriage. Do not murder. Do not steal. Do not want what belongs to others.’ But all of these are summed up in the command that says, ‘Love others as much as you love yourself.’ 10 No one who loves others will harm them. So love is all that the Law demands.” Romans 13:8-10 CEV

Jesus was the one who taught that the greatest commandment of the Scriptures was to love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength and then that we should love others as we love ourselves.

To love the way God wants us to love we first have to receive the love He has for us, experience it for ourselves and then we can be a conduit of love that will flow to others.

“But I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you. 35 If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35 CEV

Each of us will have opportunities to be loving today. Remember, we are up for the task because of His love for us!

Love Much

The Bible is all about people and God’s relationship with them. I am intrigued and amazed as I read, and not only read, but study God’s interaction with us of the human race. I hope you allow yourself to see the Bible when you read it.

It’s in “seeing” the relationships that Jesus cultivated that we see the heart of God. This morning, I want you to see Mary. The other day I asked you to identify with the characters in the story of the man who was crippled and today I would like you to see yourself in this story as well.

Mary was a woman with an unscrupulous past. She was a prostitute. Shocking yes; unlovable no. Jesus has been invited to dinner at Simon’s house. He was a religious leader and a citizen of good standing. There were other guests, but it is these three that are important. (Luke 7:36-50)

Jesus and Simon were in the house getting ready to eat when Mary arrives. Who let her in? Had she been summoned for one of the guests? If not, why did the servants let her enter? Why did no one stop her?

She did something strange. She went and stood behind Jesus. Standing behind someone was a place of deference. A place of submission. The custom of the day was to recline at a meal. Mary was standing near Jesus’ feet.

“Then she came and stood behind Jesus. She cried and started washing his feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. The woman kissed his feet and poured the perfume on them.” Luke 7:38 CEV

This action brought ridicule from Simon. He didn’t speak it out loud, but he thought it in his heart – ridicule of both Jesus and Mary. Jesus knew his heart and asked a question about forgiveness.

Two men were in debt, Jesus said. One owed 50 silver coins and one owed 500. Both were forgiven their debt by the moneylender.

“Since neither of them could pay him back, the moneylender said that they didn’t have to pay him anything. Which one of them will like him more?” 43 Simon answered, ‘I suppose it would be the one who had owed more and didn’t have to pay it back.’” Luke 7:42-43 CEV

You’re right, Jesus said.

Simon hadn’t even shown Jesus the common courtesy of washing his feet or given Him a welcoming kiss. Mary not only washed His feet with her tears but kissed them and wiped them with her hair. Then she poured an expensive perfume on His feet. While Simon did nothing.

“‘So I tell you that all her sins are forgiven, and that is why she has shown great love. But anyone who has been forgiven for only a little will show only a little love.’ 48 Then Jesus said to the woman, ‘Your sins are forgiven.'” Luke 7:47-48 CEV

This is a story of God’s love in action. Both Mary and Simon had debts of sin that needed to be paid. Jesus was there to forgive them both. One harbored resentment in his heart and one was humbled by God’s compassion.

“But Jesus told the woman, ‘Because of your faith, you are now saved. May God give you peace!’” Luke 7:50 CEV

I’ve been like both of our main characters – resentful and critical and humbled and contrite. God’s love and forgiveness was the same toward me in both situations. It doesn’t change. What changed was the peace I felt when I humbly received His forgiveness and His love.

I love much because of His love for me.

Good Morning Sun

This morning Facebook reminded me of where I was three years ago and what a wonderful memory it is.

Martin Luther King weekend was a time to go camping with our oldest daughter and that year we took along two of our youngest grandchildren. There’s a great campground not far from us and it provides hiking, rock climbing and relaxation. Just what we need and enjoy.

The first morning we were there our granddaughter woke as I was having my prayer time and writing my morning blog. I could see through a crack in the blinds that the sun was rising – my favorite time of day – and I wanted her to experience it with me. So, I wrapped her in a blanket, and we quietly left the trailer and went outside to watch the sunrise.

We stood and we watched. We waited and we watched. The sky was a beautiful gold and when the sun appeared in the saddle of the mountains I said to her say, “Good morning sun – that’s how we greet the day”. She loved it and started repeating “It’s a good morning sun, a good morning sun”. I told her in language a 3-year-old could understand that each morning God blesses us with the sunrise and a beautiful new day.

Fast forward to our trip to California over Christmas, same granddaughter said to me early one morning, “Besta let’s go out and see the good morning sun”. My heart melted!

That’s how our heavenly Father wants us to be. Greeting the day with excitement and anticipation. Welcoming His presence, waiting to see His glory and feel His warmth.

Good morning Son!

“Your glorious power will be seen on the day you begin to rule. You will wear the sacred robes and shine like the morning sun in all of your strength.” Psalm 110:3 CEV

“praise the Lord for answering my prayers and saving me. 22 The stone that the builders tossed aside has now become the most important stone. 23 The Lord has done this, and it is amazing to us. 24 This day belongs to the Lord! Let’s celebrate and be glad today.” Psalm 118:21-24 CEV

“Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust you. I come to you in prayer, asking for your guidance.” Psalm 143:8 CEV

There’s a praise chorus that I love to sing. The first line goes like this – “In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise give me Jesus. Give me Jesus, give me Jesus. You may have all this world, give me Jesus.”.

I hope you join Kristine and I as we rise and say “Good morning Son – thank you for your love”.

Loss, Love & Triumph

Have you ever lost contact with someone you love? Maybe one of you moved and circumstances changed; maybe it was more permanent than that and death is the cause of separation. If that’s the case, then maybe you can understand the story of Joshua.

Joshua lived in Egypt and he was one of the many that Moses delivered from pharaoh’s control. He and Caleb were two of the twelve spies that saw how luscious and productive the land of Israel was; he gave a good report that the others chose to ignore. He became Moses’ assistant and served God with his whole heart. Now Moses had died and the responsibility for taking the Israelites into this new land was his.

“…The Lord said: My servant Moses is dead. Now you must lead Israel across the Jordan River into the land I’m giving to all of you.  Wherever you go, I’ll give you that land, as I promised Moses… Joshua, I will always be with you and help you as I helped Moses, and no one will ever be able to defeat you.

6-8  Long ago I promised the ancestors of Israel that I would give this land to their descendants. So be strong and brave! Be careful to do everything my servant Moses taught you. Never stop reading The Book of the Law he gave you. Day and night you must think about what it says. If you obey it completely, you and Israel will be able to take this land. I’ve commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:1-9 CEV

For forty years Joshua had seen God’s mighty miracles; for the same time, he had seen the stubbornness of the people. He had stood by Moses, learned from him and now he was on his own to lead. I imagine his sense of loss was almost too much to bear.

But God!

God knew Joshua was in need of encouragement. God knew His plans for Joshua’s future and He knows His plans for us.

“I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering.” Jeremiah 29:11 CEV

In a few, power-packed verses, God establishes Joshua’s leadership and declares his victory.

  • I will always be with you
  • I will help you
  • No one will defeat you
  • Be strong. Be Brave
  • Obey My Word
  • Be strong. Be Brave
  • Don’t be discouraged or afraid
  • I will be there to help you

Notice the Lord repeated Himself. He was making a point to Joshua and to us.

 I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume.” II Corinthians 2:14 CEV

Can you hear God saying to you “be strong, be brave – God, in Christ always leads us to victory”? Sure, there are battles but we will be victorious.

God promised to always be with Joshua and He has made the same promise to us.

 In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us. 38 I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—” Romans 8:37-38a CEV

Maybe you’ve experienced the loss of someone you loved and depended upon, just like Joshua. Your heavenly Father is there – in your loss to encourage you with His love and lead you to victory!

Growing Up with A Song

I’ve been asked, on a number of occasions, how I come up with something new to share each day. The answer – I listen.

Each morning when I wake up, sometimes the night before when I go to bed, I find myself in prayer. I journal my thoughts and praise to the Lord and then I sit quietly in His presence. Listening.

This morning as I journaled these are the words I wrote.

“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

I sang those words every Sunday morning in a little country church much like the one I used as this morning’s image. I would sing at the top of my voice, at the young age of three the words didn’t have the meaning they do now but that didn’t stop the song.

“Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the spiritual blessings that Christ has brought us from heaven!” Ephesians 1:3 CEV

This morning the song comes from the heart, not just the head of a small child. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow”…infinite blessings. Small daily reminders such as the song of the bird outside my window, the hug and smile of a friend, the kiss of my husband, the evening’s sunset, the warmth of my home.

“Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father who created all the lights in the heavens. He is always the same and never makes dark shadows by changing.” James 1:17 CEV

The larger blessings, the good and perfect gifts: the love of family, good health, food on the table, our needs being met, giving to others, the joy and peace that fills our hearts. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!

“Offer praise to God our Savior because of our Lord Jesus Christ! Only God can keep you from falling and make you pure and joyful in his glorious presence. Before time began and now and forever, God is worthy of glory, honor, power, and authority. Amen.” Jude 24 & 25 CEV

“Tell every nation on earth, ‘The Lord is wonderful and does marvelous things! The Lord is great and deserves our greatest praise. He is the only God worthy of our worship.” Psalm 96:3-4 CEV

Your list of small and large blessings may be different from mine but we all have a reason to sing and give praise.

The biggest reason of all is this:

“God showed his love for us when he sent his only Son into the world to give us life. 10 Real love isn’t our love for God, but his love for us. God sent his Son to be the sacrifice by which our sins are forgiven.” I John 4:9-10 CEV

Praise God from whom all blessings flow…

Confident Love

There’s a confidence that comes when we know we are loved. We can open up and share our heart’s desires and our fears, knowing we are in a safe place, a place of free from ridicule and ambivalence.

That’s what God, our Father, wants for each of us.

Old time religion seemed to be more based in fear than in love. Christianity isn’t about religion, it’s relationship! Once I began to see how much God loved me and how He desired a relationship with me, more that I was desiring one with Him, I became God-fident!

I am confident in the One who loves me. Confident that His correction is based on love and not malice. Confident that He will never leave me. Confident that He wants me coming to Him whenever I feel weak and uncertain. God-fident in His unconditional love.

“You can be sure that the Lord will protect you from harm.” Proverbs 3:26 ERV

David, the shepherd boy, was confident in God’s love and protection.

 Everybody here will see that the Lord doesn’t need swords or spears to save his people. The Lord always wins his battles, and he will help us defeat you.” I Samuel 17:47 ERV

 I want them to be strengthened and joined together with love and to have the full confidence that comes from understanding. I want them to know completely the secret truth that God has made known. That truth is Christ himself. In him all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are kept safe.” Colossians 2:2-3 ERV

 So what should we say about this? If God is for us, no one can stand against us. And God is with us. 32 He even let his own Son suffer for us. God gave his Son for all of us. So now with Jesus, God will surely give us all things.” Romans 8:31-32 ERV

The last two verses were written by Paul and were part of his instructions to the new followers of Christ in Colossae and Rome. The basis of his teachings were to get new believers on a firm foundation in their walk with Christ. He wanted them to be God-fident. His teachings will do the same for us.

My last verses today are some I have held confidently in my heart for over 40 years now. I used to pray, wondering if God was even listening. Did He hear my prayers, would He answer them? Then I read these verses and committed them to memory.

“My purpose in writing is simply this: that you who believe in God’s Son will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life, the reality and not the illusion. And how bold and free we then become in his presence, freely asking according to his will, sure that he’s listening. And if we’re confident that he’s listening, we know that what we’ve asked for is as good as ours.” I John 5:13-15 MSG

There’s a misconception that we can’t know what God’s will is. That would be so unfair of God to leave us in a constant state of unknowing. How can we be confident like that?

But as the Scriptures say, ‘No one has ever seen, no one has ever heard, no one has ever imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.’ 10 But God has shown us these things through the Spirit.” I Corinthians 2:9-10 ERV

We have God’s word. He does not change. When we see a promise of God in the Bible we can have confidence that He will keep His word when we pray. And if we don’t know what we should be praying for we can ask Him to show us and He will. He will lead us with peace, directed by His word.

We will become God-fident, confident in His love!

The Greatest of These

I know you’ve probably heard that often quoted phrase, “The greatest of these is love”. I completely agree. At the beginning of that verse are two other virtues which play an important role as well.

 Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 CEV

Hope works with faith which works with love and the greatest of these is love.

“For now there are faith, hope, and love. But of these three, the greatest is love.” I Corinthians 13:13 CEV

I have the following verses written in the back of one of my Bibles.

 I say this because our hope of being right with God comes through faith. And the Spirit helps us feel sure as we wait for that hope. When someone belongs to Christ Jesus, it is not important if they are circumcised or not. The important thing is faith—the kind of faith that works through love.” Galatians 5:5-6 ERV

God has created us with a spiritual DNA of hope, faith and love.

We all have a hope for something/Someone greater than ourselves to help us through this life. No one is a “self made” man or woman. No matter how hard we try to be completely independent we rely on God.

Let me explain. We depend on our body to function properly; our heart beats and circulates blood throughout our body – life giving blood. Our lungs process the air we breathe and fill that blood with oxygen that is needed for the reproduction of cells. I could go on, but you get the point. We rely on God, knowingly or unknowingly, because He’s the one who causes our body to work in concert with itself.

We hope for a better future. Our hope builds our faith; without faith we cannot please God.

“It’s impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 MSG

Our faith brings us to God. The One who not only created us but also cares for us and loves us.

 God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn its people. He sent him to save them!” John 3:16-17

God’s love devised and implemented a plan for mankind to be reconciled from our sins. His was a plan of love! Not willing for anyone to perish and go to hell, He sent His Son to be our Savior.

We hope for a better life, we put our faith in God and His love never fails us. Our hope, our faith but His love.

The greatest of these is love!