Like A Little Child

Yesterday morning Dave and I drove up to the Phoenix area to visit our daughters and their families. Today we will be celebrating one of our granddaughters’ third birthday.

It just so happened that our youngest daughter, her husband and two little girls had regular doctor’s visits and so we were asked to stay with our grandson while they were gone. We were reading books and learning all about the new and fun things he had been doing. He is such a smart little guy and is so much fun to listen to.

I could go on telling you stories about how smart he is but… At one point I was telling Dave about an email I had received from a friend and told him that she had requested prayer for her husband. At that, Sam said “And we need to pray for Mr. Dave, he needs a job”. We weren’t sure who Mr. Dave was so he explained it to us and that he was without a job and needed one.

I asked Sam if he would like to pray from Mr. Dave and our friend. He told me we could do it at bedtime. I told him we wouldn’t be there at bedtime but we could do it now. “Ok” and so we did. I am confident that those prayers will bring Mr. Dave to a new job very soon.

Child-like faith.

“Then he said, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. ‘And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.'” Matthew 18:2-5 NLT

Little children are accustomed to asking their parents for what they need and knowing that their parents will provide. The necessities of life, (food, water, shelter, protection), are the things that we as parents naturally take care of. Sometimes we go without ourselves to provide for our children – its part of who we are as parents. God, the Father, has a much deeper compassion and commitment to His children than we do.

Jesus was telling the adults who were listening to Him that they needed to be humble enough to ask their heavenly Father for help. They needed to quite relying on their own abilities or lack thereof, put their faith and trust in the Father and in so doing they would learn a valuable lesson about living in reliance and dependence upon their loving heavenly Father.

How better can we learn about placing our trust in God than from a child? They have much to teach us.

When we come to the Father in childlike faith we won’t be turned away.