Never Tire of Singing

If you were a bird would you complain about having to start each day singing? Be honest. Maybe one or two mornings you just won’t feel like warbling a song?

Each morning, like clockwork, their songs start. I love it – I look forward to them welcoming the day. It really puts my heart into a place of thankfulness.

Sing a new song to the Lord!
Everyone on this earth,
    sing praises to the Lord,
    sing and praise his name.

Day after day announce,
    “The Lord has saved us!”
Tell every nation on earth,
‘The Lord is wonderful
    and does marvelous things!
The Lord is great and deserves
    our greatest praise!

He is the only God
    worthy of our worship.
Other nations worship idols,
but the Lord created
    the heavens.
Give honor and praise
    to the Lord,
whose power and beauty
    fill his holy temple.’

Tell everyone of every nation,
“Praise the glorious power
    of the Lord.
He is wonderful! Praise him
and bring an offering
    into his temple.” Psalm 96:1-8 CEV

What song are you singing this morning? We should be taking every opportunity we have to praise the Lord for His love and faithfulness. He never tires of us; He’s always there like a parent waiting for their child to say its first word. God is listening for our voice, He’s listening for our song.

Many years ago now, I had a wonderful opportunity to sing for my dad. He was coming to the end of his life; dementia had taken hold and most nights his sleep was troubled by nightmares. When he got into bed I went in and sang him to sleep or so I thought. Some of the songs he sang with me and others he just listened. I left his room when I thought he was asleep but then we heard his voice. He called for my mom. When she went to see what he wanted he said, “Did you hear Kris, she was singing to me?”

God used that as a teaching moment for me. I heard Him speak to my heart and say, “I like it when you sing to Me too”.

“But I will sing about your strength, my God, and I will celebrate because of your love.
You are my fortress, my place of protection in times of trouble. 17 I will sing your praises!
You are my mighty fortress, and you love me.” Psalm 59:16-17 CEV

Join with me now and sing – I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing. I will sing. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord!

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