“Your Grace”

I am up this morning, listening to the pouring rain on the roof of the RV and watching the lightning flashes illuminate the night sky. But my blog has nothing to do with rain.

Recently I was watching a series where the men would bow and the women would curtsy before royalty. The common greeting at such a time as this was simple. The curtsy preceded these words, “Your Grace”.

“Your Grace”.

A title that distinguished them as the ruling class. A title that identified their authority. A title that indicated their supreme authority to rule.

This ruler has been bestowed with the responsibility to rule. From their lips came words of forgiveness, restoration, acceptance, clemency, a new start. Now that my friend is grace!

Our life in Christ is all about grace. Receiving from the Father what we don’t deserve, receiving what we are unable to obtained on our own merit.

His grace.

The Apostle Paul wrote this: “But the Lord said, ‘My grace is all you need. Only when you are weak can everything be done completely by my power.’ So I will gladly boast about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can stay in me.” II Corinthians 12:9 ERV

In our weakness, whatever that may be, His grace is all we need. His grace fills our life with the power of Christ. His grace has provided forgiveness, restoration – a new life.

“I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believed. You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God. You are not saved by the things you have done, so there is nothing to boast about.” Ephesians 2:8-9 ERV

Grace is a gift – a gift from God. We can’t buy it, we can’t earn it, we don’t deserve it – that’s what makes grace so amazing! It’s a gift given in love.

Those two words, Your Grace, fill my heart with such gratitude!

I hope you will start your day in the presence of the King of Kings, our Father, and humbling bowing or making a curtsy. Then say to Him, “Your Grace is all I need”!