A Hard Row to Hoe

Yesterday Dave and I found ourselves “on the road again”. We were making the trip from home to my mother’s in Yuma, about four and a half hours away. The interstate takes us through a big city, small towns, across open arid desert and fertilized farmland. I grew up here, I know the land well.

It was the arid desert that held my attention on our drive. The cactus, greasewood, and dry, hard ground is the natural state of things in the desert. The green fields of alfalfa are not. After many years of working the soil it is able to produce a viable crop but left unattended it quickly reverts to the dry, desert it once was.

Any farmer knows “It’s a hard row to hoe”.

Some of the land in Israel is arid and it too can be hard and dry. I think that may be what prompted Jesus as He told about a farmer who went out to sow seed. Jesus, said we need to understand this parable so we can understand many of the other parables.

The sower sowed the seed on all kinds of ground. He didn’t just see the good soil and sow there but instead seed went on the hard ground, the rocky soil, the soil with weeds and thorns and also the good soil. Every kind of soil had the ability to receive seed.

The same is true for us – the seed is the Word of God and the Word is available to all. We are the soil and it’s our responsibility to determine what kind of soil we will be. Frankly, I still have some thorns and weeds in my soil but am working daily to see that they are removed so that the seed can grow and bring in a healthy harvest.

In the Old Testament we are given this admonition:

“I said, ‘Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.’.” Hosea 10:12 NLT

It’s our job to break up the hard ground in our lives – God shows us the rocks and the weeds but we have to be willing to throw them out and see that the seed has healthy soil to grow in. God promises to send the showers to soften the soil and make it ready to receive the seed.

Once we receive the shower of His love and the ground of our hearts is soften, we can receive His word and our lives will become productive. We will no longer be like that arid desert but our lives will produce like the well-watered farmland.

2 Replies to “A Hard Row to Hoe”

  1. Love the apology of this blog, I like u have a few thorns and rocky sol n my life yet I know each day I turn more soil 2 enrich my life and this around me.

    1. Roxanne, I’ve had so many years of farming that I identify personally with these teachings. Some days I do nothing but remove “rocks” from my life’s garden. So thankful for God’s grace!

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