Once More With Gusto

Have you ever watched little kids when they sing their favorite song? Their whole bodies become animated – the big smiles, the hand gestures, the emotions.

When I was young I had a voice teacher who would assign me a song for the next week’s lesson and he would tell me “form your words, enunciate, tempo, pitch” – all the things needed for proper execution. Once I could perform these technical details to his standards then he would say “Now, once more with gusto! Let me hear you sing like you mean it.”

That’s what made it fun!

Sometimes we fall into the trap of executing our relationship with the Lord in a proper religious way and we forget to have fun. After all, we are just kids spending time with our Father, and He’s a good, good father.

“Sing a new song to the Lord! Everyone on this earth, sing praises to the Lord,  sing and praise his name. Day after day announce, “The Lord has saved us!” Tell every nation on earth, “The Lord is wonderful and does marvelous things!” Psalm 96:1-3 CEV

I was talking with someone at Mom’s celebration on Wednesday and we were saying how our relationship with the Father had grown and developed through the years. I told them that when I was a kid I remember singing “Jesus loves me this I know” at the top of my lungs, over and over again. However, now when I sing it I sing is softly and the tears stream down my cheeks because I am so overwhelmed by the depth of the Father’s love that I have experienced.

For the next several days I am going to be taking some “Me and Jesus” time. I won’t say there won’t be a blog but if there is it will probably come later in the day. It will be just a brief break.

Until I return to pen my morning thoughts I want to encourage you to spend each day singing a new song to the Lord and tell Him thank you for the marvelous things He has done.

Give voice to your song and then sing it “Once More with Gusto”!