Unseen Changes

I guess the Holy Spirit was giving me a head’s up yesterday morning when I shared with you about “order up” because our day went nothing as we had planned.

“We make our own plans, but the Lord decides where we will go.” Provers 16:9 CEV

Shortly after I posted my morning blog, Dave and I were sitting in our living area, looking out our big window and having coffee. We saw one of our campers come up to the check in area. He went towards the neighboring camp hosts RV and then walked back to his truck. He was on his phone. I walked out in my robe and slippers to see what he needed. He was talking to a 911 operator.

He told me one of our campers had tripped and fallen and his leg or hip appeared to be broken. I let him finish giving the 911 operator our location. I told him we’d be at the site as soon as we dressed. When I got back to the 5th wheel Dave was dressed. I told him what was going on and he left. I text our managers to tell them what had occurred, dressed, grabbed an extra blanket and headed to the site.

I met Dave coming back. He was going to wait for the ambulance and direct them to the site. He told me who the camper was, it was a man I had been talking with the last few days. I was concerned it was him – we had been sharing the Lord and having good conversations. He was camping alone. I got to the site and covered him with the heavier blanket and then knelt beside him. I told him I needed to leave the medical treatment to the professionals but if it was ok I would pray with him and for him.

We prayed.

The course of his day had been drastically changed and my morning events were altered too. I was where I needed to be. I sat on the ground beside him, holding his hand, talking when him as he grimaced through the pain. He spoke of the goodness of God that he tripped at the campsite because he could have had an accident out on the highway where he would have been alone.

He talked about his belongings, would we gather things up for him, and his wife driving up from Tucson by herself. He asked if I would call her once the ambulance had taken him to the hospital to let her know he was ok and where they would take him. All of this we did!

Friends, we can’t be fearful of situations outside of our comfort zones. We can only do what we know to do – we can bring encouragement and comfort to the heart of those the Lord brings by our paths. Last I heard from his wife, they were waiting for the surgeon’s consult and surgery would have been done last night or today. She thanked us again for being there – she called us a “God-send”. I believe we were.

“With all your heart you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow.” Proverbs 3:5-6 CEV

When we get up each morning, we prayed “Lord, direct my steps today”. When He does we must be obedient to follow.

Order Up!

Have you ever been to one of those coffee shops or diners where the cook in the kitchen sets the food in the window and hollers out “order up”?  We had several places like that in Idaho and Montana. They were some of our favorite places to go!

But I want to talk with you this morning about a different kind of order.

The kind of order I’m going to talk with you about is the absence of confusion, order.  I woke from a dream this morning that was filled with confusion and disorder.  Saturday, I will be speaking at a women’s advance, not a retreat mind you, but an advance. In my dream I was trying to get myself and some others to church.

I wasn’t ready but grabbed what I would need to finish getting ready there. We started for the car and I realized I didn’t have the car keys, sent the others on a head and went back for the keys. Got delayed again to answer a question and so it went through out the dream.  I ended up getting to the church just as I was being introduced – I was late, unkept and harried.

The first thing I did when I woke was thank the Father that He is a God of order, not disorder; the Father who brings peace and not confusion.

 God wants everything to be done peacefully and in order.” I Corinthians 14:33 CEV

Take a look at the Earth, it is in an orbit that is structured and methodical. Rotating around the sun, tilted on its axis so that just the right amount of sunlight hits its surface at the correct time. If we were any closer to the sun we would burn, any further away and we would freeze.

Animals live an orderly life. Right now, the animals in the mountains are preparing for hibernation or the cold of winter. Finding more food to eat or to store, coats are growing heavier and colors changing for better camouflage .

“You lazy people can learn by watching an anthill. Ants don’t have leaders,  but they store up food during harvest season.” Proverbs 6: 6-8 CEV

I was just reading about the Israelites and their journey through the wilderness this morning. The Lord ordered the way the camp would be set up. Three tribes each set up on the north, south, east and west of the Tabernacle. They were to protect the holy place of God. They marched out in the same order.

Then the members of the tribe of Levi, the priests, all had particular duties when it came to moving and setting up the tabernacle. Each family group had different responsibilities for the items in the Tabernacle. Some carried the curtains, while others carried the lamp oil and incense. Still others were given the responsibility for the candle stands, the tables and the Ark of God’s covenant.

By no means, am I implying that we can’t be spontaneous or act in an impromptu way. The Bible teaches us to be prepared for the unexpected. Jesus was always being interrupted. He ministered to people and never made them feel as if they were ruining His plans or roadblocking His day.

Nicodemus came to him at night, Zacchaeus waited in a tree. He went to a wedding feast and ended up providing the wine.

“The Lord shows us how we should live,
    and he is pleased when he sees people living that way.
24 If they stumble, they will not fall,
    because the Lord reaches out to steady them.” Psalm 37:23-24 ERV

Start your day asking the Lord to guide your steps, to direct your way. It may surprise you to see how He takes your plans and make them “order up”.

When Things Go Wrong

There were lots of images I could have used for this morning’s blog but I thought a picture of Elvis, smiling, in a cowboy hat was a good way to start the day.

Growing up I often thought that things going wrong was God’s way of teaching me something. I was mistaken.

As I got older and wiser, I realized that some things that go wrong are a result of our lack of knowledge, our poor planning or our outright stubbornness. I also learned from God’s word that we have a real enemy, who we can’t see, that is out to steal, kill and destroy. If he can’t kill us he certainly wants to render us useless.

“A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came to give life—life that is full and good.” John 10:10 ERV

The Bible is filled with people who had circumstances in life go wrong.

  1. Joseph was sold into slavery
  2. Moses had to lead a million grumbling people
  3. Ruth’s husband died
  4. David faced a giant
  5. Daniel was carried away as a prisoner of war
  6. Hannah was barren
  7. Jesus was born during the cruelty of Roman rule in Israel
  8. A young Jesus went missing & his parents didn’t know where he was
  9. John the Baptist was thrown into prison and then beheaded
  10. Jesus was constantly harrassed by the religious leaders
  11. The disciples were in a storm at sea and nearly sank
  12. Peter was beaten and thrown in prison
  13. Paul was beaten, stoned, imprisoned and ship wrecked

These circumstances were not easy situations to deal with but each of them came to a positive end. In each occurrence the Father had a plan to rescue and restore. Each one of these people, people just like you and me, looked to the Lord for help and found it. They were never deserted by God or left to handle things on their own.

“Keep your lives free from the love of money. Be happy with what you have. God has said, ‘I will never leave you or let you be alone.’ So we can say for sure, ‘The Lord is my Helper. I am not afraid of anything man can do to me.’” Hebrews 13:5-6 NLV

I know I quote these verses frequently and that’s because they are life verses for me. They have brought me through some really tough times, and brought me through with peace. We can spend so much of life chasing after financial gain that we lose sight of ouf Father’s provision. We can make money our god and be miserable.

However, when we keep our focus on the Lord and His presence in our lives and things go wrong we can be at peace. We can trust that God is with us and He will be our deliverer. He will be our help.

“Jesus understands every weakness of ours, because he was tempted in every way that we are. But he did not sin! 16 So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved kindness, and we will find help.” Hebrews 4:15-16 CEV

When things go wrong we don’t have to go with them. We can come to the Maker of the Universe, the Almighty God who just happens to be our heavenly Father and when we do we will find all the help we need!

He’s reaching out to us; we simply need to take His hand.

Time to Sit

The last few weeks have been very busy but yesterday we had a good rain and everything came to a stand still. It was time to sit.

Relax and reflect!

This year has been one of so many changes. A lot of things have been turned up-side-down. But some things should never change – one being our faith and trust in the unfailing, inerrant Word of God. The Word of God should and will be the final authority by which all is judged. It is the word of God that spoke this world into existence and it is what is holding it together still.

Many struggle with issues in life, depression, recession, dis – ease, fear, hopelessness, anything but the abundant life that God has promised to us in His word. The authority of God’s word and His promises are unchangeable and infallible.

If we live by the Bible we are considered old fashioned, uninformed, not academically in tune or worse yet intolerant and politically incorrect. But, I know of no other Book that has stood the test of time and not had to be revised or rewritten – it is the living Word of God. We either acknowledge it as absolute and live in victory or we disregard it as old fashioned and passe` and live defeated in those areas of our life.

“When Jesus had finished these talks to the people, he came to Capernaum, where it happened that there was a man very seriously ill and in fact at the point of death. He was the slave of a centurion who thought very highly of him. When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders to him with the request that he would come and save his servant’s life. When they came to Jesus, they urged him strongly to grant this request, saying that the centurion deserved to have this done for him. “He loves our nation and has built us a synagogue out of his own pocket,” they said.
6-8 So Jesus went with them, but as he approached the house, the centurion sent some of his personal friends with the message, “Don’t trouble yourself, sir! I’m not important enough for you to come into my house—I didn’t think I was fit to come to you in person. Just give the order, please, and my servant will recover. I am used to working under orders, and I have soldiers under me. I can say to one, ‘Go’, and he goes, or I can say to another, ‘Come here’, and he comes; or I can say to my slave, ‘Do this job’, and he does it.” 9 These words amazed Jesus and he turned to the crowd who were following behind him, and said, “I have never found faith like this anywhere, even in Israel!”
10 Then those who had been sent by the centurion returned to the house and found the slave perfectly well.” Luke 7:1-10 ERV

Jesus was amazed because this man recognized the authority of His words. The same word of God that had authority all those years ago still has power today.

“But as for me, I will sing of Your strength. Yes, I will sing with joy of Your loving-kindness in the morning. For You have been a strong and safe place for me in times of trouble. 17 O my Strength, I will sing praises to You. For God is my strong place and the God Who shows me loving-kindness.” Psalm 59:16-17 NLV

It’s good to sit and reflect on the power of God’s word. I choose to put my faith in the authority of God’s Word. There is nothing greater!

How’s Your Heart?

Yesterday morning on my walk my mind seemed to be going several different directions at once. Does that ever happen to you? I was determined to collect my thoughts and focus on something positive and good.

I asked myself this question, “If you had to write your perspective of how life has changed for the first six months of 2020 what would you say?”. Hmmm. So let me ask, what would you say?

My life really hasn’t changed much. I still get up every morning, have my prayer time and Bible reading, write my blog and visit with my husband. I still go for a morning walk and take care of things around the house. I work in my flowers, develop the content for a new book, visit with friends and family through Facetime and phone calls.

I have learned to order groceries on-line and when I go out I wear a mask. I haven’t gotten to see the kids and grandkids as much as I’d like and we’ve cancelled a couple of camping trips but that’s about it. My heart is fixed; I am confident that God is in control. All of this mess has not caused me to fear. I know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that God will not or has not abandon me. He is faithful to a thousand generations.

The headlines and news casts scream doom and gloom. It seems to be the goal of the media to create fear, angst and hatred.

“There will be special things to look for in the sun and moon and stars. The nations of the earth will be troubled and will not know what to do. They will be troubled at the angry sea and waves. 26 The hearts of men will give up because of being afraid of what is coming on the earth. The powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with power and much greatness.” Luke 21:25-27 NLV

We can stand, unshaken, in the face of all that is going on around us. My heavenly Father is not surprised by the events and actions that are occurring around us so my hope is firmly planted in Him.

“He will never be shaken. The man who is right and good will be remembered forever. He will not be afraid of bad news. His heart is strong because he trusts in the Lord. His heart will not be shaken. He will not be afraid and will watch those lose who fight against him.” Psalm 112:6-8 NLV

If your heart begins to fear and you feel shaken remember these words: “God has said, “I will never leave you or let you be alone.” So we can say for sure, “The Lord is my Helper. I am not afraid of anything man can do to me.” Remember your leaders who first spoke God’s Word to you. Think of how they lived, and trust God as they did. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:5-8 NLV

Trust God and guard your heart – He is faithful!

Annoyed by Wrong Actions

A few years ago there was a world situation that really had me upset. I had been fussing about it for several days and my conversation was focused on it. (and right now, I can’t even remember the particulars of it) Anyway, it filled my conversation and my thoughts – I wasn’t praying about it, I was complaining. I had lost my focus and then I came across these verses.

“Don’t get upset about evil people. Don’t be jealous of those who do wrong. They are like grass and other green plants that dry up quickly and then die. So trust in the Lord and do good. Live on your land and be dependable. Enjoy serving the Lord, and he will give you whatever you ask for. Depend on the Lord. Trust in him, and he will help you. He will make it as clear as day that you are right.  Everyone will see that you are being fair.Trust in the Lord and wait quietly for his help. Don’t be angry when people make evil plans and succeed. Don’t become so angry and upset that you, too, want to do evil. The wicked will be destroyed, but those who call to the Lord for help will get the land he promised.” Psalm 37:1-9 ERV

When I read these words I laughed out loud. My first thought was “Lord, I’ve been busted”. Instead of focusing on those who were doing wrong I knew the Lord wanted me to focus on Him. This situation was temporary and it was stealing my joy and my peace.

The instruction was clear. Trust the Lord, depend on Him, wait for God’s help, don’t be angry, be dependable. All of these are positive, righteous actions. The anger and complaining weren’t.

Two words jumped out at me. Be dependable! The people around me, those that composed my world of influence, needed me to be dependable. I needed to let God’s light shine through me so others could see the hope that lives in me.

“God once said, “Let light shine out of the darkness!” And this is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts to let us know that his own divine greatness is seen in the face of Christ. We have this treasure from God, but we are only like clay jars that hold the treasure. This is to show that the amazing power we have is from God, not from us.” II Corinthians 4:6-7 ERV

The Lord reminded me of these verses the other day. Yes, I had been complaining again and my attention was focused on people and not on the Lord. I could enter in with everyone else’s comments and complaints or I could be dependable and be a light for God’s goodness.

Maybe, just maybe, you’ve been there too. Let’s join our lights together as we “trust the Lord and do good”.

Lord, It’s Morning!

Listen…No stop right now and listen for 10 seconds.

If you’re anything like me your morning starts with the sound of the coffee pot, the hum of the computer fan and a myriad of other noises all competing for your attention. I am blessed to live in rural Arizona where there are no sounds of traffic, sirens, planes or other such noises, just the birds and the coyotes. When we lived in Montana I would hear the momma cows calling to their calves and the horses nickering as they waited for morning feed. But it hasn’t always been that way.

I know what it’s like to wake to the alarm clock. Have kids that need to get up, be fed and taken to school on my way to the office in the busy traffic. Radios playing, tv spilling the morning news, emails to read, FB to check in on – so much noise. It can be deafening.

When you stopped to listen did you hear the voice of God?

I wake up each morning and say “I love you Father, I love you Jesus, I love you Holy Spirit” and then I can hear that inner voice say “We love you too”. WOW!!

“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

We spend so much time looking for the big, the spectacular, the miraculous and we miss the simple, still, small voice of God trying to lead us and give us insight. How many times have we said, “I knew I shouldn’t have done that” or “It just dawned on me” or “I was just thinking about that very thing” and we don’t realize that God is trying to get through to us?

When David, the anointed king, was running from Saul in desert he continually inquired of the Lord. Should I go or stay? Should I attack or refrain? The Bible tells us that David was a man “after God’s own heart”. He wanted to be led by God in all he did. He knew that his well-being was entirely in God’s hands.

“I will call to God for help, and the Lord will save me. 17 I speak to God morning, noon, and night. I tell him what upsets me, and he listens to me! 18 I have fought in many battles, but he has always rescued me and brought me back safely.” Psalm 55:16-18 ERV

The most important thing we’ll hear each morning, if we listen, will be the still, small voice of the Lord. Sssssh – just listen!

Going South

Many in the continental U.S. like to travel south every year. We call them winter visitors. This year some of them stayed longer than expected because they felt it wasn’t safe to head home. There was so much uncertainty – would they be jeopardizing their health, would there be a safe place to stay while on the road, could they fly safely. So many questions.

We should all ask these same questions about life in general. Our daily routine needs to be taken to the Lord in prayer and He will guide.

Years ago when we were young in faith and learning to listen to the Lord’s voice we had a cowboy preacher, a dear friend, tell us this: “If God says go South, He will provide; If you go North you’ll think you died!”

Now that’s not scripture but it is Biblical. Solomon put it this way: “Trust the LORD completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. 6 With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way. 7 Don’t trust in your own wisdom, but fear and respect the LORD and stay away from evil. 8 If you do this, it will be like a refreshing drink and medicine for your body.” Proverb 3:5-8 ERV

And then this one: “Turn to the LORD for help in everything you do, and you will be successful. 4 The LORD has a plan for everything.” Proverbs 16:3-4a ERV

God has a plan for each day – it doesn’t really matter what the activities are in the day He has a plan! Some days His plan is to change our plan, His plan is better.

When we listen, He speaks and when we follow His leading we are blessed! We have a choice – it would be silly to lean to our own understanding since following Him is the right way to go and His wisdom is perfect.

“Today I am giving you a choice. You may choose the blessing or the curse. 27 You will get the blessing if you listen and obey the commands of the LORD your God that I have told you today. 28 But you will get the curse if you refuse to listen and obey the commands of the LORD your God. So don’t stop living the way I command you today, and don’t follow other gods that you don’t know.” Deuteronomy 11:26-28 ERV

Trust the Lord today. He loves us and His desire for us is good!

“I say this because I know the plans that I have for you.” This message is from the LORD. “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future. 12 Then you will call my name. You will come to me and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:11-12 ERV

Go South today – He will provide!!!

In the Midst of the Storm

Have you ever been in a storm? I mean a real storm! An all-hope-is-lost time in your life? That’s what I was reading about this morning.

The Apostle Paul is prisoner on a ship headed for Italy. He had told the captain that they should stay where they were because the seas would be rough. However, things appeared calm and since is was late in the sailing season the captain didn’t want to lose any more time and they set sail.

But, the weather started getting rough…you know how it goes.

“But then a very strong wind called the “Northeaster” came from across the island. 15 This wind took the ship and carried it away. The ship could not sail against the wind, so we stopped trying and let the wind blow us…The next day the storm was blowing against us so hard that the men threw some things out of the ship. 19 A day later they threw out the ship’s equipment. 20 For many days we could not see the sun or the stars. The storm was very bad. We lost all hope of staying alive—we thought we would die.” Acts 27:14- 20 ERV

I have never been in a ship on rough seas and for that I am grateful but I’ve been in some other storms that caused me to lose hope; storms of financial devastation, storms of betrayal, storms of relationships. Not every storm has high winds, boisterous seas or floods of destruction.

Listen to what Paul said.
“21 The men did not eat for a long time. Then one day Paul stood up before them and said, “Men, I told you not to leave Crete. You should have listened to me. Then you would not have all this trouble and loss. 22 But now I tell you to be happy. None of you will die, but the ship will be lost. 23 Last night an angel came to me from God—the God I worship and belong to. 24 The angel said, ‘Paul, don’t be afraid! You must stand before Caesar. And God has given you this promise: He will save the lives of all those sailing with you.’ 25 So men, there is nothing to worry about. I trust God, and I am sure everything will happen just as his angel told me. 26 But we will crash on an island.” Acts 27:21-26 ERV

How can this be good news? First he started with I told you so and ended with we are going to crash…but be happy because none of you will die! They had been in this storm for 14 days. How long have you been in your storm? Be encouraged, although things around you may be destroyed don’t worry you won’t die.

“Don’t be afraid. I saved you. I named you. You are mine. 2 When you have troubles, I am with you. When you cross rivers, you will not be hurt. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not hurt you. 3 That’s because I, the Lord, am your God. I, the Holy One of Israel, am your Savior. I gave Egypt to pay for you. I gave Ethiopia and Seba to make you mine. 4 You are precious to me, and I have given you a special place of honor. I love you.” Isaiah 43:1-4 ERV

Now look back at Paul.
” Just before dawn Paul began persuading all the people to eat something. He said, “For the past two weeks you have been waiting and watching. You have not eaten for 14 days. 34 Now I beg you to eat something. You need it to stay alive. None of you will lose even one hair off your heads.” Acts 27:33-34 ERV

Let me paraphrase what Paul said. Don’t worry, trust God and let’s eat and live.

Let God into your storm. Stop worrying, trust Him and live! Remember what Jesus said to another storm – “Peace, be still” and the winds ceased.

Praise God today for the end of your storm!

A Sound Mind

I just figured we could all use some encouragement from God’s word today on not becoming fearful or irrational. And if this message isn’t for you personally, maybe it’s for you to share with a co-worker, family member, neighbor or friend.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7 KJV

“The Spirit God gave us does not make us afraid. His Spirit is a source of power and love and self-control.” II Timothy 1:7 CEV

These are the same verse taken from different translations. I think you get the point, God wants us to put our trust in Him instead of giving place to fear.

The word “sound” is used as an adjective in this verse. Here is the definition I found: in good condition; not damaged, injured, or diseased. This is a word that is often used when referring to the physical condition of a horse. He’s sound – that means he’s in good shape, nothing wrong, strong.

We need some good sound thinking and there’s no better place to find it than in God’s word. We need to do the practical things that are being recommended to prevent the spread of this virus – washing our hands, staying home when we’re sick, etc. This is good personal hygiene and we should have been doing this all along. But God doesn’t want us being overcome by fear. That’s not His plan.

“You trust in the Lord for protection. You have made God Most High your place of safety. 10 So nothing bad will happen to you.  No diseases will come near your home.
11 He will command his angels to protect you wherever you go.” Psalm 91:9-11 ERV

Use wisdom. Use knowledge. Be safe and free from fear!