Be Encouraged!

Have you ever had an Eeyore kind of day? You know what I’m talking about – nothing seems to be going right. You’re up and ready for that first cup of coffee and find you’re out of your favorite creamer or maybe you overslept and don’t even have time for the first cup.

Then there’s the traffic on the way to work and it’s moving at a snail’s pace. The big meeting that was scheduled for 11 has been moved up to 9:30 and you’re not ready…

These are just small things but they can get you down. What about the real crises that present themselves? The “cancer” diagnosis that you just received, the loss of your job or the loss of a loved one – these make the minor obstacles dim in comparison. What do we do? How do we handle this? Sometimes we just can’t do it on our own; we need someone to help.

Be encouraged!

I’ve been reading about the Israelites journey in the desert. They were a bunch of complainers if ever there were any. They complained about the water, the food, the people, they complained about God. They are the kind who would have complained that their ice cream was cold. Really, they had an issue with ingratitude.

One man, Joshua, had been Moses’ assistant through all of this and the Lord had just chosen him to be Moses successor. Not a job that you would choose for yourself. This is what the Lord told Moses.

“…commission Joshua and encourage and strengthen him, for he will lead the people across the Jordan. He will give them all the land you now see before you as their possession.” Deuteronomy 3:27-28 NLT

The Lord knew what these people were like and the challenges Joshua would face so He wanted Moses to see that he was encouraged for the job ahead. Do you ever feel that a job or challenge is just too big for you? Isn’t it great when someone comes along side and encourages you to keep going? They tell you, you can do this – don’t quit!

Just in case Joshua wasn’t encouraged enough by the words of Moses, God spoke to him personally with this.

“Joshua, you must be strong and brave! You must lead these people so that they can take their land. I promised their fathers that I would give them this land. But you must be strong and brave about obeying the commands my servant Moses gave you. If you follow his teachings exactly, you will be successful in everything you do. Always remember what is written in that book of law. Speak about that book and study it day and night. Then you can be sure to obey what is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything you do. Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:6-9 ERV

Don’t be afraid because the Lord will be with you wherever you go! Take that personally. __________________(fill in the blank with your name) don’t be afraid wherever you go because the Lord is going with you.

It’s great to have the encouragement of a friend but so much greater to have the Lord as your cheerleader and counsellor.

Maybe you don’t need to be encouraged today, maybe things are going great. Praise God! Look around and see if you can find anyone that you can encourage – you may have just the words or the hug they need to make it through the day.