A Box of Promises

Were you able to encourage someone yesterday? I had a pretty tough afternoon and I am so thankful for dear friends and family who were there to encourage me. It meant so much.

As I sat here this morning I found myself thinking about my Grama Mac’s kitchen table. When I was a little girl and we would go to visit her and Grampa we never left the breakfast table without one of them taking a card from the Promise Box, reading it aloud and then taking time to pray. Do you remember those little “Promise Boxes”? I didn’t realize it then but she was planting God’s word in my heart.

We found out yesterday that success, true success, in life comes one way!

“Joshua, you must be strong and brave! You must lead these people so that they can take their land. I promised their fathers that I would give them this land. 7 But you must be strong and brave about obeying the commands my servant Moses gave you. If you follow his teachings exactly, you will be successful in everything you do. 8 Always remember what is written in that book of law. Speak about that book and study it day and night. Then you can be sure to obey what is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything you do. 9 Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:6-9 ERV

Meditate on the Word of God and obey it! It’s a simple instruction. God’s message is consistent. See what he spoke through Moses:

“Always remember these commands that I give you today. 7 Be sure to teach them to your children. Talk about these commands when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road. Talk about them when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them on your hands and wear them on your foreheads to help you remember my teachings. 9 Write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:6-9 ERV

Maybe we should make our own box of promises. Take one promise from God’s word and write it down. Keep it in our pocket read it over throughout the day. Let it bring life to our situation. Moses preached it, so did Joshua, King David, Isaiah, and Jesus did too. After Jesus ascended back into heaven Peter made teaching God’s Word his daily ministry.

“The apostles did not stop teaching the people. They continued to tell the Good News—that Jesus is the Messiah. They did this every day in the Temple area and in people’s homes.” Acts 5:42 ERV

Every day. Day in and day out. Just like breathing, eating and drinking. Every day the Word gives life and causes us to succeed.

Be Encouraged!

Have you ever had an Eeyore kind of day? You know what I’m talking about – nothing seems to be going right. You’re up and ready for that first cup of coffee and find you’re out of your favorite creamer or maybe you overslept and don’t even have time for the first cup.

Then there’s the traffic on the way to work and it’s moving at a snail’s pace. The big meeting that was scheduled for 11 has been moved up to 9:30 and you’re not ready…

These are just small things but they can get you down. What about the real crises that present themselves? The “cancer” diagnosis that you just received, the loss of your job or the loss of a loved one – these make the minor obstacles dim in comparison. What do we do? How do we handle this? Sometimes we just can’t do it on our own; we need someone to help.

Be encouraged!

I’ve been reading about the Israelites journey in the desert. They were a bunch of complainers if ever there were any. They complained about the water, the food, the people, they complained about God. They are the kind who would have complained that their ice cream was cold. Really, they had an issue with ingratitude.

One man, Joshua, had been Moses’ assistant through all of this and the Lord had just chosen him to be Moses successor. Not a job that you would choose for yourself. This is what the Lord told Moses.

“…commission Joshua and encourage and strengthen him, for he will lead the people across the Jordan. He will give them all the land you now see before you as their possession.” Deuteronomy 3:27-28 NLT

The Lord knew what these people were like and the challenges Joshua would face so He wanted Moses to see that he was encouraged for the job ahead. Do you ever feel that a job or challenge is just too big for you? Isn’t it great when someone comes along side and encourages you to keep going? They tell you, you can do this – don’t quit!

Just in case Joshua wasn’t encouraged enough by the words of Moses, God spoke to him personally with this.

“Joshua, you must be strong and brave! You must lead these people so that they can take their land. I promised their fathers that I would give them this land. But you must be strong and brave about obeying the commands my servant Moses gave you. If you follow his teachings exactly, you will be successful in everything you do. Always remember what is written in that book of law. Speak about that book and study it day and night. Then you can be sure to obey what is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything you do. Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:6-9 ERV

Don’t be afraid because the Lord will be with you wherever you go! Take that personally. __________________(fill in the blank with your name) don’t be afraid wherever you go because the Lord is going with you.

It’s great to have the encouragement of a friend but so much greater to have the Lord as your cheerleader and counsellor.

Maybe you don’t need to be encouraged today, maybe things are going great. Praise God! Look around and see if you can find anyone that you can encourage – you may have just the words or the hug they need to make it through the day.

Powerful Agreement

Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to get things done when you have someone agree with you? It just seems to get done faster and more efficiently when there’s agreement of at least a couple of people. Agreement is built on trust.

When I can trust that you will do what you say you will and you can trust me, we have agreement. Each of us are commitment to seeing things through and contributing all we can to the success of the project. Never enter into a contract with someone you don’t trust. Work relationships, friendships, marriages and our relationship with the Lord are all built on trust.

“I promise you that God in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth, but he will not allow anything you don’t allow. 19 I promise that when any two of you on earth agree about something you are praying for, my Father in heaven will do it for you. 20 Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you.” Matthew 18:18-20 CEV

The ability to work in agreement can be world changing. Being in agreement with the Lord and what He says in His word is powerful.

Many times throughout the Old Testament multiple kings would join together to attack and defeat the nation of Israel. They would make an alliance. Power in agreement. However, there was a stronger alliance that had formed.

“The kings and their armies went to Merom Pond, where they set up camp, and got ready to fight Israel. It seemed as though there were more soldiers and horses and chariots than there are grains of sand on a beach. 6 The Lord told Joshua: Don’t let them frighten you! I’ll help you defeat them, and by this time tomorrow they will be dead.” Joshua 11:5-6 CEV

Joshua also had an alliance, his was with the Lord of hosts. Now Joshua wasn’t limited to mere human strength and ability, he was in agreement with God which gave him and his army a supernatural superiority. He trusted God.

“Joshua captured all the towns where the enemy kings had ruled. That’s what the Lord had told his servant Moses to do, that’s what Moses had told Joshua to do, and that’s exactly what Joshua did…23 That’s how Joshua captured the land, just as the Lord had commanded Moses, and Joshua divided it up among the tribes. Finally, there was peace in the land.” Joshua 11:12, 15, 23 CEV

Joshua put himself in agreement with what God had said and because of it he was victorious! He knew God would never lie.

I’m here to tell you God’s word always means what it says. Joshua didn’t stop to see if all the army were in agreement with the way he set the battle plan; he just made sure he was in agreement with God. Many times Jesus went off by himself to pray and after those pray sessions he would work great miracles; he and the Father were in agreement. The early Christians joined themselves in prayer multiple times and saw Peter released from prison, Paul rescued from harm, the sick were healed and lives were changed.

It’s time we realize that the enemy may appear to be greater than the sands on the seashore but when we are in agreement with God and His word, we become an unstoppable force! Miracles will happen, prayers will be answered!

“We can come to God with no doubts. This means that when we ask God for things (and those things agree with what God wants for us), God cares about what we say. 15 He listens to us every time we ask him. So we know that he gives us whatever we ask from him.” I John 5:14-15 ERV

Winning Strategy

Have you ever struggled with something – a new computer program, a project at work, or a relationship? You were sure you knew exactly what to do to make it work but your efforts ended in failure.

Not long before King David died, he told Solomon:

“My son, I will soon die, as everyone must. But I want you to be strong and brave. 3 Do what the Lord your God commands and follow his teachings. Obey everything written in the Law of Moses. Then you will be a success, no matter what you do or where you go.” I Kings 2:1-3 CEV

Our thinking or reasoning isn’t always the best. Take Joshua as an example. He was tasked with conquering the city of Jericho. It was a walled, well fortified city, many people lived there and the city was guarded. I’m sure Joshua was developing a plan of attack when the Lord spoke to him.

“Meanwhile, the people of Jericho had been locking the gates in their town wall because they were afraid of the Israelites. No one could go out or come in. 2-3 The Lord said to Joshua: With my help, you and your army will defeat the king of Jericho and his army, and you will capture the town. Here is how to do it: March slowly around Jericho once a day for six days. 4 Take along the sacred chest and have seven priests walk in front of it, carrying trumpets. But on the seventh day, march slowly around the town seven times while the priests blow their trumpets. 5 Then the priests will blast on their trumpets, and everyone else will shout. The wall will fall down, and your soldiers can go straight in from every side.” Joshua 6:1-5 CEV

Seriously, was he supposed to take a city by marching around and blowing trumpets? It wasn’t the tactic that caused Joshua to be successful. He captured it by being obedient to what the Lord has said!

“The priests blew their trumpets again, and the soldiers shouted as loud as they could. The walls of Jericho fell flat. Then the soldiers rushed up the hill, went straight into the town, and captured it.” Joshua 6:20 CEV

What is our “Jericho”? Is it the challenges we face at work, a rocky relationship with someone who had been a close friend or loved family member, a looming financial crisis or perhaps a health issue?

If we’ve been trying to figure out the correct strategy on our own it’s time to listen to the One who has the perfect solution. When we do, we’ll be victorious!

“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” Romans 8:37 NLT

Choosing Sides

Whose side are you on anyway?

Have you ever asked that question or been asked that question? Choosing sides in an argument can be risky business. Choosing sides in life is a necessity!

There are political affiliations, sports teams, environmental issues, auto preferences, dietary selections and those are just the trivial. Each day our life is filled with decisions, choosing one side over another.

But there isn’t always two sides to every story or situation. Joshua, the leader of Israel, found that out very quickly.

“One day, Joshua was near Jericho when he saw a man standing some distance in front of him. The man was holding a sword, so Joshua walked up to him and asked, “Are you on our side or on our enemies’ side?” 14 “Neither,” he answered. “I am here because I am the commander of the Lord’s army.” Joshua fell to his knees and bowed down to the ground. “I am your servant,” he said. “Tell me what to do.” 15 “Take off your sandals,” the commander answered. “This is a holy place.” So Joshua took off his sandals.” Joshua 5:13-15 CEV

It’s not my side or your side of things that’s important. It’s God side. If we want to be right, we need to be on God’s side and then there is no other side. Joshua immediately recognized what he needed to do, he needed to be on God’s side. He recognized God’s authority and made himself, and as a result the children of Israel, subservient to the Lord.

There are many choices before us. The important thing is to choose the premise or foundation for our lives that we are willing to build everything else on. Then we make the smaller decisions line up with our foundational purpose and we have true direction.

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! 20 You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life. And if you love and obey the Lord, you will live long in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Deuteronomy 30:19-20 NLT

The winning side is always the best and when God is leading there should be no hesitation. Whose side are you on?

Stacking Stones

My morning Bible reading has been in the book of Genesis. The last few days I have been reliving the experiences of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jacob is a very interesting character. He’s a conniver, a schemer – a real con man. And then he has a personal encounter with God; in his sleep he dreamt he saw a ladder leading to heaven.

“The next morning Jacob got up very early. He took the stone he had rested his head against, and he set it upright as a memorial pillar. Then he poured olive oil over it. 19 He named that place Bethel (which means “house of God”), although it was previously called Luz. 20 Then Jacob made this vow: “If God will indeed be with me and protect me on this journey, and if he will provide me with food and clothing, 21 and if I return safely to my father’s home, then the Lord will certainly be my God. 22 And this memorial pillar I have set up will become a place for worshiping God, and I will present to God a tenth of everything he gives me.” Genesis 28:18-22 NLT

Joshua also stacked stones as a memorial for the people of Israel when they crossed in to the Promised Land. Jesus is called the chief cornerstone. Stones were used to mark important occasions in the Bible. They were permanent, they couldn’t be destroyed.

When we moved to our home in Southern Arizona I enjoyed looking at the yards of our neighbors as I would be out on a walk. Most of the yards had stacks of rocks piled at one corner of the property. Some stacks were tall, others were just 3 or 4 large rocks set one upon the other.

One day I asked a neighbor why the rocks? He told me that is was something that had been done in our area for hundreds of years. It was a way of marking a particular area. He wasn’t sure why, but they decided to place a traditional stack of rocks in their yard.

The stones that Jacob stacked had meaning. He even named the place so that all who came that way would know of his meeting with God. Through the years the stones were a testimony of God’s goodness. They spoke of Jacob’s faith in God.

There are things in each of our lives that should be memorialized. Times when the Lord has met us in a special way. We should tell our children and our neighbors of God’s goodness. The first big stone we place can be a reminder of when God showed us His overwhelming love and brought us into relationship with Himself. Then there could be more stones stacked throughout the years; healing, deliverance, baptism of the Holy Spirit, protection, provision, etc.

We have placed a stack of seven large stones in our front yard. It took seven years to sell our home in Montana and move back to Arizona. Those stones commemorate God’s faithfulness to us.

“Then Joshua told the people: Years from now your children will ask you why these rocks are here. 22-23 Tell them, “The Lord our God dried up the Jordan River so we could walk across. He did the same thing here for us that he did for our people at the Red Sea, 24 because he wants everyone on earth to know how powerful he is. And he wants us to worship only him.” Joshua 4:21-24 CEV

I’m sure you have plenty of reasons to make your own stack of stones. Don’t stack stones as a matter of tradition but as a source of testimony.

Shout For Joy

I hope things get really noisy at your house today. I want you to shout for joy – yes, shout!

Does that sound silly to you? I hope not. We shout at sporting events for our favorite team, we rise to our feet in applause at the end of a concert or public performance; we shout when we are calling our kids home for dinner; we shout when we feel someone is in danger. So why not shout for joy?

Little kids do it all the time – they go outside to play and they shout – they giggle, they laugh, they yell with glee! At this time of year, we should be child like and overcome with excitement and joy. There’s so much to be thankful for – if you’ve been following along since the first of the month you have nineteen days of things you’re grateful for. Everyone of them should be worth shouting about.

On my list from yesterday I told the Lord I was grateful for His loving correction in my life. Yes, correction – I had talked to Him about a situation I was experiencing and He lovingly showed me that I needed to adjust my attitude. I was mumbling inside and it was disturbing my joy. I was quick to repent and my whole outlook changed.

I would shout right now but it would wake up the whole house, so…I will go outside in a little while and shout.

Today is a day to shout – Shout to the Lord, with a voice of triumph!!!

Remember in the movies when the battle would be over and those that were on the winning side would shout and toss their hats and other clothing in the air? That’s the picture I see when I read this verse – shout with a voice a triumph – not a voice of defeat or depression!!!!

“All of you nations, clap your hands and shout joyful praises to God. 2 The LORD Most High is fearsome, the ruler of all the earth. 3 God has put every nation under our power,
4 and he chose for us the land that was the pride of Jacob, his favorite. 5 God goes up to his throne, as people shout and trumpets blast. 6 Sing praises to God our King, 7 the ruler of all the earth! Praise God with songs. 8 God rules the nations from his sacred throne. 9 Their leaders come together and are now the people of Abraham’s God. All rulers on earth surrender their weapons, and God is greatly praised!” Psalm 47 CEV

Verse 5 reminds me of the children of Israel when they had marched around Jericho for seven days. For six days they had walked around the city in silence. On the seventh day they were given the command to march around the city in silence again but when the trumpets blew they were to SHOUT and the walls came crumbling down.

“The LORD said to Joshua:
With my help, you and your army will defeat the king of Jericho and his army, and you will capture the town. Here is how to do it: March slowly around Jericho once a day for six days. 4 Take along the sacred chest and have seven priests walk in front of it, carrying trumpets.
But on the seventh day, march slowly around the town seven times while the priests blow their trumpets. 5 Then the priests will blast on their trumpets, and everyone else will shout. The wall will fall down, and your soldiers can go straight in from every side.” Joshua 6:2-3

In obedience, they followed the Lord’s command and victory came! In obedience today, rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice – why? Because you feel like it, probably not; because you can figure out the solution on your own, probably not; then why? Because God said so, He has a victory planned for you!


Learned Behavior

It’s amazing how many things we do as adults that we were taught as children. We no longer do them because we fear that we may get a whippin’ or because “mom” is still standing there telling us everytime but we do them because we know it’s right.

Look both ways before crossing a street
Brush your teeth before going to bed
Don’t run with scissors
Don’t talk with your mouth full
Chew with your mouth closed
Don’t tattle
Wash your hands after you’ve gone to the bathroom
Say, “Yes Ma’am” “Yes, Sir”
Don’t punch your sister
Pick up your clothes
Feed the dog

All of these things are simple and right but we had to be taught them and now that we do them we are better for it.

You know the same is true with Scripture.

“So be strong and brave! Be careful to do everything my servant Moses taught you. Never stop reading The Book of the Law he gave you. Day and night you must think about what it says. If you obey it completely, you and Israel will be able to take this land.

9 I’ve commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:7-9 CEV

Joshua was taking over for Moses, leading over a million Israelites into the Promised Land. Big shoes to fill – he needed wisdom and courage. This was his instruction from the Lord…remember what you were taught, you will be successful!

Today I want to remind you what you were taught. Several times through Scripture the theme of all Scripture was summed up in two instructions, love our God and love our neighbor. Just as our earthly parents taught us to do the right thing our heavenly Father wanted to make sure that we learned what He thought was best.

“36 “Teacher, what is the most important commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. 38 This is the first and most important commandment. 39 The second most important commandment is like this one. And it is, “Love others as much as you love yourself.” 40 All the Law of Moses and the Books of the Prophets are based on these two commandments.” Matthew 23:36-40 CEV

When we love the Lord with all our heart we will naturally or supernaturally love others as well. We learn from His example of love, unconditional love and we give. We give our time, our possessions, our acceptance, we give our very lives if necessary.

Love well today!

The King’s Daughter

When I was a girl I wasn’t a Girl Scout but I was a King’s Daughter. That was the organization we had at church for young girls and there was also a group for the boys.

It was there I learned to memorize Bible verses. It’s been almost 55 years ago that I was in that group but occasionally I test my memory to see what I remember. The first whole chapter that I memorized was Psalm 100.

“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before His presence with singing. Know that it is He who hath made us and not we ourselves. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Be thankful unto Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His mercy endures to all generations.” Psalm 100 KJV

Not quite word for word but almost.

That Psalm reminds me to always be ready to praise the Lord. He has given me life and His goodness, mercy and truth will always endure.

Another verse I learned back then comes to mind quite frequently and still gives me guidance when I’m wondering what to do and how to do it.

“Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee.” Psalm 119:11 KJV

There are many other things that I learned while in King’s Daughters but the one that has stayed with me – the one that has been life changing – is the training I received to love God’s word and to honor His promises.

Right now our daughter is teaching our little grandson how to write. He knows his letters, colors, animals, sounds, numbers, etc. The other day she sent me a picture of his writing lesson for the day. He’s really very good.

It brought back memories of when our kids were little and I was teaching them these things. It’s important to have a good education. As important as these things are, it is even more important that we know the words of our Father. They bring us life.

“Always remember what is written in that book of law. Speak about that book and study it day and night. Then you can be sure to obey what is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything you do. Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9 ERV

Just as children learn from their earthly parents, it’s vital that we remember and know what the Father says. After all, we’re the King’s kids.

Pray for Our Leaders

Years ago I had the sweetest thing happen. I had been teaching a ladies morning Bible Study at our church. We had such a wonderful group of women attending, one was a young newly wed. She had recently given her life to Christ. She was so hungry to learn from God’s word.

That particular morning I had made a comment similar to this. “If you listen you can hear God’s voice anywhere; while you’re cleaning bathrooms, washing dishes or hanging out the laundry.”

She came up to me when the Bible Study was over and said she wanted to tell me what she learned that morning. She said that she had never considered the fact that I had to do housework. She had only imagined me studying – reading my Bible and praying but not doing housework. We both got a good laugh and I asked her if she thought the Lord sent angels to clean for me. We laughed again.

I think there are quite a few people out there who never really think that their pastors or leaders face life’s challenges like normal people. They somehow think that because they are pastors or teachers that life is easier for them.


I was reminded of all this while reading in Acts today. The Lord ministered to Paul with these words.

“During the night, Paul had a vision. The Lord said to him, “Don’t be afraid, and don’t stop talking to people. 10 I am with you, and no one will be able to hurt you. Many of my people are in this city.” 11 Paul stayed there for a year and a half teaching God’s message to the people.” Acts 18:9-11 ERV

Paul was out on the trail, going from city to city, preaching the message of Jesus. It caused no small stir in most of the towns he went too. He was dragged into court, thrown into jail, beaten with whips, and stoned on many different occasions. His calling was not without opposition and challenges. Paul needed the Lord’s encouragement and also the prayers of those he was ministering too.

Don’t be afraid, don’t stop, I am with you! Those were the Lord’s words.

I’m also reading in the book of Joshua each morning. The Lord said the same thing to him.

“Joshua, I will always be with you and help you as I helped Moses, and no one will ever be able to defeat you.

6-8 Long ago I promised the ancestors of Israel that I would give this land to their descendants. So be strong and brave! Be careful to do everything my servant Moses taught you. Never stop reading The Book of the Law[b he gave you. Day and night you must think about what it says. If you obey it completely, you and Israel will be able to take this land.

I’ve commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:5-9 CEV

Be strong, be brave, don’t be discouraged. I am with you!

We need to be praying those words for the ones in authority and leadership. Our prayers bring them strength.

“First of all, I ask that you pray for all people. Ask God to bless them and give them what they need. And give thanks. You should pray for rulers and for all who have authority. Pray for these leaders so that we can live quiet and peaceful lives—lives full of devotion to God and respect for him. This is good and pleases God our Savior.” I Timothy 2:1-3 ERV

Pray for our pastors and their families. Pray for those who are in a place of authority and leadership. Ask the Lord to bless them. They face the same daily struggles we do. They have challenges with raising families, budgets, automobile and home repairs; life in general. Then they also have the responsibility to hear from the Lord and share his message with us.

The Lord probably won’t send an angelic cleaning lady but our prayers can help lighten the load.