Sweet Peace

Believe it or not there are times when I get up in the morning that I really just want to go back to bed and get a little more rest. It’s true. This morning was one of those. I found myself sitting in my rocker, resting my head on hands, closing my eyes and seeking just a few more moments of peaceful sleep.

I found myself apologizing to the Lord. I had cut my prayer time short however, my heart was still in a place of talking to the Father but it was sleepy talk. I just kept repeating over and over, “Father I love you and I am so glad to be in Your presence”.

“The God Who lives forever is your safe place. His arms are always under you.” Deuteronomy 33:27 NLT

I felt cradled in His arms and there was such peace in those moments. And as I was taking rest in those moments I suddenly felt energized, ready for the day. Joy was filling my heart and giving me strength to replace the weariness.

“You have shown me the path to life, and you make me glad by being near to me. Sitting at your right side, I will always be joyful.” Psalm 16:11 CEV

I remember when our son was small, I had left him in the kitchen to finish his lunch while I went to the other room to do something. When I came back his head was on the table and he was sound asleep. That’s how I felt this morning.

“‘For I have given rest to the weary and joy to the sorrowing.’ 26 At this, I woke up and looked around. My sleep had been very sweet.” Jeremiah 31:25-26 NLT

Maybe your Monday is starting a little slower than usual. Maybe you are like me, wishing for a few more moments to rest. Stop now, for just a moment, and let God give you strength and joy for your day.

“Don’t you know?  Haven’t you heard? The Lord is the eternal God,  Creator of the earth. He never gets weary or tired; his wisdom cannot be measured. 29 The Lord gives strength to those who are weary. 30 Even young people get tired,  then stumble and fall.
31 But those who trust the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles  soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.” Isaiah 40:28-31 CEV