Lagging Behind

Yesterday I had two different conversations with friends about following the Lord’s lead and not worrying about the things we can’t change.

One is selling her home and she said, “I know God has a buyer so I’m not going to worry about it. I’ll just do what I can and be ready for the move.”

With the other we were talking about life in general and our trust in the Lord to take care of us each and every day. Even when the electric is out and the washing machine dies.

The Lord refers to us as “the sheep of His pasture”. A good Shepherd will keep is sheep moving together, none running ahead, where they could face unforeseen danger and none lagging behind.

lag behind: To fail to maintain the pace or progress of someone or something; straggle”

Stragglers are susceptible to attack. When moving sheep from one pasture to another, the Shepherd will lead and he usually has 2 or 3 good dogs working with him to keep the flock moving in a forward motion.

I consider some of our preachers to be like these sheep dogs. They bark a little and even nip at our heels but their job is to keep us in step with the shepherd.

This morning, I was reading some of Paul’s admonitions, barking if you will, to us as followers of Christ.

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient and accept each other with love. You are joined together with peace through the Spirit. Do all you can to continue as you are, letting peace hold you together…17 I have something from the Lord to tell you. I warn you: Don’t continue living like those who don’t believe. Their thoughts are worth nothing. 18 They have no understanding, and they know nothing because they refuse to listen. So they cannot have the life that God gives. 19 They have lost their feeling of shame and use their lives to do what is morally wrong. More and more they want to do all kinds of evil. 20 But that way of life is nothing like what you learned when you came to know Christ. 21 I know that you heard about him, and in him you were taught the truth. Yes, the truth is in Jesus.” Ephesians 4:2,3, 17-21 ERV

Sometimes, in our eagerness we run out ahead of God and try to “do” things for Him. At other times, we resist His leading and lag behind. I had one pastor friend who often said, “I never try to work for God. I always want to work with Him”.

My encouragement today is don’t run ahead or lag behind; follow close to the Shepherd. He has us headed for greener pastures.