Steps Away

Dave and I were up early this morning, 3:15, to be exact. We had a plane to catch.


For the last week we have been with friends in West Glacier, MT. They purchased a cabin that needed some renovating and so we were asked to  help with the projects. We worked very hard but had a wonderful time.

When we all got tired, and we did, the thing that kept us on track was the vision that they have for their property. You see they call their cabin, Steps Away. Yes, it’s Steps Away from the entrance to Glacier Park and steps away from the Village of West Glacier with a rafting company, restaurant, bar, gift shop, post office, ice cream parlor and other fun places.

Our friends plan to offer Steps Away as a home for vacation rental, family reunions, gatherings of friends and they want it to be as comfortable as possible. We were so glad to help.

As we were driving to the airport this morning I was struck with the similarity of getting the cabin guest-friendly and our walk with the Lord. Our friends have a vision for the cabin’s appearance; it has a destiny. But to arrive at that destiny there is work involved. Exhausting work on some days, all culminating with a wonderful end.

You and I also have a destiny. We are being renewed in the image of Christ. Some days the renovations can be exhausting but we keep our focus on the result and move forward.

“The steps of a good man are led by the Lord. And He is happy in his way. 24 When he falls, he will not be thrown down, because the Lord holds his hand.”   Psalm 37:23  NLV

Three Bible personalities came to mind as I thought about our steps being ordered by the Lord. The first is Joseph.

As a young man he had dreams of his God-given destiny. He saw that his father and brothers would be bowing down in reverence to him. As the youngest son this was completely out of character. The oldest son was the one who received honor in the family.

Joseph’s journey to his destiny had his brothers selling him into slavery; serving as a household servant to a wealthy man whose wife tried to seduce him; being imprisoned because of a lie and finally making it to the pharaoh’s court where he was promoted to 2nd in authority. During a time of famine Joseph saw his destiny fulfilled.

God used him to develop a food storage plan that kept all of Egypt and their surrounding neighbors from starving. When his brothers came to him to buy grain, they bowed down at his feet in humble reverence. 

Then there was Mary, the mother of Jesus. She knew her destiny was to birth the promised Messiah. As a young girl this was a hard road to walk. She faced ridicule and criticism from family and friends. Even Joseph dealt with the thought of divorce.

Once the Messiah was born there were diapers to change, possibly colic and sleepless nights. She was his teacher; teaching him to walk and talk. Responsible for his safety and upbringing knowing full well that she had been given the responsibility of raising God’s son.  Some of her steps were hard ones to take, exhausting, but well worth taking to fulfill her destiny.

“You have also given me the covering that saves me. Your right hand holds me up. And Your care has made me great. 36 You make the road wide for my steps, and my feet have not tripped.”  Psalm 18:35-36 NLV

The final Bible character who walked the road to their destiny is Jesus. He was just steps away from His destiny but first he had to leave heaven, be born as a baby, grow into a man and begin His ministry. He had brothers and sisters to help at home, after all He was the oldest son.

He was despised, hated by the Jewish leaders but loved by those who needed healing and consolation. His steps took Him to weddings, funerals, church functions, outdoor meetings. He went places and did things that Jews in good standing didn’t. His steps lead down a rocky road that culminated in his crucifixion.

However, His destiny wasn’t fulfilled until He rose from the dead. His steps took him from heaven and  back.

Look at where you are now. Can you identify with the rough and rocky road? Don’t quit! You are just steps away from reaching your destiny. Each hardship is bringing you closer to who and where God has called you to serve. Take some advice from the Apostle Peter.

“What good is it if, when you are beaten for doing something wrong, you do not try to get out of it? But if you are beaten when you have done what is right, and do not try to get out of it, God is pleased. 21 These things are all a part of the Christian life to which you have been called. Christ suffered for us. This shows us we are to follow in His steps. 22 He never sinned. No lie or bad talk ever came from His lips.” I Peter 2:20-22 NLV

Don’t get tired during the renovation process. Don’t give in to weariness.

I’ll leave you with this final thought.

 Do not let yourselves get tired of doing good. If we do not give up, we will get what is coming to us at the right time. 10 Because of this, we should do good to everyone. For sure, we should do good to those who belong to Christ.” Galatians 6:9-10 NLV

(Started this in the Kalispell airport and posted it from Salt Lake City. We’ll be home soon!)

4 Replies to “Steps Away”

  1. Great reminder to me to “keep on keeping on”. Glad your trip was fun and rewarding and that you are back home safe and sound.

  2. We all need reminders. Every time I write these the Lord is teaching me something.

  3. This really is an vision, like what the Lord has for us. At times hard work, but in the end all worth it. StepAway is our vision for vactions but with Kristi at my side each day helping paint, clean, cook, weed, I knew I am just StepsAway from the best person I have even known.

    1. Each of us have been given special gifts and talents. It’s so much fun when we get to use them together. We know that the vacation homes will be true retreats of peace and joy for all the guests who come.

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