Fall Harvest

The fall harvest isn’t something we really get to see and enjoy here in southern Arizona. There aren’t many opportunities to enjoy the changing leaves, the vegetable gardens rendering their bounty or workers in the fields.

However, there is a harvest for the soul and it’s called Thanksgiving!

“Make everyone praise you and shout your praises.Our God has blessed the earth with a wonderful harvest!Pray for his blessings to continue and for everyone on earth to worship our God.” Psalm 67:5-7 CEV

Our God has blessed us…pray for His blessings to continue. Oh yes, yes He has.

I want you to look back at this past year. Can you name three unexpected and wonderful blessings? Now, go beyond those three and add three more blessings from last week. Pick three more of your most cherished moments from the summer – and another three from the spring.

If memories are your harvest and your heart is the wagon that contains them, you now have a dozen praise-worthy blessings to fill it.

I’m sure if you thought a little longer your harvest would increase and your heart would be overflowing with God’s goodness. So, what do you do with the overflow?

God isn’t wasteful and He has a plan for our “wonderful harvest” that the psalmist wrote about.

“When you harvest your grain, always leave some of it standing around the edges of your fields and don’t pick up what falls on the ground. Leave it for the poor and for those foreigners who live among you. I am the Lord your God!” Leviticus 23:22 CEV

When the Jewish people went into their fields to bring in the harvest they were instructed to leave some at the edges of the field. What they left was for those who were less fortunate.

Look around. Who do you know that has had a rough time recently? Who could benefit from the abundance of your blessing?

I remember a time when our cupboards were nearly bare. When there was very little and really nothing to share but share we did. We never ate the last of the groceries by ourselves, we invited friends to dinner. We had a night of joy and laughter and we praised God for good health and His love.

Each time, I specifically remember, each time we were in such a situation there would be a knock on the door the next day and someone would come by who had just butchered a hog or a beef, someone who had harvested their garden or a dairyman who had extra butter, cheese and a gallon of milk.

These were people who had let us share in their harvest, all without knowing that we were in need but God did and He provided.

Ask the Father if there is someone who needs you to share your bounty. If He doesn’t put anyone on your heart immediately just stay open to when He does. However, if the Lord impresses you with a face and a name, follow through. It could be a blessing of food, time, money, encouragement, or help.

Give generously because the Father has given generously to you!