Seed Planting

I hope you took some time to crumble some of the big dirt clods you may have identified in your life. Selfishness, easily offended, short-temper, anger, gossip, insecurity – yep, these are just some of the things that may have surfaced as you were tilling the soil. They will block the proper development of the seeds we are about to plant if they are broken up and removed.

Let me say before we go any further that identifying and breaking up these hard places is a positive thing. We can only remove what we know about it – ignorance is not bliss.

All through the Bible we have examples of seed planting. It starts in the Garden of Eden.

“God said, “I am giving you all the grain bearing plants and all the fruit trees. These trees make fruit with seeds in it. This grain and fruit will be your food. 30 And I am giving all the green plants to the animals. These green plants will be their food. Every animal on earth, every bird in the air, and all the little things that crawl on the earth will eat that food.” And all these things happened.” Genesis 1:29-30 ERV

The process of planting seed and producing a harvest was enacted at the very beginning. God created the earth out of nothing but after that original creation every thing has been supplied by the planting of seeds.

It’s important to realize what the seed is that we are asked to plant.

“Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, my thoughts and my ways are higher than yours. 10 “Rain and snow fall from the sky. But they don’t return without watering the earth
that produces seeds to plant and grain to eat. 11 That’s how it is with my words. They don’t return to me without doing everything I send them to do.” Isaiah 55:9-11 CEV

The seed God has given us for life-changing harvest is His word. He says, confidently, that His word will not return to Him without accomplishing EVERYTHING He sends it to do. God provides us with good seed!

“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:21-22 KJV

“Again Jesus said: God’s kingdom is like what happens when a farmer scatters seed in a field. 27 The farmer sleeps at night and is up and around during the day. Yet the seeds keep sprouting and growing, and he doesn’t understand how. 28 It is the ground that makes the seeds sprout and grow into plants that produce grain. 29  Then when harvest season comes and the grain is ripe, the farmer cuts it with a sickle.” Mark 4:26-30 CEV

So let me repeat how important it is that we have good ground for planting. God won’t force us to make a good field free from stones, hard dirt clods and weeds but He does tell us the seed won’t grow well unless we do.

Before I ever gave this teaching to you the Lord dealt with me on some hard soil in my heart that needed to be broken up and made ready for planting. Our garden can be as large as we want, we just need to prepare the ground.

I think it’s best to start with a small plot – watch the seed grow and then plant more. Make your ground ready, we’ll start planting some seeds in tomorrow’s teaching.

A Perpetual Harvest

I made mention yesterday that I don’t know how many bales of hay Dave and I produced while we were farming those few years in AZ. I kind of wish we had kept count. It was a staggering amount.

It was all about the good river loam soil and the type of alfalfa seed that was used.

Our specific alfalfa fields were planted by air. The seed was broadcast and then watered. When the growing season was just getting started, we would water twice and cut right before the alfalfa bloomed. This took about 28 days but when the weather got hotter, and the crop grew quicker we would cut every 21 days. We didn’t stop until we got the first frost which was normally the end of December or first part of January and would start again in March.

Alfalfa can continue to grow like that for seven years without being replanted. We would have a perpetual harvest. Rain or shine, it just kept growing and producing a crop.

“Jesus also said, ‘The Kingdom of God is like a farmer who scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, while he’s asleep or awake, the seed sprouts and grows, but he does not understand how it happens. 28 The earth produces the crops on its own. First a leaf blade pushes through, then the heads of wheat are formed, and finally the grain ripens. 29 And as soon as the grain is ready, the farmer comes and harvests it with a sickle, for the harvest time has come.’” Mark 4:26-29 NLT

I could physically watch the alfalfa grow. It was fascinating. Day after day the crop increased. It was a living example of the way God’s word will grow and produce in my life.

“The farmer plants seed by taking God’s word to others.” Mark 4:14 NLT

God’s word has been planted in my heart. His word about peace and not worry has produced an abundant crop. Seeds of grace, kindness, goodness, generosity, faith, hope, forgiveness and joy are producing.

All of these verses that were planted through teaching, preaching and individual study keep growing and making an impact.

“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. 12 I praise you, O Lord;
teach me your decrees.” Psalm 119:11-12 NLT

Each day as I share these moments with you, I know I am planting seed and I pray that it is falling on good ground.

 The rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return there without giving water to the earth. This makes plants grow on the earth, and gives seeds to the planter and bread to the eater. 11 So My Word which goes from My mouth will not return to Me empty. It will do what I want it to do, and will carry out My plan well. ” Isaiah 55:10-11 NLV

I pray that you will always have a perpetual harvest of God’s word in your life.

Bumper Crop

I hope you will bear with me as we continue with the teaching on good soil. You see that’s something that Dave and I know a lot about.

In the early 1980’s we farmed 900+ acres of alfalfa on the Gila River west of Phoenix. The ranch had perfect conditions for growing a bumper crop. Rich river loam soil, plenty of water and the warm AZ sunshine. That plus hard work, long hours all covered with prayer produced a crop that was hard to believe.

That’s when I learned first-hand the practicality of the principle Jesus was teaching His disciples on planting God’s word in good soil.

God’s word is called an incorruptible seed, our hearts are the soil and Jesus provides the “Son-shine” and rivers of living water to make the seed grow.

“And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.” Luke 8:15 NLT

“You have been given a new birth. It was from a seed that cannot die. This new life is from the Word of God which lives forever.” I Peter 1:23 NLV

“The Holy Writings say that rivers of living water will flow from the heart of the one who puts his trust in Me.” John 7:38 NLV

Jesus worked continually to bring seed to the hearts of the people who followed Him. He would teach for hours and days to see that the seed of the Good News of the Gospel was planted in soil (hearts) that had been prepared to receive.

He encountered hard, stony and even thorny ground among his closest disciples but the longer he tended the soil of their hearts the more productive it became. The harvest in the life of the disciples was so productive that the seed sown is being used to produce a crop of faith in our lives.

Let’s look at what happened after Jesus preached this message. Luke 8:22-25 the thorny hearts of the disciples thought they were going to drown at sea. Luke 8:26-38 the good soil of the demoniac received his deliverance, but the hard heart of the pig farmers told Jesus to leave their area.

Luke 8:40-56 the seed of hope and healing was sown into the hearts of a woman who had a bleeding condition for 12 years and also in a father whose daughter was so sick she died. Both hearts reaped a harvest of healing and restoration.

Luke 9:1-6 the disciples’ hearts received the seed of God’s power and they went to the neighboring towns and cities preaching and healing.

Luke 9:10-17 Jesus was sowing seed in the lives of 5000 men and their families. Their hearts were prepared however, the hearts of the disciples were thorny and they let the size of the crowd steal the word, the seed, that Jesus gave them. But there was one boy whose heart was open and he shared his lunch with Jesus. Jesus prayed, the disciples served and a miraculous harvest took place.

Jesus was, and still is, the sower who sows the seeds of faith into the fields of our hearts. As we prepared our hearts, His seed will produce a bumper crop!