Good News!

This morning I found that our youngest daughter had put pictures of our newest granddaughter on Facebook. It was such a striking example of the love we parents have for our children. From the moment they are conceived they change our lives. SO MUCH JOY! She’s perfect!

It’s also an example of what happens in heaven when one person is “born again”!

New birth in Christ – old things are passed away and all things become new! A new member of the family – everyone’s excited. Cameras, spiritually, are capturing the moment and the announcement goes out – a new child has joined the family. Party time of a heavenly degree!

“Jesus said, “In the same way God’s angels are happy when even one person turns to him.” Luke 15:10 CEV

The story that Jesus told right before this was of a woman who had lost a coin and she searched and swept every corner of her house until she found it. She lost something valuable and she was determined to find it. She wasn’t willing to just let things alone or wait for it to turn up someday. She sought it out with a unfailing determination. Everything else had to be put on hold until she was successful in her search.

That’s the way it is with God the Father. He is on a relentless search, looking for all who will accept Him. He isn’t willing that “any should perish but that all should come to repentance”. For God so loved the world that He gave Jesus to die so that “whosoever”, anyone and everyone, should not perish. He made this great sacrifice when we were at our worst, “God demonstrated His love for us while we were yet sinners Christ died for us”.

Oh the wonderful experience of the new birth – it wasn’t without pain or suffering, Jesus died a painful death; but for us, the new child, it means life eternal with a Father who gives freely His unconditional love and forgiveness. No wonder the angels are rejoicing!!

“But God, the One Who saves, showed how kind He was and how He loved us by saving us from the punishment of sin. It was not because we worked to be right with God. It was because of His loving-kindness that He washed our sins away. At the same time He gave us new life when the Holy Spirit came into our lives. God gave the Holy Spirit to fill our lives through Jesus Christ, the One Who saves. Because of this, we are made right with God by His loving-favor. Now we can have life that lasts forever as He has promised.” Titus 3:4-7 NLV

Take time today to think of where you were when you accepted Christ and His free gift of new life! The Father took your picture and has kept it on His mantle; He’s added others to it as you’ve grown and experienced wonderful achievements in this new life. He’s pointing to you and saying “yes, that’s my son, my daughter – I love them!”