No Time?

As you know I missed yesterday morning’s blog – no quiet time.

If you’ve ever done much camping you know that most, if not all, campgrounds have quiet time. It’s generally from 10 pm to 6 am; while at the racetrack camping with 10,000+ of our non-closest friends, quiet time was from midnight to 6 am. But it was a not so quiet quiet time.

Yesterday morning, trucks were backing up to their trailers at 4 am and some a bit earlier. Motorhomes were pulling out even before that, quiet time was disrupted and things got busy in a hurry. Kim and Austin were up and out the door by 5 am and Dave and I started in right away getting things wiped down and stowed away for the trip home.

I didn’t make any time for quiet…yes, I admit it. My favorite time of the day passed me. It was invaded by a cluster of activity and noise. No time.

I didn’t even take time to write down three things I was grateful for although my heart was filled with gratitude for the events of the weekend and spending time with family and making new friends. This morning I’m back in my favorite place – I’m in my rocking chair, with my cup of coffee, my computer and my Bible in my lap. My heart is filled with praise.

Quiet time should never be an obligation that we check off our daily “to-do” list. It is an intimate time of day when we close off every distraction and focus on spending time with the Father. If we miss a day do we feel God loves us less? I’ve had those thoughts.

However, I have learned over the years that the Father understands my circumstances and my human tendencies to jump right into the day without spending time with Him. I have also learned that when I do start my day with my Father it goes much smoother because I’ve prepared my heart to focus on His blessings and instruction.

I found these words which were spoken by King David shortly before he died. He was giving instruction to his son, Solomon.

“‘”Our Mighty Rock, the God of Jacob, told me, ‘A ruler who obeys God and does right
is like the sunrise on a cloudless day, or like rain that sparkles on the grass.’ I have ruled this way, and God will never break his promise to me. God’s promise is complete and unchanging; he will always help me and give me what I hope for.”‘” II Samuel 23:3-5 CEV

Isn’t that interesting? The Lord compares our actions, those who do right, to the beauty of a sunrise or the refreshing of rain on the meadow. He reminds us that His promises are complete and unchanging – He is always with us to help.

Each morning we all have a sunrise. Each morning that sunrise should remind us that God has promised to be faithful to His word and in turn, faithful in His actions towards us. That is what fills my heart with gratitude and joy!

No time?

Let the words of an old chorus be a reminder to us all – “In the morning when I rise, in the morning when I rise, in the morning when I rise Give me Jesus”!

Let’s make time.