Imperfect Mothers

This morning when I woke my mind was filled with some of the Bible’s most famous mothers; Eve, Mrs. Noah, Sarah, Rachel, Rebecca, Jochebed, Naomi, and Mary.

These ladies gave birth to Cain and Abel, Shem, Ham, Japheth, Isaac, Jacob, Esau, Joseph, Benjamin, Moses, Miriam, Aaron, Mahlon, Chilion, and Jesus.

They weren’t perfect mothers. One gave birth to a murderer, one helped her son steal his brother’s birthright and deceive his father, one we know nothing about, one persuaded her husband to have an affair which caused all kinds of trouble between the man’s two sons.

One gave birth to the children who would leave the Israelites from Egypt but her youngest son had to be given up and raised by another woman who adopted him and taught him the ways of false gods.

One mother moved with her husband and sons to a foreign nation where they lived as outcasts and when her husband and sons died in that country she lived to return to Israel alone, broken and bitter. Her consolation was a daughter-in-law who refused to leave her alone, Ruth.

And finally, we come to the mother of a perfect Son, Mary. But, Mary wasn’t a perfect mother either. Her son’s siblings had doubts as to His divinity and at times they thought He had really lost touch with reality.

All of these mothers were women with faults; women like we are today. They had worries and concerns for their children. Their daily life was taxing, it was hard. They made mistakes. However, God blessed them with children who would change the world.

God has given us the opportunity to raise world-changers. We don’t have to be perfect but we do need to be committed to pray. Even now, my children are 48, 46 and 37 and I pray for them daily.

“I, the Lord, will teach your children, and they will have real peace.” Isaiah 54:13 ERV

Each morning I say, “Thank you Lord for teaching my children today and giving them peace. Let them see that You love and care for them.”

Are they world-changers? Yes, they are! Do you know their names? Probably not, but they change the world of their friends and the people they associate with and help. They change the world of their families and God has been good to keep them safe even in dangerous professions.

Am I a perfect mother? Not hardly. I know the mistakes I have made and those are regrettable but God has assured me that I have been forgiven and I know my children have forgiven me too.

I want to encourage mothers, young and old, we have a calling from the Lord. Pray for your children to have hearts that are soft toward the things of God and never give up hope. Afterall, Moses was eighty years old before God called to him from a burning bush in the desert. There’s still time for Him to reach your child.

“Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way.” Proverbs 3:5-6 ERV

Happy Mother’s Day!