Practical Christianity

I have a question for you today. How did your walk with the Lord impact your yesterday, how will it impact today?

Practical Christianity, a daily relationship with God, the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God’s word is today’s pondering.

Years ago, many years ago I was talking with some community college students about what it means to be a Christian. Most of them had encountered the hell fire and brimstone or turn-or-burn type of teaching. They posed a very interesting question to me, “What type of Christian are you”?

A practical one.

You see they thought Christianity was rule following, condemning and religious. Many people do. What they had not seen was the relationship that God desires to have with His children. His desire is to fulfill our lives, not condemn us. He is a good, good Father!

I then explained to them that I had a relationship with the Father that caused me to consult Him on every issue. I talked to Him about the best way to raise my kids, how to be a better wife and a supervisor to them. I talked to Him about helping me get better gas mileage so I wouldn’t be spending so much on fuel. I talked to Him when things got lost and I needed to know how to direct my search.

Practical Christianity.

After the gathering dispersed one the the students, Albert, told me he had a Geometry test the end of the week. This was his third time taking the course and he just wasn’t “getting” the concepts. He asked if God would help him understand it. I told him He sure would. We prayed right there. Friday afternoon Albert came in to my office with a big grin, he passed the test with a B-. He was thrilled. It was all beginning to make sense to him and he knew it was because we had prayed.


The book of Daniel is the story of four young Hebrew men who had been taken captive and were being groomed for the king’s service, the practical things:

“King Nebuchadnezzar wanted only healthy boys who did not have any bruises, scars, or anything wrong with their bodies. He wanted handsome, smart young men who were able to learn things quickly and easily to serve in his palace. He told Ashpenaz to teach these young men the language and writings of the Chaldeans…17 God gave these four young men the wisdom and ability to learn many different kinds of writing and science. Daniel could also understand all kinds of visions and dreams…20 Every time the king asked them about something important, they showed great wisdom and understanding. The king found they were ten times better than all the magicians and wise men in his kingdom.” Daniel 1 ERV

Each day I run across situations where I lean on the Lord’s wisdom and not mine. He promises to direct our paths. Our heavenly Father is wise and He is practical.

Put Him to the test and begin living a life of practical Christianity!