Be Lion-Hearted

Do you remember a couple days ago when I told you that our daughter is teaching our grandson how to write his letters and words? There is a progression that comes with that learning. We start with small words, c-a-t, d-o-g, r-e-d, t-w-o. And then as we go through the years our vocabulary increases and so do the words we learn to spell. Basic education gives way to more intense learning.

The same holds true with our knowledge and growth in spiritual things. We start with the basics. God is good. Jesus loves me. Trust in the Lord.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory be to him, now and forever! Amen.” II Peter 3:18 ERV

Just like my little grandson is growing in his knowledge, we are to grow in our knowledge of Jesus, the Father and His word. A couple years back I shared with you some insight that the Lord gave me from I Samuel 24. This morning, as part of my systematic reading through the Bible I was reading in I Samuel 24 again and I found myself focusing on David’s reaction to adversity and those who were trying to kill him. I think we always need a reminder of how God wants us to react in stressful situations.

“The sinful run away when no one is trying to catch them, but those who are right with God have as much strength of heart as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1 NLV

Let me tell you about a man who had a good heart and knew that he is destined for greatness. He had been assigned a place of leadership, however, the current leader was still actiively fulfilling the role.

The current leader became jealous and did everything he could to destroy his successor. Constantly, he thought of ways to pursue and destroy this man. He enlisted the help of well-meaning by-standers.

The current leader’s pursuit was so relentless that this man with the good heart became exhausted by his efforts to avoid conflict. He let God be his defense and his strength! He didn’t retaliate or bad mouth his pursuer. He did all he could to remain humble and pure of heart.

I’ve been in situations that I know I’m where God called me and when opposition came I cannot say that I remained pure in heart and let God be my defense. I have tried to defend myself – get others to see that I’m right and have fought to prove my point.

I was wrong!

So where is all this coming from? I Samuel. I have been reading how David was anointed king while Saul was still ruling. Then Saul sought to kill David and pursued him relentlessly. David did the honorable thing and avoided capture. Even when David had opportunity to kill Saul, he did not touch him.

“The Lord put you within my grasp today in the cave, but I refused to kill you. I was merciful to you. I said, ‘I won’t hurt my master. Saul is the Lord’s chosen king.’ 11 Look at this piece of cloth in my hand. I cut off the corner of your robe. I could have killed you, but I didn’t. Now, I want you to understand this. I want you to know that I am not planning anything against you. I did nothing wrong to you, but you are hunting me and trying to kill me. 12 Let the Lord be the judge. I hope the Lord will punish you for the wrong you did to me, but I won’t fight you myself. 13 There is an old saying:

‘Bad things come from bad people.’ I haven’t done anything bad, and I won’t hurt you…

16 When David finished speaking, Saul asked, “Is that your voice, David my son?” Then Saul lifted his voice and began to cry. 17 He said, “You are right, and I am wrong. You were good to me, even though I have been bad to you. 18 You yourself said it when you told me about the good things you did. The Lord put my life in your hands, but you did not kill me. 19 This shows that you are not my enemy. A man doesn’t catch his enemy, and then just let him go. He doesn’t do good things for his enemy. May the Lord reward you for being good to me today. 20 Now, I know that you will become the new king. You will rule the kingdom of Israel.” I Samuel 24:10-20 ERV

I don’t know who is pursuing you today – who is making it their personal vendeta to destroy you but you can trust the Lord to be your strength and your defender.

“Praise the Lord! He has heard my prayer for mercy. 7 The Lord is my strength and shield. I trusted him with all my heart. He helped me, so I am happy. I sing songs of praise to him. 8 The Lord protects his chosen one. He saves him and gives him strength.” Psalm 26:6-8 ERV

If you are going through a particularly tough time right now and feel like you are being harrassed and attacked I encourage you to read I Samuel 18-31. Read how the Lord protected David through all of Saul’s plottings. These words in the Psalms will have greater meaning when you realize the situations that surrounded them.

“I look to the hills! Where will I find help? 2 It will come from the Lord, who created the heavens and the earth. 3 The Lord is your protector, and he won’t go to sleep or let you stumble.” Psalm 121:1-3 CEV

Stand strong and see the deliverance that comes from the Lord!