A Hand to Hold

A week or so back we were talking with friends about memories we have made since moving into our Arizona home. So many good times, so many good friends. One memory in particular came to mind.

About three years ago, our youngest daughter and her family had come to visit for the weekend. Sam, our grandson, was about 15 months old. I was in the kitchen cooking and his parents and Pappy were outside on the patio. He stood at the door waiting for someone to let him out but no one came. Sam had been watching our dog, Glory, go in and out the doggie door so he crawled over to it and tried to go through.

He got stuck, high centered in fact. The outside patio is considerably lower than the kitchen floor and as he went through the door, his hands went down to the patio but his feet in the kitchen came up and he no longer had any traction to move himself forward.

I was laughing almost uncontrollably. His Mom saw what was happening and she came to his rescue by offering him a hand to hold, a hand to help.

There are so many of us like little Sam. We just need a helping hand. Sometimes life gives us what seems to be insurmountable obstacles. Our own efforts lack the ability to bring us through successfully. We need a hand to hold.

“For I hold you by your right hand— I, the Lord your God. And I say to you,  ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.” Isaiah 41:13 NLT

I have heard the Lord whisper those same words of encouragement to my heart in times of struggle. “Just take my hand”.

“You have given me your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me,  your help has made me great. 36 You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping.” Psalm 18:35-36 NLT

During this time of year, there are so many around us who need a helping hand. They need to know that whatever obstacle, situation, or heart ache they face they aren’t in it alone. They need to know there is a hand to hold. Jesus said when we help the least of those around us we are reaching out as if He were the one in need.

Extend a hand to someone in need. It may be the best gift they receive.