Go To Church Anyway

Years ago, Dave and I helped found a ministry called Christians Cowboys Association. It was an outreach to the farming and ranching communities, mostly in Arizona. We shared Jesus on local ranches, in home Bible studies, at Youth, High School and College Rodeos and at Friday night gatherings we called Cowboy Cathedral.

The ministry was unconventional in the places we went and the folks we ministered to. Many times, we sat on hay bales or metal bleachers beside a rodeo arena. The music was country gospel and the message was the uncompromised Word of God.

Last night I read a post written by a man who had preached some of those rodeo services and it touched my heart. His name is Clay McGuire, and he pastors a church in Buckeye, Arizona called Lighthouse Fellowship. I messaged and asked if I could share this with you. He told me, sure. This writing reminded me of those Christian Cowboy days, these are the kind of people we ministered too, these were the ones who were always welcome.


If you’re having sex before marriage, go to church anyway.

If you are a drug addict trying to beat addiction, go to church anyway.

If you were out drunk all night the night before, go to church anyway.

If you aren’t sure what gender you prefer, go to church anyway.

If you can’t quit that disgusting habit, go to church anyway.


Every sinner has a future, and every saint has a past.

How do we break the chains of addiction and bondage?

By prayer…

Prayer for you.

Prayer with you!

There isn’t a single person in the 4 walls of the church that doesn’t have something they hate or regret about their past.

We’ve all made mistakes and will continue to,

BUT His Grace is enough.

There are things that I’d never want to admit out loud about myself, but God knows.

And He loves me nonetheless.

So whatever you’ve done, whatever you’re doing,

whatever you will do…

it might just change your life if…


It certainly did mine.”

There is something strengthening to be found in gathering with other Christians. The Bible tells us that we are all part of one body and each one of us has a part to play in keeping the “body” whole.

“Our bodies are made up of many parts. None of these parts have the same use. There are many people who belong to Christ. And yet, we are one body which is Christ’s. We are all different but we depend on each other.” Romans 12:4-5 NLV

Go to church away?

When Jesus was teaching all were welcome, no one was excluded, and His final earthly message to us was to go to all the world and preach the good news. As Clay said, the church is a hospital for hurting people.

Let’s be the church that Jesus wants us to be – and if you are ever in Buckeye, AZ and need a good place to gather Lighthouse Fellowship is my recommendation.