Good Morning Sun

This morning Facebook reminded me of where I was three years ago and what a wonderful memory it is.

Martin Luther King weekend was a time to go camping with our oldest daughter and that year we took along two of our youngest grandchildren. There’s a great campground not far from us and it provides hiking, rock climbing and relaxation. Just what we need and enjoy.

The first morning we were there our granddaughter woke as I was having my prayer time and writing my morning blog. I could see through a crack in the blinds that the sun was rising – my favorite time of day – and I wanted her to experience it with me. So, I wrapped her in a blanket, and we quietly left the trailer and went outside to watch the sunrise.

We stood and we watched. We waited and we watched. The sky was a beautiful gold and when the sun appeared in the saddle of the mountains I said to her say, “Good morning sun – that’s how we greet the day”. She loved it and started repeating “It’s a good morning sun, a good morning sun”. I told her in language a 3-year-old could understand that each morning God blesses us with the sunrise and a beautiful new day.

Fast forward to our trip to California over Christmas, same granddaughter said to me early one morning, “Besta let’s go out and see the good morning sun”. My heart melted!

That’s how our heavenly Father wants us to be. Greeting the day with excitement and anticipation. Welcoming His presence, waiting to see His glory and feel His warmth.

Good morning Son!

“Your glorious power will be seen on the day you begin to rule. You will wear the sacred robes and shine like the morning sun in all of your strength.” Psalm 110:3 CEV

“praise the Lord for answering my prayers and saving me. 22 The stone that the builders tossed aside has now become the most important stone. 23 The Lord has done this, and it is amazing to us. 24 This day belongs to the Lord! Let’s celebrate and be glad today.” Psalm 118:21-24 CEV

“Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust you. I come to you in prayer, asking for your guidance.” Psalm 143:8 CEV

There’s a praise chorus that I love to sing. The first line goes like this – “In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise, In the morning when I rise give me Jesus. Give me Jesus, give me Jesus. You may have all this world, give me Jesus.”.

I hope you join Kristine and I as we rise and say “Good morning Son – thank you for your love”.