Get Ready – It’s Coming

I know that we have quite a few new readers of the morning blog so I need to give you fair warning.

It’s Coming!

What is it? It’s the month of praise and thanksgiving!

I like to give thanks all year long but in November I focus on Scriptures of gratitude and praise. Each day I will be choosing a few of my favorite verses and sharing them with you but I just couldn’t wait. This morning we’ll focus our minds on praise as well.

“I will always praise the Lord. With all my heart, I will praise the Lord. Let all who are helpless, listen and be glad. Honor the Lord with me! Celebrate his great name.” Psalm 34:1-3 CEV

It’s time to praise and celebrate the great name of the Lord! Break out the confetti, or in Bible days, the palm branches and sing and dance because the Lord is good.

Several years ago I challenged myself to keep a “gratitude” journal for the month of November. I would write down three things each day I was grateful for.

I no longer do it just for November, I keep it all year long. In chapter 34 of Psalms, King David lists several things people should be grateful for. Let’s look at a few of them (I strongly encourage you to read the entire chapter).

“I was a nobody, but I prayed, and the Lord saved me  from all my troubles.” verse 6 CEV

I’m so thankful that God doesn’t limit His goodness and salvation to just the elite. His heart is open to all.

“Discover for yourself  that the Lord is kind. Come to him for protection, and you will be glad.” verse 8 CEV

We need to take a few moments to focus on and be grateful for the Lord’s kindness and protection. Yesterday, did you have any close calls or near misses when it came to your safety? Be glad that the Lord was there for you – covering you with His protection.

“When his people pray for help, he listens and rescues them from their troubles. 18 The Lord is there to rescue all who are discouraged and have given up hope.” verses 17&18 CEV

I’m so thankful that the Lord isn’t deaf. He listens when we pray and He brings us out of our discouragement and hopeless. He replaces them with His peace and joy!

There you have it! Three things to be grateful for. Let God’s word create an attitude of gratitude all month long.

Are you ready?