Super Bowl Stars

Super Bowl Sunday!! Only a few days away.

I know this has millions of people’s attention. I’m not a big football fan and I must admit I know very little about the two teams playing. I couldn’t name one player on either team.

I do appreciate good sportsmanship, the talent of the players and good strategy. So I may watch part of it. However, it does remind me that each one of us is in a much more important game. The game of our lives. We are each starring in our own Super Bowl. And the choice of who wins is ours.

“Today I am giving you a choice of two ways. And I ask heaven and earth to be witnesses of your choice. You can choose life or death. The first choice will bring a blessing. The other choice will bring a curse. So choose life! Then you and your children will live.” Deuteronomy 30:19 ERV

We’ve got the best coach and He will give us game winning plays; we just need to tune in to His directions.

“Always remember what is written in that book of law. Speak about that book and study it day and night. Then you can be sure to obey what is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything you do. 9 Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9 ERV

Our quarterback has never lost a game. He’s been bloody in battle but He played through the pain and came out the victor when the final gun was fired.

“We must never stop looking to Jesus. He is the leader of our faith, and he is the one who makes our faith complete. He suffered death on a cross. But he accepted the shame of the cross as if it were nothing because of the joy he could see waiting for him. And now he is sitting at the right side of God’s throne. Think about Jesus. He patiently endured the angry insults that sinful people were shouting at him. Think about him so that you won’t get discouraged and stop trying.” Hebrews 12:2-3 ERV

So here’s to winning the big game and receiving the crown of victory!

“Then I heard a voice from heaven shout, ‘Our God has shown his saving power, and his kingdom has come. God’s own Chosen One has shown his authority. Satan accused our people in the presence of God day and night. Now he has been thrown out!

11 Our people defeated Satan because of the blood of the Lamb and the message of God. They were willing to give up their lives.” Revelation 12:10-11 CEV

“The man who does not give up when tests come is happy. After the test is over, he will receive the crown of life. God has promised this to those who love Him.” James 1:12 NLV

WE WIN!!!!