Making A Difference

I love my mountain home!

The campers have already started arriving. This weekend our campground and the others on the mountain will be filled with those who have fled the heat of the city for the cooler climates in the mountains.

I hated to be the bearer of bad news but there will be no campfires this year. The grasses are so dry – we need rain. But that really didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of each vehicle’s occupants.

Dads looked tired from the drive to the top of the mountain, they expressed their joy for being here and their anticipations for a relaxing next three days.

“This is what I command you: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 The greatest love people can show is to die for their friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I tell you to do.” John 15:12-14 ERV

What an example Jesus gave us!

We can and should give our lives daily. Going the extra mile, denying our own comforts to serve others. In this way, we are examples of Christ.

“I don’t care about my own life. The most important thing is that I finish my work. I want to finish the work that the Lord Jesus gave me to do—to tell people the Good News about God’s grace.” Acts 20:24 ERV

“This is a true statement. And I want you to be sure that the people understand these things. Then those who believe in God will be careful to use their lives for doing good. These things are good and will help everyone.” Titus 3:8 ERV

There will be a time, maybe years from now, when someone will remember the kindnesses we have shown, the going beyond the norm, and they will express thanks for the little sacrifices. And maybe, just maybe, they will realize those acts were expressions of God’s love.

A Gift for All

I imagine that quite a few of you are getting ready for a family gathering this Easter Sunday.

When I was a child our family gatherings were limited; we lived in Arizona and all our relatives lived in Iowa. So, our get togethers centered around our friends from church. Mom would make a big potato salad, cook a ham, make fresh rolls, deviled eggs and pies, lots of pies.

After church everyone would come to our house. We had a ping pong table set up in the carport that Mom would cover it with a sheet. The food would be brought out and organized. Plates and silverware at one end, pies and desserts at the other. The house was filled with love and laughter.

We were celebrating the resurrection – God’s gift to us all!

“In the past we were foolish too. We did not obey, we were wrong, and we were slaves to the many things our bodies wanted and enjoyed. We lived doing evil and being jealous. People hated us and we hated each other. But then the kindness and love of God our Savior was made known. He saved us because of his mercy, not because of any good things we did. He saved us through the washing that made us new people. He saved us by making us new through the Holy Spirit. God poured out to us that Holy Spirit fully through Jesus Christ our Savior. We were made right with God by his grace. God saved us so that we could be his children and look forward to receiving life that never ends. This is a true statement.” Titus 3:3-8 ERV

Saved by grace!

I knew that I wasn’t good enough to get to heaven on my own. I needed a Savior and God gave me One. He gave His Son to forgive my sins and make me right with Him. He demonstrated His unconditional love!

The wonderful news of the resurrection is that everyone is included. No one is left outside of God’s forgiveness.

“Jesus is the way our sins are taken away. And he is the way all people can have their sins taken away too.” I John 2:2 ERV

There isn’t a heavenly selection committee that includes or excludes us from God’s love. Christ paid the price for all of us and then freely gave us the gift of life.

“All have sinned and are not good enough to share God’s divine greatness. 24 They are made right with God by his grace. This is a free gift. They are made right with God by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ.” Romans 3:23-24 ERV

A free gift. A gift for all.

My Mom gave pie, made with love. God gives us forgiveness and new life from His loving heart. There is no greater gift than God’s free gift of being made right with Him.

I sincerely pray that everyone reading this has, or will, accept God’s gift to us all.

Good Deeds

After I shared yesterday’s blog on Fall Harvest, I found these words in a little New Testament book, Titus. It gives us a different look on why we should be willing to share our harvest.

“They must always be ready to do something helpful and not say cruel things or argue. They should be gentle and kind to everyone. We used to be stupid, disobedient, and foolish, as well as slaves of all sorts of desires and pleasures. We were evil and jealous. Everyone hated us, and we hated everyone.

God our Savior showed us how good and kind he is. He saved us because of his mercy,
and not because of any good things that we have done. God washed us by the power of the Holy Spirit. He gave us new birth and a fresh beginning. God sent Jesus Christ our Savior
to give us his Spirit. Jesus treated us much better than we deserve. He made us acceptable to God and gave us the hope of eternal life.

This message is certainly true. These teachings are useful and helpful for everyone. I want you to insist that the people follow them, so that all who have faith in God will be sure to do good deeds.But don’t have anything to do with stupid arguments about ancestors. And stay away from disagreements and quarrels about the Law of Moses. Such arguments are useless and senseless.” Titus 3:1b-9 CEV

I’m making these verses part of my daily Bible reading for a while. I know when the Lord impresses me so much with a Scripture it’s something I’m supposed to dwell on.

Dwell, I love that word! Dwell means to live in, encamp there, permanent residence. These verses will be my dwelling place.

This translation says “be ready to do something helpful” and another translation says “be ready to do good deeds”. That same phrase is used in verse eight of this translation – good deeds.

Always ready – why?

Go back and read those verses again, please. Because of God’s kindness and mercy we have been saved, given a fresh beginning, treated better than we deserve! For this reason, because of what the Lord has done for us, we should show the same kindness and compassion to others.

Be thankful for what the Lord has done for you and “be ready” to do good deeds!

Made New by Love

Yesterday morning I was out for a walk and there it was, crossing the dirt road in front of me. It was a wooly worm, as we used to called them when I was little, better known to all as a fuzzy caterpillar. He was enjoying the warm sunshine just like I was.

I’m not an entomologist and I make no claims of knowing how long it takes for the life cycle of a butterfly to go from egg to caterpillar to cocoon and emerge as a butterfly but I do know the process is one of complete transformation and the end result is beautiful.

Am I the only one who has caterpillar days? We get up in the morning and for some reason we just can’t shake that feeling of being small and insignificant. None of our friends really notice us; so we crawl into our shell (our cocoon) to hide. But while we are in there something amazing happens.

God speaks to our heart. He tells us that He has something wonderful and amazing planned for us. He tells us how much He loves us and that He wants to make us new; never again will we be just a caterpillar, crawling around in the dirt. He is transforming us and giving us wings so we can fly. His love is making us new.

“It wasn’t so long ago that we ourselves were stupid and stubborn, dupes of sin, ordered every which way by our glands, going around with a chip on our shoulder, hated and hating back. But when God, our kind and loving Savior God, stepped in, he saved us from all that. It was all his doing; we had nothing to do with it. He gave us a good bath, and we came out of it new people, washed inside and out by the Holy Spirit. Our Savior Jesus poured out new life so generously. God’s gift has restored our relationship with him and given us back our lives. And there’s more life to come—an eternity of life! You can count on this.” Titus 3:3-5 MSG

We emerge from our old life beautiful. Our Father takes our old, wooly, ground-crawling life and His love makes everything new!

Good News!

This morning I found that our youngest daughter had put pictures of our newest granddaughter on Facebook. It was such a striking example of the love we parents have for our children. From the moment they are conceived they change our lives. SO MUCH JOY! She’s perfect!

It’s also an example of what happens in heaven when one person is “born again”!

New birth in Christ – old things are passed away and all things become new! A new member of the family – everyone’s excited. Cameras, spiritually, are capturing the moment and the announcement goes out – a new child has joined the family. Party time of a heavenly degree!

“Jesus said, “In the same way God’s angels are happy when even one person turns to him.” Luke 15:10 CEV

The story that Jesus told right before this was of a woman who had lost a coin and she searched and swept every corner of her house until she found it. She lost something valuable and she was determined to find it. She wasn’t willing to just let things alone or wait for it to turn up someday. She sought it out with a unfailing determination. Everything else had to be put on hold until she was successful in her search.

That’s the way it is with God the Father. He is on a relentless search, looking for all who will accept Him. He isn’t willing that “any should perish but that all should come to repentance”. For God so loved the world that He gave Jesus to die so that “whosoever”, anyone and everyone, should not perish. He made this great sacrifice when we were at our worst, “God demonstrated His love for us while we were yet sinners Christ died for us”.

Oh the wonderful experience of the new birth – it wasn’t without pain or suffering, Jesus died a painful death; but for us, the new child, it means life eternal with a Father who gives freely His unconditional love and forgiveness. No wonder the angels are rejoicing!!

“But God, the One Who saves, showed how kind He was and how He loved us by saving us from the punishment of sin. It was not because we worked to be right with God. It was because of His loving-kindness that He washed our sins away. At the same time He gave us new life when the Holy Spirit came into our lives. God gave the Holy Spirit to fill our lives through Jesus Christ, the One Who saves. Because of this, we are made right with God by His loving-favor. Now we can have life that lasts forever as He has promised.” Titus 3:4-7 NLV

Take time today to think of where you were when you accepted Christ and His free gift of new life! The Father took your picture and has kept it on His mantle; He’s added others to it as you’ve grown and experienced wonderful achievements in this new life. He’s pointing to you and saying “yes, that’s my son, my daughter – I love them!”

Let It Snow

Do you remember the first time you saw snow? I do.


It was Thanksgiving 1959, I was 6 years old and we were celebrating Thanksgiving dinner at our friends home in Espanola, New Mexico. The prayer had just been said and we were ready to eat when one of the older boys looked out the window and saw that it was snowing.

There was a mass exodus of children from the table. We rushed outside to play in the snow. It was magical. It was marvelous. It was absolutely amazing! There’s something about seeing the ground completely covered; no footprints, no tracks, just the glistening white. It makes everything look fresh and new. I guess this is where the saying, “fresh as the new fallen snow” comes from.

You know that’s how God sees us when we accept Christ. Fresh, new and no tracks to mar our lives.

Come now, let us think about this together,” says the Lord. “Even though your sins are bright red, they will be as white as snow. Even though they are dark red, they will be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18 NLV

See, You want truth deep within the heart. And You will make me know wisdom in the hidden part. Take away my sin, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Make me hear joy and happiness. Let the bones that You have broken be full of joy. ” Psalm 51:6-8 NLV

Whiter than snow!

We lived in Montana for ten years. The sun shine would reflect off the snow with a brilliance that was almost blinding. The white on the ground was luminous.  It was on one of those beautiful days that I took the picture above. I remember walking out the lane, camera in hand, wanting to capture the beauty. Dave was gone and I was feeling a bit lonely. That’s when I saw this barbed wire shaped heart on the fence line. The ice crystals sparkled like diamonds. I felt the warmth of the sun on my face but it paled in comparison to the overwhelming sense of God’s love that wrapped around me at that moment.

Our heavenly Father sees us as I saw the snow that day. We are cleansed from our sins and all that scarred our lives has been completely covered by what Jesus did for us.  Our Father sees us pure and free from sin.

He gave himself for us. He died to free us from all evil. He died to make us pure—people who belong only to him and who always want to do good.” Titus 2:14 ERV

I think I will make this picture my screen saver. It reminds me of God’s amazing love. For that, I am eternally grateful.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!