Thrill of Victory

My day didn’t start out as I had planned. I actually slept in this morning and had no real motivation to get moving. Dave asked if I had written my blog yet and I told him no, but I knew before the day was out the Lord would give me something to share.

Here it is!

We’ve spent several days this week with Joshua. The Lord told him to be courageous and strong. He had a big task before him. His first triumph was at Jericho. All that marching and trumpet blowing brought success.

But then…

This is what happened to the children of Israel after they defeated Jericho. The Lord told them all of the spoils they took when they defeated Jericho were His. Achan, one of the men, took some gold, silver and a fine robe and hid them in his tent.

A few days after Jericho, Joshua got the army together and they went to battle to defeat the next city which was Ai. Ai was a smaller city than Jericho and they were riding high from their victory only to be defeated.

“Joshua sent about three thousand soldiers to attack Ai. But the men of Ai fought back and chased the Israelite soldiers away from the town gate and down the hill to the stone quarries. Thirty-six Israelite soldiers were killed, and the Israelite army felt discouraged.” Joshua 7:4-5 CEV

Now Joshua goes to the Lord and he’s upset. He tells the Lord how all his enemies will hear about this defeat and they will be emboldened to fight the Israelites. They, their enemies, will feel that God isn’t fighting for them or with them any more.

Disobedient -> Defeated -> Discouraged. Have you ever been there? Joshua couldn’t understand how God could abandon them like this.

God showed Joshua who had stolen items that were supposed to be destroyed. Achan was brought before Joshua and he admitted his disobedience and his deception. Achan was killed for stealing what God said should have been destroyed.

Joshua has to pick up from there and go on. Back to Ai – and this is what the Lord says.

“The Lord told Joshua:
Don’t be afraid, and don’t be discouraged by what happened at the town of Ai. Take the army and attack again. But first, have part of the army set up an ambush on the other side of the town. I will help you defeat the king of Ai and his army, and you will capture the town and the land around it. Destroy Ai and kill its king as you did at Jericho. But you may keep the livestock and everything else you want.” Joshua 8:1-2 CEV

God reminds Joshua of the original command; don’t be afraid, don’t be discouraged. Stand strong, be courageous. So they go against Ai again and this time they are victorious!

When we face defeat because of our own disobedience God wants us to deal with our disobedience and listen to Him. When we do we can go back and defeat the enemy. It would have been easy for Joshua to pick another city to fight against to gain the land but the Lord sent him back to the same city, the same king but this time the results were different.

“Finally, the Lord told Joshua, “Point your sword at the town of Ai, because now I am going to help you defeat it!” Joshua 8:18 CEV

Joshua met an angel before the battle at Jericho and asked the angel of the Lord whose side he was on – his answer rang clear. I’m not for you or for your enemy, I’m on the Lord’s side.

“One day, Joshua was near Jericho when he saw a man standing some distance in front of him. The man was holding a sword, so Joshua walked up to him and asked, “Are you on our side or on our enemies’ side?”

14 “Neither,” he answered. “I am here because I am the commander of the Lord’s army.” Joshua 5:13-14 CEV

The instruction is plain; be obedient, fight the battle, win the victory!

“What can we say about all this? If God is on our side, can anyone be against us? 32 God did not keep back his own Son, but he gave him for us. If God did this, won’t he freely give us everything else?” Romans 8:31-32 CEV

Get up -> Go forward -> Get the victory!