True Freedom

This morning started a little differently for me. I woke at 2:30 and thought I should sleep just a little longer…Yikes! Woke at 4:50 am. My youngest daughter and I had committed to walking the “God Shed His Grace on Thee” 5k so I had enough time to change out of my jammies and into my walking clothes. We were out the door by 5:05.

We participated in a virtual 4th of July 5K. Walk done. Cool down in progress and now it’s time to share some thoughts on freedom with you. True Freedom.

On this day of independence, it’s important to remember that we are truly free through our relationship with Jesus Christ. We are no longer held captive or enslaved by sin and/or the devil because the Son, Jesus Christ, broke the chains of bondage and set us free! Hallelujah!

“So if the Son makes you free, you are really free.” John 8:36 ERV

Our nation was founded by men who were seeking a better way of life; an opportunity to achieve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They trusted in God’s leading and direction in the founding of this nation.

Many of us have become disheartened, during the recent past months and years, by the events taking place in our nation. But one thing has not changed, God is still, and forever will be, Lord God Almighty who rules and reigns in mercy, truth and justice!

We can trust Him and Him alone! He is our hope, He is our peace, He is our joy, the Everlasting God!

“Don’t be afraid. I am with you. Don’t tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong, as I protect you with my arm and give you victories” Isaiah 41:10 CEV

Kingdoms and nations will rise and fail but the kingdom of God and the liberty that we have in Christ will remain forever. We should be grateful to live in this country that we have but the most important thing of all is that our citizenship is secure in heaven.

“But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior.” Philippians 3:20 NLT

Make today a celebration of freedom!


As I was waking up this morning I was thinking about a letter I am going to write, you know, composing it in my head. Over the years my closing signature has most always been preceded by something like this, “Victorious in Him” or “Victorious in Jesus”. I’ve been signing my letters like that for over thirty-five years.

Those of you who have read my blog for any length of time know that in the early part of my Christian life I went from one defeat to another. Disappointments and struggles were the norm but about thirty-seven years ago I began to hear teaching on the truth and power of God’s word. I learned from reading the Bible that God had designed a life of victory and blessings for us.

“We show our love for God by obeying his commandments, and they are not hard to follow. Every child of God can defeat the world, and our faith is what gives us this victory. No one can defeat the world without having faith in Jesus as the Son of God.” I John 5:3-5 CEV

Victory? Yes, victory.

Things began to change. The Lord put such a hunger in my heart to read His word and put it into practice. The Word became my final authority on every subject. God is infinitely greater than the wisest of men and He has promised to bring us through any situation in victory.

“But thank God for letting our Lord Jesus Christ give us the victory! 58 My dear friends, stand firm and don’t be shaken. Always keep busy working for the Lord. You know that everything you do for him is worthwhile.” I Corinthians 15:57-58 CEV

“I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume.” II Corinthians 2:14 CEV

The Bible is filled with stories of God intervening in the lives of every day people. But they aren’t just stories, they are examples of what God can and will do in the lives of those who put their trust in Him. I have seen true miracles and everyday blessings too numerous to count.

I have had my share of failures as I have learned to trust God’s word. The outcome hasn’t always been victorious but it’s not because God didn’t want it to be. Like Peter, who started to sink while walking on the water, I would get my eyes off the Lord and on my circumstances and fear would take over. But also like Peter, when he cried out the Lord lifted him above the waves and got him to safety, the Lord has been there to rescue me and bring me to safety. Victory has been flourishing and defeats have been diminished.

The Lord desires to do this for all of us. Did you notice in the verses from I John that it says “Every child of God can defeat the world”? Everyone! God has put all His blessings and power at our disposal when we put our trust in Him. Faith is believing that God will do what He says; trust is believing that He will do it for us.

I don’t know when or how this coronavirus will be contained but I do know that we can trust God to bring us through it victoriously!

These are the words of Jesus: “A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest. ” John 10:10 CEV

Join me, will you? Let’s put our signature at the bottom of today’s letter –

Victorious in Him, Kristi

Happy Endings

I am one of those people who like happy endings. You know, the kind that come in the last ten minutes of Hallmark movies, Chick Flicks and musicals. The music softens, broken hearts are mended, true love reveals what was held secret and the kiss…awww.

As I read my Bible this morning I realized I was coming to a happy ending of my own. I know I told you that I am following one of those “Read through your Bible in a year” plans. About a month ago I marked off how much I have read and separated out how many more pages I will read to complete the year. This morning I counted and there are only one hundred seventy-nine pages to go to finish the year. Amazing.

However, that doesn’t mean I’m done, it just means that starting on January 1 I will begin again and discover new truths that I have overlooked or forgotten about. The Bible is the living word of God. It never changes; God never changes but as we grow spiritually we understand more and the truths become more profound.

Happy Endings.

God is the author of happy endings. He has made wonderful promises to all of us who love Him. He created heaven for our enjoyment. These are His words in the next to the last chapter of Revelation, the last book in the Bible.

“I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them.He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”

And the one sitting on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true.” And he also said, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life. All who are victorious will inherit all these blessings, and I will be their God, and they will be my children.” Revelation 21:3-7 NLT

Happy Endings.

There’s another happy ending that I read about this morning. It is the account of the blessings we received when Jesus life on earth was ended. The circumstances around His death were horrendous but the final result was glorious.

“What we do see is Jesus, who for a little while was given a position “a little lower than the angels”; and because he suffered death for us, he is now “crowned with glory and honor.” Yes, by God’s grace, Jesus tasted death for everyone. 10 God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation.

11 So now Jesus and the ones he makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters. 12 For he said to God, “I will proclaim your name to my brothers and sisters.  I will praise you among your assembled people.”

13 He also said, “I will put my trust in him,” that is, “I and the children God has given me.” 14 Because God’s children are human beings—made of flesh and blood—the Son also became flesh and blood. For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the devil, who had the power of death. 15 Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.

16 We also know that the Son did not come to help angels; he came to help the descendants of Abraham. 17 Therefore, it was necessary for him to be made in every respect like us, his brothers and sisters, so that he could be our merciful and faithful High Priest before God. Then he could offer a sacrifice that would take away the sins of the people. 18 Since he himself has gone through suffering and testing, he is able to help us when we are being tested.” Hebrews 2:9-18 NLV

You might need to re-read that. Take it all in – talk about your happy ending, this is it!

Jesus became flesh and blood like us, he died for us breaking the power of the devil over our lives and presented us to the Father as his brothers and sisters. He gave his life so that we could live a life in right relationship with God. He is able to help us each day of our lives, helping us when we are suffering and going through testing.

I love that Jesus has provided a happy ending!

Who Do You Serve?

I read about the final days of Moses this morning. He had led the Israelites through the desert for forty years; he was one hundred twenty years old. His first forty years were spent in the pharaoh’s court because he had been adopted at three months of age. The second forty years of his life were spent in Midian herding sheep and raising a family. That’s where he saw the burning bush and the Lord called him to go back to Egypt and lead his people to freedom.

Moses was not a perfect man, not even close, but he had a heart for God. He spent his finals days preaching and teaching, encouraging the Israelites to keep their faith and trust in the Lord, their God. He told them as long as they served and honored the Lord things would go well for them. His life was over and theirs were just beginning.

It really made me stop and think. Here I am sixty-five, soon to be sixty-six. What does the Lord have for my future? Will I still be writing morning blogs ten years from now? Will my family and people around me see me as an old woman who has lost touch with the “normal” things of life because all I want to do is garden, bake, knit and tell people about Jesus?

Moses repeated over and again that the Israelites should never forget their God and how he had always provided for them. He was promising to go with them into this new land and give them victory over their enemies.

“Be strong and be brave. Don’t be afraid of those people because the Lord your God is with you. He will not fail you or leave you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 ERV

Jesus said the same thing to His disciples.

“Listen to me. A time is coming when you will be scattered, each to his own home. In fact, that time is already here. You will leave me, and I will be alone. But I am never really alone, because the Father is with me.

33 “I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have troubles. But be brave! I have defeated the world!” John 16:32-33 ERV

Cheer Up! Jesus, our Saviour, has defeated the world. The Apostle John heard and lived that message so he wrote this to in his letter to Christians everywhere.

“Every child of God can defeat the world, and our faith is what gives us this victory. No one can defeat the world without having faith in Jesus as the Son of God.” I John 5:4-5 CEV

We have been promised victory, not because we are so talented, wise or gifted. The victory comes because of our relationship with the Lord! I never get tired of telling people about the victory that is our in Christ.

An old hymn has special meaning to me, especially at this time of year. As we approach Easter it’s so important that we remember the battle fought and victory won when Jesus left the tomb. Jesus hasn’t forgotten us. When he died, rose and ascended to the Father, He lives each day to make intercession for us. He is our source of strength and our example of victory.

He Lives

I serve a risen Savior He’s in the world today.
I know that He is living, Whatever men may say.
I see His hand of mercy; I hear His voice of cheer;
And just the time I need Him He’s always near.
• He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way.
He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
• In all the world around me I see His loving care,
And though my heart grows weary I never will despair;
I know that He is leading, Through all the stormy blast;
The day of His appearing Will come at last.
• Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, Lift up your voice and sing
Eternal hallelujahs To Jesus Christ the King!
The Hope of all who seek Him, The Help of all who find,
None other is so loving, So good and kind. Lyrics by Alfred Ackley

As Moses reminded the children of Israel I want to remind us, our Saviour is risen! Serving Him brings us into a place of victory.

It’s A Glorious Day!

How do I know that today will be a glorious day? I have God’s promise on it! When His word gives us a promise we can believe it.

“I will tell of your greatness, my God and King. I will praise your name forever and ever.
I will praise you every day. I will praise your name forever and ever. The Lord is great and deserves all our praise! No one can fully understand his greatness! Each generation will praise you and tell the next generation about the great things you do.” Psalm 145:1-4 ERV

“I will praise you every day.” King David made it his goal to praise the Lord every day. We should too. I remember something that evangelist Oral Roberts used to say. He was known for his saying “something good is going to happen to you this very day”. He lived expecting to see God’s goodness displayed each and every day of his life.

How wonderful!

Obviously King David or Oral Roberts didn’t face the challenges that you and I face each day, right? They didn’t have to deal with aggravating people, physical illness and pain, wayward children, vicious co-workers or financial upset like we do. Really? Of course, they did. But they knew that God watched over them and provided His best for them on a daily basis. So they spent each day in praise.

This morning I was reading about Jesus trial and His crucifixion. The Jewish religious leaders were driven to destroy Jesus and His ministry. Their vendetta was real. They took Jesus to Pilate, the Roman governor, to get him to pronounce a death sentence but Pilate said he found no fault in Jesus. Pilate sent Jesus to Herod, who ruled the area of Galilee. Herod found no fault with Him either and sent Jesus back to Pilate.

A crowd had gathered by now, knowing that Jesus had been arrested and the religious leaders had incited the people into a frenzy. They were a lynch mob. Pilate tried to release Jesus but the crowd called for his crucifixion. There was nothing good about this day.

But wait…there was! This was the day that God, the Father, had planned. He sent His Son to be our substitute. He took our place and gave His life so that we could live forgiven, in relationship with the Father.

“Around noon the sky turned dark and stayed that way until the middle of the afternoon. 45 The sun stopped shining, and the curtain in the temple split down the middle. 46 Jesus shouted, “Father, I put myself in your hands!” Then he died.” Luke 23:44-46 CEV

In only a few days the world would see a victorious Christ rise from the grave! Satan’s defeat would be complete and our lives have been redeemed. All we need to do is receive, as a gift, what Christ did for us on the cross!

A glorious day!

There’s a song that I learned in church many years ago. The lyrics came flooding back this morning as I read the story of the crucifixion in Luke 23.

“One day when Heaven was filled with His praises
One day when sin was as black as could be
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin
Dwelt among men, my example is He
Word became flesh and the light shined among us
His glory revealed

Chorus: Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He’s coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He
Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me


One day the grave could conceal Him no longer
One day the stone rolled away from the door
Then He arose, over death He had conquered
Now is ascended, my Lord evermore
Death could not hold Him, the grave could not keep Him
From rising again


One day the trumpet will sound for His coming
One day the skies with His glories will shine
Wonderful day, my Beloved One bringing
My Savior Jesus is mine

Chorus: Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He’s coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day!”

It’s a glorious day – a day of hope, joy, forgiveness and peace! Christ has come to fill our lives to the full with a relationship of love that will last for all eternity.

O glorious day!


There are some absolutes in the Word of God that aren’t preceded by “the” but instead they use the phrase “in everything” or “always”.

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” I Thessalonians 5:18

Notice the verse doesn’t say “for everything” give thanks but “In everything” give thanks. It is always God’s will that we give thanks because there is power in praise and thanksgiving to God.

I know you’ve all heard it before but giving thanks in a bad situation is focusing on God’s deliverance and not on the circumstances.
Tell your problem how big your God is instead of telling God how big your problem is. There are no big problems to God, He can handle them all.

Daniel gave thanks in the lions den and then he laid down and went to sleep.  He was thankful that he was worthy of being persecuted for his stand for God.

Paul and Silas gave thanks by singing at midnight after they had been beaten and thrown in the prison. They praised God for who He is and that they had the privilege to proclaim the gospel.  Paul wrote these words.

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6  KJV

This is the way that verse reads in another translation.

Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have.” Philippians 4:6 ERV

To be careful means to be “full of care” or worry. Worry brings anxiety.  Jesus told the disciples that the “cares of this world” would choke out the Word of God that has been planted in their hearts.

Today I encourage you to apply an “in everything” attitude to your life. Thankful for the good, the blessings that the Lord gives and thankful that He has made you victorious over the evil.

 We thank God for the power Christ has given us. He leads us and makes us win in everything. He speaks through us wherever we go. The Good News is like a sweet smell to those who hear it.” II Corinthians 2:14 NLV


Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Have you heard the expression let sleeping dogs lie?

Interesting concept – but the idea behind it is one of cowardice. It creates the image of trying to sneak in and get something before you can be met with resistance.

We as Christians should be living offensively. Moving forward regardless of the obstacles and resistance.

Do something, God! Scatter your hateful enemies. Make them turn and run. Scatter them like smoke! When you come near, make them melt like wax in a fire. But let your people be happy and celebrate because of you. Our God, you are the one who rides on the clouds, and we praise you. Your name is the Lord, and we celebrate as we worship you.

Our God, from your sacred home you take care of orphans and protect widows. You find families for those who are lonely. You set prisoners free and let them prosper, but all who rebel will live in a scorching desert.” Psalm 68: 1-5 CEV 

In another version of this Psalm the first words are “let God arise”. God is not a sleeping giant that we have to wake to come to our defense. No, instead He is always on point, always looking for ways to help us. He’s there even before we cry out for help.

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him…” II Chronicles 16:9a NKJV

God is always looking for ways to help us. The problem is we aren’t always looking for or to Him. We try  to do things on our own and then after we’ve exhausted all our other resources we call out to God. Or we even blame Him, “why isn’t God helping me or why did He let this happen?”. When in all truth  we haven’t asked Him to help us.

Remember, we are told to “ask and it shall be given, seek and we will find”. It’s silly to blame God or make it His fault, if we aren’t asking. In one of the verses that I quote often  we find  that the Father is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him by faith.

To let God arise means we elevate Him in our own eyes; in our estimation we lift Him to a place of priority. He is the creator of heaven and earth and there is no one higher. Until we let Him rule in our hearts, we aren’t letting Him “arise over our situation and scatter our enemies”.

Let God arise today!

The Victory

Some people have the misconception that if we love God and are serving Him then we won’t have any problems. That is so far from the truth. What we do have though is God’s promise to bring us through those problems with victory. This morning I want to put two different Scriptures side by side and let you see how God answered David’s prayer from verses 121-128.

“121 I have done what is right and good. Don’t let me fall into the hands of those who want to hurt me. 122 Promise to be good to me, your servant. Don’t let those proud people do harm to me. 123 I have worn out my eyes looking for your help, waiting for you to save me, as you promised. 124 Show your faithful love to me, your servant. Teach me your laws. 125 I am your servant. Give me wisdom to understand your rules. 126 Lord, it is time for you to do something. The people do what is against your teachings. 127 I love your commands more than gold, more than the purest gold. 128 I carefully obey all your commands. So I hate anything that leads people the wrong way.” Psalm 119: 121-128

David was accustomed to battle but he was also accustom to winning. Before he became king he was pursued by Saul for approximately 13 years, I think I have that right. Then after he became king he had the enemy nations to defeat and even had to fight his own son, Absalom. But most of the time, he was encouraged and confident in battle. David knew the Lord had promised the Israelites this land and had told them to go in and confidently take the land and that they would be victorious.

However, David had to encourage himself with God’s promises when his wife, children and the wives and children of the entire town were captured while he and his men were away at battle. That’s where we are going to read this morning. (This takes place before David became king.)

“David was desperate. His soldiers were so upset over what had happened to their sons and daughters that they were thinking about stoning David to death. But he felt the Lord God giving him strength, 7 and he said to the priest, “Abiathar, let’s ask God what to do.”

Abiathar brought everything he needed to get answers from God, and he went over to David. 8 Then David asked the Lord, “Should I go after the people who raided our town? Can I catch up with them?” “Go after them,” the Lord answered. “You will catch up with them, and you will rescue your families.”

9-10 David led his six hundred men to Besor Gorge, but two hundred of them were too tired to go across. So they stayed behind, while David and the other four hundred men crossed the gorge. 11 Some of David’s men found an Egyptian out in a field and took him to David. They gave the Egyptian some bread, and he ate it. Then they gave him a drink of water, 12 some dried figs, and two handfuls of raisins. This was the first time in three days he had tasted food or water. Now he felt much better.

13 “Who is your master?” David asked. “And where do you come from?”

“I’m from Egypt,” the young man answered. “I’m the servant of an Amalekite, but he left me here three days ago because I was sick. 14 We had attacked some towns in the desert where the Cherethites live, in the area that belongs to Judah, and in the desert where the Caleb clan lives. And we burned down Ziklag.”

15 “Will you take me to those Amalekites?” David asked.

“Yes, I will, if you promise with God as a witness that you won’t kill me or hand me over to my master.”

16 He led David to the Amalekites. They were eating and drinking everywhere, celebrating because of what they had taken from Philistia and Judah. 17 David attacked just before sunrise the next day and fought until sunset. Four hundred Amalekites rode away on camels, but they were the only ones who escaped.

18 David rescued his two wives and everyone else the Amalekites had taken from Ziklag. 19 No one was missing—young or old, sons or daughters. David brought back everything that had been stolen, 20 including their livestock.” I Samuel 30: 6-20

You can hear David’s discouragement in Psalm 119 and then you can see the result of the discouragement in I Samuel 30. David says in Psalms “Lord it’s time for you to do something.” And in I Samuel, he seeks God to see what it is that God is going to do. The Lord tells him to go out and recover ALL.

Are you facing a situation that you are saying “Lord, you have to do something”? Then seek Him…spend time asking God what you should do and then get into His Word and find your answer.

“31 What can we say about all this? If God is on our side, can anyone be against us? 32 God did not keep back his own Son, but he gave him for us. If God did this, won’t he freely give us everything else? 33 If God says his chosen ones are acceptable to him, can anyone bring charges against them? 34 Or can anyone condemn them? No indeed! Christ died and was raised to life, and now he is at God’s right side, speaking to him for us. 35 Can anything separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble, suffering, and hard times, or hunger and nakedness, or danger and death? 36 It is exactly as the Scriptures say,

“For you we face death all day long. We are like sheep on their way to be butchered.”

37 In everything we have won more than a victory because of Christ who loves us. 38 I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, 39 and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!” Romans 8:21-39

God loves you – He’s on your side – Now go out and take the victory!

Git on Outta Here!

Sitting here this morning the Lord reminded me of a lesson he started teaching me years ago. We had been invited to a ranch in No. Arizona to hold a 3 day campmeeting. We arrived before the cowboy and his wife so when we pulled up to the house we were greeted by their very small, very bark-y dog.

The dog would come out from hiding, bark incessantly and the minute you took one step toward it, he would run back for cover. This continued for about 20 minutes or more. We tried to make friends with the dog but he would have none of it. So finally in desperation for some quiet, I stomped my foot and clapped my hands and gruffly said “GET”! To which the dog obeyed and we didn’t see it again until owners arrived.

At that time, the Lord showed me how this is an example of a verse in I Peter.

“8 Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, sneaking around to find someone to attack. 9 But you must resist the devil and stay strong in your faith.” I Peter 1:8-9

It’s important to see that this verse says the devil is like a roaring lion and not that he is a roaring lion. That little dog acted like a big dog but he didn’t have the power to back up his claim. The devil acts like a roaring lion but his power has been taken.

That’s why Peter goes on to say – Resist the devil and he will flee from you. He will continue to annoy you with his barking – telling you lies, trying to deceive you but if and when you resist him, he has to flee – God’s word says so.

In I John 4:4 we read “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

Jesus Christ, the greater one, lives in us so when we resist the devil we are backed by all the power in heaven and he doesn’t stand a chance. Will he come back again? Oh yea, just like that little dog did that day but when you put your foot down and stand up to his roarings – he will “GET”!

I don’t know what lies he’s barking at you today but whatever it is, it’s a lie because he is the father of lies and there is no truth in him. Everything the devil does is a deception and if you don’t buy into it, he can’t be successful.

Here’s to a day of resisting – just stand up and say “In the name of Jesus, git on outta here!”