Do You Prefer Loud or Quiet?

Yesterday we drove up to Phoenix for the NASCAR race. Dave and I are both big fans; he more than me but I do enjoy the races. Go Kevin!

It’s impossible to be at the track and not use ear protection without causing possible damage to your hearing. It’s loud! Even in the concourse of the stadium the roar of the engines is overwhelming…

But this morning all is quiet. I hear the hum of the refrigerator and the cycling on and off of the coffee maker but that’s about it. Quiet!

Would we really enjoy the quiet if things didn’t get a bit noisy from time to time? I think we need the contrast.

I did a search on the word “loud” in the King James Bible. It occurs 76 times. Most of the references are in one book, Revelation. Twenty-two specific verses use loud; most of them refer to loud voices praising God or calling for us to praise the Lord and recognize His majesty. Other references tell of using a loud voice or shout in battle. One incident that is repeated in the Gospels is when Jesus cried out “It is finished”. The voice of triumphant!

Loud intensifies a situation. When we listen to an orchestra and the music comes to a crescendo, it heightens our anticipation. When it’s quiet we become more tranquil, calm and find a sense of rest. We need both!

If life has been pushing you forward, demanding more of you than normal, then you may need the quiet.

“The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.” Psalm 23:1-3 NLT

But perhaps you are in a place where you need to take charge and battle through like a good soldier. If so, it might be time for a loud shot, the shout of triumph.

“Gideon said, “When we get to the enemy camp, spread out and surround it. Then wait for me to blow a signal on my trumpet. As soon as you hear it, blow your trumpets and shout, ‘Fight for the Lord! Fight for Gideon!’” Judges 7:17 CEV

Wherever God leads He will provide – by a quiet stream or through a dark valley – we have His promise that we can be free from fear. Shout the victory and then lay down to rest and be restored!