A Good Read

I have to honestly tell you that I have never been a good or ambitious reader. I can read well enough but have never learned to enjoy reading. Now, I imagine that’s a strange confession for a writer to make.

However, I LOVE reading the Bible! God’s word is a constant source of joy, excitement and inspiration.

This morning I’ve read of wars, an attempted murder and of great preachers persuading the hearts of large crowds with the message of God’s love.

I’ve also read simple-to-the-point life instructions from King Solomon. Many years ago I began reading the book of Proverbs, one chapter each day, for the month and then repeating again the beginning of the following month. There are thirty chapters in Proverbs, it serves as an instructional manual to the young. Since I am younger than some I still continue to read it.

“Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold. The rich and poor have this in common: The Lord made them both.

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. True humility and fear of the Lord lead to riches, honor, and long life.” Proverbs 22:1-4 NLT

There’s quite a bit of wisdom in these few verses from Solomon. Just a few nuggets to chew on today.

Protect your reputation more than you protect your wallet – it has greater value. The best way I know to stay out of worldly trouble is to serve the Lord because He will maintain our right and our cause.

The Lord has great plans for those of us who honor and reverence Him. The “fear” of the Lord isn’t a scary thing, instead it is an attitude of humility and reverence. Deferring to God as our ultimate source in every situation.

There’s an old hymn whose words say, “Without Him, I could do nothing. Without Him, I’d surely fail. Without Him, I would be drifting like a ship without a sail”. I’ve tried doing life my way and I definitely found myself drifting.

The chorus goes on to say:, “Jesus, oh Jesus, do you know Him today? Please don’t turn Him away. Jesus, oh Jesus, without Him how lost I would be”.

Living every day, following God’s word and the example of Jesus brings a promise of a long and fulfilling life.

Make God’s word the foundational premise of every day; it’s a good read!