No More Patches

Quite often Dave and I will use a line from the movie Lonesome Dove when it comes to our wardrobe. “No point in givin’ up on a garment just cuz it’s got a little age on it”. Well, the other day I had to do just that – give up on a garment.

I had a pair of jeans I’ve been wearing for the last ten to twelve years. They were just so comfortable and fit me like a glove. The hems were worn off where I had walked on them with my boots, the back pocket rivet had pulled away from the fabric and they were patched where I caught them on a barbed wire fence. The belt loops were pulling free but the final determination came when the zipper broke. They served me well and I hated to see them go but go they must.

This morning I was reading in Mark 2 and I had to stop and ponder, I love that word, what Jesus was saying here.

“No one patches old clothes by sewing on a piece of new cloth. The new piece would shrink and tear a bigger hole.” Mark 2:21 CEV

When I read that I thought of the pants I mentioned above and in my heart I said “Lord, but I loved those old patched pants”. What am I supposed to be learning here? As soon as I asked that question this thought came to mind.

“For if a man belongs to Christ, he is a new person. The old life is gone. New life has begun.” II Corinthians 5:17 NLV

When we accept Christ as our Savior we receive an entirely new life. God doesn’t take our old life and patch it up; He gives us something completely new. Now, if you’re like me and those jeans, I was glad to have them patched because I was comfortable with them. I liked the fit. It was ok they had a few patches.

But God has better things in store for us. He has designed a life for us using the things we love, our talents and abilities. He gives us something new and wonderful. It fits better and looks better and He gives it to us as a free gift. This new life is designer quality and custom fit.

“When you were baptized, you were buried with Christ, and you were raised up with him because of your faith in God’s power. God’s power was shown when he raised Christ from death.

13 You were spiritually dead because of your sins and because you were not free from the power of your sinful self. But God gave you new life together with Christ. He forgave all our sins.” Colossians 2:13ERV

Christ is our example of what this new life looks like. He showed us how to love the Father and love the people that God created. He showed us how to walk in forgiveness and victory.

“You were raised from death with Christ. So live for what is in heaven, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Think only about what is up there, not what is here on earth. Your old self has died, and your new life is kept with Christ in God. Yes, Christ is now your life, and when he comes again, you will share in his glory.” Colossians 3:1-4 ERV

Amazing! I have a new life. A life where all my sins are forgiven. God isn’t condemning me for my past. He has wiped that out and has given me a new life in Christ.

Thank you Father that you didn’t patch up my old life. Thank you for giving me something completely new!