A Harmonious Outcome

For years I lived by my daily planner. The person who invited the “Day-Timer” was my hero.  Everything needed to be written down, each appointment recorded. That’s how I kept life organized and on track.

It wasn’t just the business, school and medical appointments. No, I put in trips to the grocery store, which day I would do laundry, time in my yard and for a while I even had the week’s menu in my planner.

I knew how each day should play out and it made me feel accomplished.

Gradually I found myself releasing control. Less and less do I reach for my planner with pencil in hand and it isn’t because we are retired and have less to do. I am learning to enjoy the moments, every day unexpected encounters with life.

“Trust the Lord and live right! The land will be yours, and you will be safe. Do what the Lord wants, and he will give you your heart’s desire. Let the Lord lead you and trust him to help. Then it will be as clear as the noonday sun that you were right.Be patient and trust the Lord. Don’t let it bother you when all goes well for those who do sinful things.
Don’t be angry or furious. Anger can lead to sin.” Psalm 37: 3-8 CEV

Waiting patiently was not something either Dave or I were good at. We were the ones to do the planning and if something needed to be done you could count on us to jump in with both feet and take care of the details.

How you heard the expression “burning daylight”? That was us – we didn’t tolerate what we considered wasted time.  But our way has changed.

We are learning to relax, rest and enjoy all that God has for us. We are seeing the Lord remove stress and frustration from our lives and we are loving it. There’s a line from one of our favorite westerns that says, “Slow down, you’ll get a more harmonious outcome”.

When we slow down, we are more likely to experience the Lord’s little blessings. If we’re in a hurry, we often miss them completely. Yesterday morning after posting the blog Dave and I drove past three doe standing at the edge of the road. He slowed way down so I could get a picture. We almost stopped completely. They were in no hurry; they were content to stand there and eat the meadow grass.

It occurred to me that the animals in nature are really in no hurry at all. They just wait on what the Lord has provided. They eat quietly and lie down to rest in the shady spots. The only time you really see them “rushing” is when they feel they are in danger.

Kind of reminds me of Psalm 23. The Lord is my shepherd, He leads me by still waters and in green pastures, He restores my soul.

If the sheep can learn to relax and the doe can be still, shouldn’t we follow their example as we wait and trust in the Lord?

“You, Lord, are my shepherd.  I will never be in need.  You let me rest in fields of green grass. You lead me to streams of peaceful water,” Psalm 23:1-2 CEV

Enjoy this day.  Let the Lord minister to your heart!