A Simple Touch

There’s a lady I would like you to meet today.

She has been ill for many years. In fact, she has spent almost every penny she has on doctors and she has only gotten worse. Her insurance has run out and she has become an outcast in society.

She isn’t allowed in the public places anymore because people have shunned her.  According to the laws, if she goes out in public she has to stay out of crowds and announce that she is unclean and she can’t have any social interaction with friends and neighbors. She’s a lonely lady but she isn’t hopeless.

In fact she is full of hope. So much so that she is willing to put her very life on the line to follow Jesus!

She heard He is going to be in her neighborhood today and she has heard how many people He has touched and healed and she is determined to get to Him. In her heart she keeps saying, “If I can just touch Him, I will be healed”.  It’s time to go out in the street, on the road – has anyone recognized her? Will they step to the side or pull back from being close to her? Do they know she’s unclean – what has she got to lose?

The crowd in the streets is getting larger. So many people and they are all headed in the same direction. In her weakened physical condition she presses on.  Oh, this is tougher than she thought but she can’t quit now – she has to keep going.  Pushing through the sea of people and being lost in the crowd she can see Him now.  There He is – she can see the back of his head, she’s getting closer!

No! Who’s that with him?

It’s Jairus, one of the leaders from the synagogue!  If he sees her she could be stoned on the spot!  “I have to reach Jesus,  I’ve been following all this time, I have to reach Him. I can almost touch Him.”

Stretching out her hand, she leans forward and she touches Jesus.

“ So Jesus went with Jairus. Many people followed Jesus. They were pushing very close around him.

25 There among the people was a woman who had been bleeding for the past twelve years. 26 She had suffered very much. Many doctors had tried to help her, and all the money she had was spent, but she was not improving. In fact, her sickness was getting worse.

27 The woman heard about Jesus, so she followed him with the other people and touched his coat. 28 She thought, “If I can just touch his clothes, that will be enough to heal me.” 29 As soon as she touched his coat, her bleeding stopped. She felt that her body was healed from all the suffering. 30 Jesus immediately felt power go out from him, so he stopped and turned around. “Who touched my clothes?” he asked.

31 The followers said to Jesus, “There are so many people pushing against you. But you ask, ‘Who touched me?’”

32 But Jesus continued looking for the one who touched him. 33 The woman knew that she was healed, so she came and bowed at Jesus’ feet. She was shaking with fear. She told Jesus the whole story. 34 He said to her, “Dear woman, you are made well because you believed. Go in peace. You will not suffer anymore.”  Mark 5:24-34

Do you see her? The tears are running down her cheeks, she has met Jesus. Her life has been changed. The Master had compassion on her and she is healed!

She risked all to follow Jesus.  In that crowd, I can only imagine that there were others who were sick and infirmed.  What her different?   Jesus said she believed! She had hope, but she didn’t beg – she believed; she trusted in, adhered to and relied on Jesus to be her healer.

She followed Jesus and she found healing, peace, joy and love!

Are you willing to follow Him today?




2 Replies to “A Simple Touch”

  1. What a touching devotional. It spoke to me precepts I needed to be reminded of. Love you sister.

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