It Takes Effort

This has been a very challenging morning…let me tell you a story.

The year is 1988, the place is Glendale, AZ. I had just been hired as the administrative assistant to the Dean of Students at a local community college. I was in charge of bringing the Student Handbook up to date and inputting all the information into the new computer program.

In our office was an older woman, thinking about it, she was probably the age I am now. She had worked for the community college for many years. She had no computer skills and so she had been transferred to our department where she could answer phones and have some student interaction.

On rare occasions she would need to log on to the computer and input some travel information. It was obvious that she dreaded this, and her frustration and temper would both rise.

One of the students found a poster, which they purchased and hung in our office, right next to her desk. “Hit Any Key”! She got a good chuckle out of that, we all did. This morning I felt like that sweet lady and the duck on the poster.

I have been battling this “wonderful piece of technology” in my lap for an hour and a half. I have tried to maintain a godly attitude and I have certainly been praying without ceasing. When I stopped to get my second cup of coffee these words came to mind, “study to be approved”.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15 KJV

“Do your best to know that God is pleased with you. Be as a workman who has nothing to be ashamed of. Teach the words of truth in the right way.” II Timothy 2:15 NLV

For the last 30+ years my daily challenge is to spend more time focused on God’s word than on anything else. I don’t mean I sit and read the Bible for hours at a time and ignore the other daily responsibilities. No, I do the regular and the routine but in all that I do I want to see God’s word at work. I want to know my life and my attitudes are being molded by His word.

We should certainly apply as much effort to our spiritual growth as we do to improving our skill sets for work and recreation. It takes time to become proficient in computer skills, leather working, baking, driving a car, photography, flying a plane…

May I encourage you again to look for God in everything. Be teachable. Apply His word to every situation. Yes, it takes effort but being God-minded will keep you from picking up a sledgehammer and striking out.