Time To Recharge

The last few mornings I have gotten up with one thought in mind – I wanted to go back to bed. I just haven’t slept well and felt my energy stores were low. I got up thinking “I’ll get a nap in later today” but later came and went and the time for napping went with it.

Yesterday, after my shower I did go in and lay down. I took my laptop and brought up a teaching by Josh Morris on the Kingdom of God. I listened to it three times. My body needed the rest and my heart needed the message.

I’m sure we’ve all seen the low power icon on our laptops, phones or tablets. “Power supply at 10%. Plug into power source.” And if we don’t heed the warning, we will get another one in a few minutes telling us we only have 7% of my power and if we ignore that warning the whole thing shuts down.

That’s how I was feeling. My power was in short supply, I was running low and about to shut down. I’ve been there many times and that weariness is my warning that I’m operating on stored power and need to reconnect to the power supply. I know I have written about this before but I needed to hear it again.

Jesus knew what it was like to need recharging. He would get up early in the morning and go to a quiet place to pray. He would draw power in prayer. Jesus knew his disciples would need that same power. Right before He ascended back to heaven He gave his disciples this command. Jesus gave them what He saw as their primary mission.

“One time when Jesus was eating with them, he told them not to leave Jerusalem. He said, “Wait here until you receive what the Father promised to send. Remember, I told you about it before. John baptized people with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit…But the Holy Spirit will come on you and give you power. You will be my witnesses. You will tell people everywhere about me—in Jerusalem, in the rest of Judea, in Samaria, and in every part of the world.” Acts 1:4,5,8 ERV

Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is the same. We should give testimony of what God has done in our lives. Starting first with those closest to us and spreading out from there. Our family, our friends, neighbors, work mates…

Jesus knew they needed to be connected to the power supply, the Holy Spirit. It was essential. Jesus didn’t do any miracles or ministry until He had the Holy Spirit empowering Him and He doesn’t want us to attempt anything on our own either.

We need to be connected.

Thank you Father for reminding me that my power drains but I have the promise of Your power source with unlimited supply. I desire to stay plugged in to You today!