Words, Words, Words

Yesterday morning Dave and I took an early morning flight to visit our son and his girlfriend. The people in the airport were so happy to have the choice of wearing or not wearing a mask. (I promise I won’t get political) Even the flight attendants were remarking that it was so good to see people’s faces.

Anyone who has flown knows that every flight starts with the safety instructions before the plane leaves the terminal.

Honestly, how many of us listen to their instructions? After a few flights, the things they are saying just become words, words, words. Only half of the passengers are even looking up to see their demonstration. However, the intent is for us to be as safe as possible should an emergency arise.

I think that’s how some people feel about sermons or reading the Bible. It just becomes words, words, words. After a while, they tune them out.

This morning I want to change our thinking just a little. Consider this, the Bible is a love letter. It was written by the Father to His children. His intent is to convey His love and all the wonderful blessings He has for us to inherit.

The Father is taking time to reveal the depth of His heart.

When God speaks He doesn’t waste words. Each word is filled with life changing meaning. Each story is packed with power. Each thought is a gift from God’s heart to our lives. It’s not just instruction for “in case of an emergency” but it is loving provision for every day of our lives.

“Praise the Lord! He is good.
    God’s love never fails.
Praise the God of all gods.
    God’s love never fails.
Praise the Lord of lords.
    God’s love never fails.

Only God works great miracles.
    God’s love never fails.
With wisdom he made the sky.
    God’s love never fails.
The Lord stretched the earth
over the ocean.
    God’s love never fails.
He made the bright lights
in the sky.
    God’s love never fails.
He lets the sun rule each day.
    God’s love never fails.
He lets the moon and the stars
rule each night.
    God’s love never fails.” Psalm 136:1-9, 232-26 ERV

Everything God does is to show us His love – the sea, the stars, the sun, the land, provision, health, protection – they are all indicators of God’s amazing love! And that love never fails!