Man Overboard

I am often disappointed when movies are re-done to make them more current with new actors. I enjoyed the remake of True Grit but it wasn’t as good as the original. However, I did enjoy the second Thomas Crown Affair better than the first. But, just last week Dave and I came across the movie Overboard. We had enjoyed the original with Goldie Hawn so we thought we’d give this one a try – after only a few minutes of watching we turned it off. It didn’t measure up. We were disappointed again.

However, it got me to thinking about the term overboard. In the early 1980’s Dave and I had a good job working for an absentee farm owner. We ran 900 acres of alfalfa. We were provided with a new mobile home, were given a farm truck and fuel. Our only expenses were our clothing and our groceries. It was nice! We worked hard, very hard during the peak growing season but we enjoyed the work and our kids were being raised in a rural environment and life was good.

We had been praying that the Lord would provide someone to minister to local farmers and ranchers on a regular basis; working around the strange hours of farming and providing us with a good, solid Bible teaching and Christian fellowship. One day as Dave was driving from field to field he heard in his heart, not with his head, that the Lord said he had answered our prayer and provided someone.

Thank you Jesus!

Who? The next answer that came was completely unexpected. You! Not us Lord, we have a ranch to run and there aren’t enough hours in the day. But we gradually began getting invitations to preach to at local farms and ranches. We had a young couple who sang country gospel music and another man who had a country heart who would preach. Dave and I provided the organization and administration at first. We would travel on our weekends when we weren’t cutting or baling hay.

One day we knew it was time to quit farming and go fulltime with Bible Studies and teachings to the farmers, ranchers and kids who attended the youth rodeos in Arizona. The man we worked for was very gracious. He knew what we had been doing part time, he wished us well and sent us off with his blessing.

When we told family and friends that this was what we were going to do we had one well meaning soul tell us “now you don’t want to go overboard with this”. I loved it when I heard Dave reply, “if we don’t go overboard we’ll never walk on water”.

“A little while before morning, Jesus came walking on the water toward his disciples. 26 When they saw him, they thought he was a ghost. They were terrified and started screaming.

27 At once, Jesus said to them, “Don’t worry! I am Jesus. Don’t be afraid.” 28 Peter replied, “Lord, if it is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come on!” Jesus said. Peter then got out of the boat and started walking on the water toward him.

30 But when Peter saw how strong the wind was, he was afraid and started sinking. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. 31 Right away, Jesus reached out his hand. He helped Peter up and said, “You surely don’t have much faith. Why do you doubt?” 32 When Jesus and Peter got into the boat, the wind died down. 33 The men in the boat worshiped Jesus and said, “You really are the Son of God!” Matthew 14:25-33 CEV

We felt like Peter. “Lord, if you really want us to go full time with this ministry we’ll get out of the boat but You have to help us or we’ll sink”. I can tell you God was faithful. (Maybe some day I will write a book to tell you about all the ways we saw the Father’s faithfulness.)

I want to encourage all of you this morning. If God has put a dream in your heart, go for it. The world will think you’ve lost your senses; you might lose friends but when you go overboard Jesus will be there to see that you walk on the water and don’t drown.