Following Good Advice

I don’t know about you but sometimes I have difficulty following good advice, even my own advice. In my book, The Best Gifts of Christmas, I wrote about marking our calendars and taking a day of rest. This does so much to lower our stress levels and keep us focused on what’s truly important during the Christmas season.

I wrote R-E-S-T on December 19th, yesterday. I had fully intended to do just that. The only thing I had scheduled was a long lunch with a dear friend. My intention was to do nothing. I got my coffee, my Bible and went to my rocking chair to start a quiet morning. That’s when it happened, I opened my email and there were “things” demanding my attention.

No, not today. But I felt I had too…

Anyone else like me? I’m a fixer and I can’t just leave things lay if they call for a response and action. I hate to admit it, I got sucked in and my resting lasted all of an hour. What’s worse, once I had fixed the problem that faced me I decided my resting was already gone and so I decided I could get a batch of cookies made before I went to my lunch. I was deviating further from my promise to myself, and yes, even to the Lord, to rest. I went to the kitchen and discovered I was missing one crucial ingredient. No cookies would be made until I went to the store.


I had time to reset my day’s priority. I stopped, showered, poured another cup of coffee and rested. I visited with Dave for a bit and then I was out the door to my luncheon date. It was so nice; time to catch up with a friend. Work could wait; I was resting.

As I’m writing this I’m laughing at myself. How quickly I get absorbed into thinking that I have to get things done. Who else will do them? That’s a lot of pressure, carrying the world on your shoulders. The success of the Christmas traditions depends on me and my getting things done. That’s not God!

Following God’s word is like following a recipe. If we want a good result we have to follow the measurements and the instructions.

“Come to Me, all of you who work and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. 29 Follow My teachings and learn from Me. I am gentle and do not have pride. You will have rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 NLV

This morning I hear the Lord calling me again to rest. He doesn’t want us burned out, used up and at wit’s end. He wants us to be refreshed, restored and renewed. I plan to be obedient to God’s calling and listen to my own advice. It’s a recipe for success.

Today I will rest. I hope you will too.