An Ark on the Road

Just a few generations after Adam we find his (x7) great grandson Noah.

“The Lord saw how bad the people on earth were and that everything they thought and planned was evil. He was sorry that he had made them, and he said, ‘I’m going to destroy every person on earth! I’ll even wipe out animals, birds, and reptiles. I’m sorry I ever made them.’ But the Lord was pleased with Noah,  and this is the story about him. Noah was the only person who lived right and obeyed God.” Genesis 6:5-9 CEV

It’s important to see that even if there is only one person who is living for the Lord He will still provide and protect them.

“Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see.  It was their faith that made our ancestors pleasing to God…6But without faith no one can please God. We must believe that God is real and rewards everyone who searches for him.  Because Noah had faith, he was warned about something that had not yet happened. He obeyed and built a boat that saved him and his family. In this way the people of the world were judged, and Noah was given the blessings that come to everyone who pleases God.” Hebrews 11:1,2,6&7 CEV

I’m sure you’ve heard it said that Hebrews, chapter 11, is the Hall of Fame of Faith. It records the deeds of those men and women who lived to please God. Each one had a personal encounter with God. None of them were perfect but their hearts were filled with faith.

The ark was a type of salvation. It provided everything that Noah and his family needed to live and thrive during the flood. God made a way to protect those who loved Him and were willing to follow His plan.

“Eight people went into that boat and were brought safely through the flood. 21 Those flood waters were like baptism that now saves you. But baptism is more than just washing your body. It means turning to God with a clear conscience, because Jesus Christ was raised from death.” I Peter 3:20-21 CEV

Noah and his family were taking steps of faith toward a cross they couldn’t see.

“Noah built an altar where he could offer sacrifices to the Lord. Then he offered on the altar one of each kind of animal and bird that could be used for a sacrifice. 21 The smell of the burning offering pleased the Lord, and he said: ‘Never again will I punish the earth for the sinful things its people do. All of them have evil thoughts from the time they are young, but I will never destroy everything that breathes, as I did this time.'” Genesis 8:20-21 CEV

The promise that God made to Noah is also for us.

“Again, God said to Noah and his sons: 9′ I am going to make a solemn promise to you and to everyone who will live after you...16 When I see the rainbow in the sky, I will always remember the promise that I have made to every living creature. 17 The rainbow will be the sign of that solemn promise.'” Genesis 8:8-17 CEV

The safety of the ark and the promise of the rainbow lead us down the road to the plan of salvation that the cross provides.