Loving Service

These two words were on my heart when I woke up this morning, loving service. What a wonderful combination.

I think each of us can relate a story of being served by a grumpy or unenthusiastic waiter or waitress in a restaurant. Their attitude was curt, sharp-tongued and even down-right rude. Even though the food may have been good we probably walked away not desiring to return anytime soon.

Now compare that with a kind and attentive server. One who anticipated your needs and greeted you with a smile and pleasant demeanor. They made your mealtime more enjoyable because they genuinely cared.

Our attitude makes a difference. We choose joy or grumbling, peace or turmoil.

Our daily chores – washing dishes, doing laundry, fixing meals, buying groceries, cleaning house – can be acts of love or drudgery. We can be grateful for opportunity to provide for those we love, or we may be tempted to feel taken for granted and unappreciated. I strongly advise against the second.

 Whoever wants to be first must serve the rest of you like a slave. 45 Follow my example: Even the Son of Man did not come for people to serve him. He came to serve others and to give his life to save many people.” Mark 10:44-45 ERV

Jesus is our perfect example. He could have expected to be waited on hand and foot, after all he was God’s son. But He laid all that aside and came to lovingly serve those He encountered. Each act of kindness pointed to the compassion of His Father.

Embrace each task with an attitude of loving service.