Time to Smile

The little guy in this image made me smile!

Three words went through my mind this morning as I was praying about what to share – rested, refreshed, relaxed. And then I found this little lamb and he was the embodiment of all three.

Have you ever had the opportunity to watch sheep while they are grazing in a field?

I have. In fact, it used to be a regular outing when our oldest was just a year old. I would put her in her stroller and we would go across the road to a fenced field that was being grazed off. She loved watching the ewes and the lambs.

They would make her giggle that little child giggle that seems to come from her toes all the way up her body and bubble out her mouth. I can still hear it.

A lush green field. The lambs, close to their mothers, would eat until their bellies were filled and then they would romp and play. Moments later they would be sprawled out in the grass, just like this one, sleeping soundly.

King David, who had been a shepherd, must have experienced scenes like this thousands of times and drawing from his experience and memories he penned Psalm 23.

Adonai is my shepherd; I lack nothing.
He has me lie down in grassy pastures,
he leads me by quiet water,
he restores my inner person.
He guides me in right paths
for the sake of his own name.
Even if I pass through death-dark ravines,
I will fear no disaster; for you are with me;
your rod and staff reassure me.

You prepare a table for me,
even as my enemies watch;
you anoint my head with oil
from an overflowing cup.

Goodness and grace will pursue me
every day of my life;
and I will live in the house of Adonai
for years and years to come.” Psalm 23 CJB

Rested, refreshed, relaxed…even in the presence of our enemies!

Has life had you going in circles? Too many activities/responsibilities and not enough time?

The Lord has a green pasture and a lush patch of grass just waiting for us to come lay down and take our rest. Stretch out and enjoy His presence!

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