It’s Important to Cuddle

We knew our kids would be heading home right after lunch yesterday. We visited and played for most of the morning and then it was time to gather things up and start moving them out to the car.

I was putting out lunch in the kitchen, the little ones were playing, Kaci was packing and Stephen was loading out. Kristine was doing fine until her Daddy carried out her shoes. She followed him to the door but she had to stay inside. Her Daddy was gone and so were her shoes.

Kaci picked her up and put her in the high chair so she could eat before they left. Brother Sam was already eating. She wanted nothing to do with that, she just kept looking at the door and then the tears started to fall. It’s hard to imagine what might have been going through her little mind – I’m tired and I just want a nap; are they going to leave me; why can’t I go outside too.

I lifted her out of her high chair and began to rub her back. She started to calm down and cuddle in. I held her as her Momma and Daddy sat down to eat their lunch with brother. She snuggled in more as I sat down and then she fell fast asleep.

This scene replayed in my head this morning. And then I read this verse as part of my morning reading.

“You know that we treated each one of you the way a father treats his own children. 12 We encouraged you, we comforted you, and we told you to live good lives for God. He calls you to be part of his glorious kingdom.” I Thessalonians 2:11-12 ERV

We could almost replace that word “comforted” with the word cuddled. Paul had learned from the Lord the importance of comforting and encouraging. That’s what the Father does for us – He doesn’t abandon or desert us. When we feel vulnerable He is there to lift us up and give us peace.

“So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved kindness, and we will find help.” Hebrews 4:16 CEV

Maybe you need a good cuddle today, come boldly to God’s throne. He’ll pick you up and provide peace. Or maybe there is someone you’ll encounter today who is having a rough go of it; God might use you to act in a “fatherly” way to bring them comfort and encouragement.

Just remember, sometimes we could all use a good cuddle!

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