Preparing the Soil

I have always enjoyed gardening and for the first time in a large number of years I live where I don’t have a garden plot.

For many of you, thinking of gardening is still several months away. I know when we lived in Montana I was advised to not put any plants outdoors until after Memorial Day. In Idaho it was a little sooner than that but not much, end of April. You see the ground was snow covered until then. But here in southern Arizona I started preparing the soil in February, however, this morning it was 33* when I got up.

There are so many stories in the Bible, parables they’re called, that teach us about our life in Christ through farming.

This morning I saw a correlation that I never noticed before and I have taught on the verses in Luke 8 many times. I love how God’s word is living, growing, always able to show us something new.

“After this Jesus went to all the cities and towns preaching and telling the Good News about the holy nation of God. The twelve followers were with Him…Many people came together from every town to Jesus. He told them a picture-story. “A man went out to plant seed…”Luke 8:1-5 NLV

A man went out to plant some seed – that man was Jesus. You notice the first verse, “Jesus went to all the cities and towns preaching the Good News”?

Sharing the Good News of God’s kingdom is what Jesus did. He was the man sowing the seed. He was the one preparing the ground of men’s hearts. Some of the ground was hard as concrete, some was rocky, some was filled with thorns and some ground was prepared and ready to plant.

Now I know most of you are familiar with this parable but I’m going to take the next few days to show you examples of what Jesus taught, examples that occurred in the life of his followers just hours and days after He preached this message.

I would like you to take time today to read at least the first fifteen verses of Luke 8. When you do pray and ask the Lord to open your heart to the meaning of the message of the parable. For the next few days we will be looking at different soil and how it affects our growth.

I had to learn how to adapt the soil in each of the areas where we lived so that I would get a good harvest. Gardening takes work. If the soil isn’t prepared properly crops won’t grow, there will be no harvest.

“I said, ‘Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.’” Hosea 10:12 NLT

Being a fruitful Christian also requires good ground. Each year I ask the Lord to show me what obstacles might thwart my growth. It’s time to prepare the soil!