History Is Important

Yesterday was a celebration of our history. I saw some beautiful images of firework displays around the country. An explosive end to the birth day of our great nation.

Remembering who we are and where we came from is important. Remembering the names of the men and women who fought and died as a part of history is crucial. The battles fought, the victories won, the defeats they overcame all have significance.

History is important to the Lord also.

All through the Old Testament the nation of Israel was told to remind their children of how the Lord delivered them from Egypt and brought them to the promised land. They were also taught to remember the patriarchs of the faith – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – who were the ones that saw the Lord prosper them with lands and livestock, riches and prominence.

Israel was taught to remember the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. The Lord didn’t want this people to forget that He had made promises to them. History is important and especially the history that God puts forth in Scripture.

As a society, we seem to think we have evolved; we’re wiser, more sophisticated, more educated than the early founding fathers of our nation. “We hold these truths to be self-evident” aren’t just ancient words on a page, they are the foundation of our society and need to be revered.

There are also some who think the simple truths of God’s word aren’t applicable anymore but that is also incorrect. That’s the same line of thinking that caused Adam and Eve to disobey God. “You don’t need to obey what God said because He knows if you eat of the tree you will be just as smart as He is”, you know how to make decisions for yourself.

God’s word is God’s word, whether it’s the begats or the chronology, the Laws given to children of Israel, the warnings of the prophets or the letters in red spoken by Jesus. It’s God’s word!

It’s truth and should be the basis and foundation of our daily living. We shouldn’t let traditions from the past, the ideas of current society or even the teachings of religion distract and divert us from standing strong on the Word of God.

Paul gave this instruction to Timothy.

“All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the faith and correcting error, for re-setting the direction of a man’s life and training him in good living. The scriptures are the comprehensive equipment of the man of God and fit him fully for all branches of his work.” II Timothy 3:16-17 Phillips

ALL Scripture – not just some, we don’t get to pick and choose but all Scripture will make us fully equipped for life!

History is a teacher, guiding us, instructing us, protecting us from making costly mistakes. We have a history from the beginning of time of God’s faithfulness, mercy, love and protection. Let’s never forget all He has done!

Common Sense

Wisdom – a commodity to be treasured. Some call it common sense but it’s far from common.

People seek for knowledge but don’t know what to do with it – not sure how to apply it. The application of that knowledge is wisdom.

Here’s the Bible records about Solomon:

“God made Solomon very wise. Solomon could understand more than you can imagine. 30 He was wiser than anyone in the Eastor in Egypt. 31 He was wiser than anyone on earth, even Ethan the Ezrahite and the sons of Mahol—Heman, Calcol, and Darda. King Solomon became famous in all the surrounding countries. 32 By the end of his life, he had written 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs.

33 Solomon also knew very much about nature. He taught about many different kinds of plants—everything from the great cedar trees of Lebanon to the little vines that grow out of the walls. He also taught about animals, birds, and snakes. 34 People from every nation came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom. Kings all over the world sent their people to listen to him.” I Kings 4:30-34 ERV

When the Lord asked Solomon what he wanted Solomon didn’t ask for money or strength or power, he asked for wisdom so that he could rule well. God blessed him in that way and added the other blessings also.

What is it that you find yourself asking the Lord for? Do you ask Him for wisdom – direction to finish a project, the ability to lead well, understanding of the unknown? The Lord desires to aide us in our day to day life and He will give us the wisdom we ask for – it comes from Him.

“Do any of you need wisdom? Ask God for it. He is generous and enjoys giving to everyone. So he will give you wisdom. 6 But when you ask God, you must believe. Don’t doubt him. Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is blown up and down by the wind. ” James 1:5-6 ERV

I found it “coincidental” that as I was reading about Solormon’s great wisdom that I also started reading Proverbs again. Look at the first few verses there.

” These are the proverbs of Solomon, the son of David and king of Israel. 2 They will help you learn to be wise, to accept correction, and to understand wise sayings. 3 They will teach you to develop your mind in the right way. You will learn to do what is right and to be honest and fair. 4 These proverbs will make even those without education smart. They will teach young people what they need to know and how to use what they have learned. 5 Even the wise could become wiser by listening to these proverbs. They will gain understanding and learn to solve difficult problems. 6 These sayings will help you understand proverbs, stories with hidden meanings, words of the wise, and other difficult sayings. 7 Knowledge begins with fear and respect for the Lord, but stubborn fools hate wisdom and refuse to learn.” Proverbs 1:1-7 ERV

Let me encourage you to spend time each day reading in Proverbs. Learn from the wisdom that God gave Solomon. If we ask, the Lord will give us wisdom also.

Repeated With Purpose

As children we heard our parents repeat instructions on a daily basis. Sit up straight, brush your teeth, practice the piano, don’t talk with your mouth full, do your homework, say “yes ma’am, no sir”, and the list goes on.


These things were repeated with purpose. Our parents were raising us to be responsible, respectful and hard working. They were helping us build character.

Sometimes when I sit to write in the mornings I find myself saying to the Lord “but I’ve already told them that last year, last month, yesterday. Do I really need to go over it again?”

Things are repeated for a purpose.

There are four seasons, repeated every year. Not too many years pass before we learn what to plant when, to get out the jackets and long sleeve shirts. We can predict the weather and know when summer vacation is. Yes, we learn by repetition of natural events, we also learn godly principles the same way.

“But you must be strong and brave about obeying the commands my servant Moses gave you. If you follow his teachings exactly, you will be successful in everything you do. 8 Always remember what is written in that book of law. Speak about that book and study it day and night. Then you can be sure to obey what is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything you do. 9 Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:7-9 ERV

Study God’s word every day. That means repetition! Go over it again and again. Stay with the things that bring success.

I had a woman ask me once how I study the Bible. I told her I found things that I needed in my life and looked up the verses that dealt with those issues – worry, fear, health, joy, marriage, children, peace – and the list goes on. (Don’t be selfish, share your cheez-its)

I found verses that help with those areas and wrote them on an index card. I kept those cards with me all the time. They were in the truck, in my purse and on the tractor. They sat on my desk and in my kitchen. When I would feel overwhelmed in a situation, I would grab the cards and read God’s word to myself, reminding me that God has a plan and He is working on my behalf. I still have those cards from 35+ years ago.

Repetition with a purpose.

“My son, pay attention to what I say. Listen closely to my words. 21 Don’t let them out of your sight. Never stop thinking about them. 22 These words are the secret of life and health to all who discover them.” Proverbs 4:20-22 ERV

Find a modern version of the Bible if the King James language is too hard to understand and read what the Lord has to say about your situation. You don’t need to read chapter after chapter if you don’t understand it. Read a couple of verses and let them stick with you all day.

These truly are the words of life and we need to apply them over and over again!