As I was waking up this morning I was thinking about a letter I am going to write, you know, composing it in my head. Over the years my closing signature has most always been preceded by something like this, “Victorious in Him” or “Victorious in Jesus”. I’ve been signing my letters like that for over thirty-five years.

Those of you who have read my blog for any length of time know that in the early part of my Christian life I went from one defeat to another. Disappointments and struggles were the norm but about thirty-seven years ago I began to hear teaching on the truth and power of God’s word. I learned from reading the Bible that God had designed a life of victory and blessings for us.

“We show our love for God by obeying his commandments, and they are not hard to follow. Every child of God can defeat the world, and our faith is what gives us this victory. No one can defeat the world without having faith in Jesus as the Son of God.” I John 5:3-5 CEV

Victory? Yes, victory.

Things began to change. The Lord put such a hunger in my heart to read His word and put it into practice. The Word became my final authority on every subject. God is infinitely greater than the wisest of men and He has promised to bring us through any situation in victory.

“But thank God for letting our Lord Jesus Christ give us the victory! 58 My dear friends, stand firm and don’t be shaken. Always keep busy working for the Lord. You know that everything you do for him is worthwhile.” I Corinthians 15:57-58 CEV

“I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume.” II Corinthians 2:14 CEV

The Bible is filled with stories of God intervening in the lives of every day people. But they aren’t just stories, they are examples of what God can and will do in the lives of those who put their trust in Him. I have seen true miracles and everyday blessings too numerous to count.

I have had my share of failures as I have learned to trust God’s word. The outcome hasn’t always been victorious but it’s not because God didn’t want it to be. Like Peter, who started to sink while walking on the water, I would get my eyes off the Lord and on my circumstances and fear would take over. But also like Peter, when he cried out the Lord lifted him above the waves and got him to safety, the Lord has been there to rescue me and bring me to safety. Victory has been flourishing and defeats have been diminished.

The Lord desires to do this for all of us. Did you notice in the verses from I John that it says “Every child of God can defeat the world”? Everyone! God has put all His blessings and power at our disposal when we put our trust in Him. Faith is believing that God will do what He says; trust is believing that He will do it for us.

I don’t know when or how this coronavirus will be contained but I do know that we can trust God to bring us through it victoriously!

These are the words of Jesus: “A thief comes only to rob, kill, and destroy. I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest. ” John 10:10 CEV

Join me, will you? Let’s put our signature at the bottom of today’s letter –

Victorious in Him, Kristi

Social Distancing

Yesterday morning Dave and I took a hike in the open land near our home. Social distancing at it’s finest!

We walked down the dirt road, enjoying the wild flowers that have started to bloom. The hillsides were covered with tender green grass which popped up after the Spring rains we had last week. We walked over three miles, visiting the whole way and thanking God for His beauty. Not bad for a couple of senior citizens.

Did you know that social distancing is a Biblical idea?

It started in the garden of Eden. God called to Adam and Eve to walk with Him each evening. Abraham met with God; they walked and talked on many occasions as the Lord told Abraham His plans. Moses practiced social distancing when he left the Israelites at the base of Mount Sinai and met God at the top.

Daniel used social distancing three times a day when he left all the activities of the king’s court and went to his room, where he opened the windows and prayed. His practice of self-isolation got him thrown into the lions den – now that really is social distancing. On and on it goes; one person after another separated themselves from the populous and they prayed.

Jesus patterned that activity for us. After being with people all day, facing ridicule, harassment and personal demands, He would separate Himself and spend most of the night praying. He needed to come away from the virus that surrounded Him, a virus of jealousy and hatred.

“While it was still night, way before dawn, he got up and went out to a secluded spot and prayed. Simon and those with him went looking for him. They found him and said, “Everybody’s looking for you.” Mark 1:35-37 MSG

“As soon as the meal was finished, he insisted that the disciples get in the boat and go on ahead to the other side while he dismissed the people. With the crowd dispersed, he climbed the mountain so he could be by himself and pray. He stayed there alone, late into the night.” Matthew 14:22-23 MSG

Prayer is the epitome of social distancing. It’s the Lord and us talking, talking about our joys and our sorrows, our hopes and dreams. It’s ok to the tell the Lord about our disappointments and our anxieties. But we must never be the ones doing all the talking – we need to listen too.

Once we finish praying we need to be quiet enough to hear the Lord speak. To some that may be a new idea, the idea of God speaking to us. But He does and He wants to tell us more than what we sometimes want to listen to.

“Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.” Jeremiah 33:3 MSG

When we get quiet and listen we might have something “just pop into our head” reminding us of something that happened before. Or, how many times have we heard someone say, “It just dawned on me” or “I knew I shouldn’t have done this or that”? What about the phrase “I just felt that on the inside” or “I had an intuition about that”?

The primary way that the Lord speaks to me is by reminding me of a verse I’ve read or a message I have heard preached. Not everything that pops into our head is from God; there have been times I’ve had thoughts that I should eat the whole bag of chips or finish off the last of the cake – unfortunately, that’s not God.

I am definitely into social distancing, even when it isn’t required, to prevent the spread of this virus. Every morning I self-isolate when I get up and have my quiet time. It’s my time to be alone; to pray, to read and to talk to the Lord. This type of social distancing will inoculate us from the infectious diseases of jealousy, bitterness, pride, anger and selfishness.

I hope you experience the joy of self-isolation as you and the Lord spend this time together.

We Need A Bigger Boat!

Do you remember that classic line from the movie Jaws? Roy Scheider had just seen the shark and he called to Robert Shaw, “We’re gonna need a bigger boat”. Great line.

Have you ever been on the water in a storm and felt your boat might now handle it? I have. We were out for ride on the Mississippi, in a pontoon boat about ten years back. We actually had two boats; it was a break from work. Picnic on the beach type day. But, as the clouds began to gather we knew we had to get back up stream to the docking area. Lightning was flashing, the wind was blowing, the water was choppy and the motors on the pontoons were running full speed and still they were struggling to get us to our desired end.

I was praying!

Don’t consider the boat or the waves!!!  It was a struggle but we finally got back safely. I felt like I was living a story from the Bible.

Jesus had just learned that his cousin and dear friend, John, had been beheaded. He wanted to go somewhere to be alone so he got in a boat with his disciples and crossed the Sea of Galilee. The people heard where Jesus was headed so they ran ahead on the shore and were waiting for Him when He got out of the boat.

Jesus didn’t consider his own sorrow but instead was moved with compassion for the people – He healed them and taught them God’s word. What a terrific way to handle a tragic situation! Satan had used Herod to kill John the Baptist and Jesus approach to the situation was to go out and heal people and set them free from Satan’s oppression. (That’s another lesson for another time).

The people stayed late into the day. The disciples told Jesus to send them away so that they could go eat. Jesus said, no you feed them and then we have the miracle of the five loaves and two fish feeding over five thousand men and their families. Another great miracle!!

After the meal, Jesus told his disciples to get in the boat and head home. He would come later. Jesus sent the people away and then He went up into the hills to pray. Out on the sea it was turning into a scene from Gilligan’s Island. What should have been a couple hours on the water had turned into an all night adventure and they still weren’t to shore. Now these disciples were seasoned fisherman and they knew how to handle a boat in a storm but they were having no success. The Bible says it was about the third watch of the night, between 3 and 6 am, and Jesus came walking to them on the water.

The disciples were very frightened when they saw Jesus and thought that He was a ghost. He said something to them that He repeated many times during his time with them, “Fear not”. Jesus knew that fear, considering things other than God’s word and God’s way, will overpower faith if it is allowed to run unchecked.

So Peter looking at Jesus, said “Peter said, “Lord, if that is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Matthew 14: 28. Now what was Jesus to say – “No Peter it’s really not me but just your imagination” or “Peter, it’s me but you can’t handle this so don’t come.”  No, Jesus response was one of faith. “Peter, come.”

Peter “considered not” the boat, the other disciples, the wind or the waves and he got out of the boat and started walking to Jesus. WOW!  But wait, Peter keep looking at Jesus – don’t look at the waves!!!

 “Then Peter left the boat and walked on the water to Jesus. 30 But while Peter was walking on the water, he saw the wind and the waves. He was afraid and began sinking into the water. He shouted, “Lord, save me!”  31 Then Jesus caught Peter with his hand. He said, “Your faith is small. Why did you doubt?”  32 After Peter and Jesus were in the boat, the wind stopped. 33 Then the followers in the boat worshiped Jesus and said, “You really are the Son of God.” Matthew 14:29-32 ERV

I’ve heard one preached ask, “What did the wind and waves have to do with anything? Peter couldn’t have walked on water on a calm day if it wasn’t for Jesus.”  And the same is true for us!

We see a truth in God’s word, we get out of the boat of public opinion and the world’s way of thinking and start to walk by faith to Jesus. Then we see the winds and the waves of family criticism, a call from the bank or a doctor’s report and we start to sink.  Call out to Jesus – He’s there and He’ll lift you up.

Keep your eyes focused on Jesus today. Don’t let fear of cause you to sink. Consider them not but consider the One who told you to come, He truly is the Son of God.

We Need Bigger Buts

We spent most of yesterday in the dermatologist’s office. I knew we would be a while so I took my Bible, a book and my ear buds. There were some video messages I want to catch up on. Two of my favorite Bible teachers, Andrew Wommack and Max Lucado, had sent out short teachings and I really wanted to hear what they had to say.

The one that Max Lucado sent reminded me of a message I have taught many times through the years and so this morning I am sharing it with you.

We need bigger buts!

Yes, you read that right. The word “But” is used to connect ideas that contrast. The world presents us with facts but God’s word gives us truth. Truth can and will alter the way we perceive the facts. That’s why we swear an oath in court to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Let’s look at what the Apostle Paul says about adverse circumstances:

“God once said, “Let light shine out of the darkness!” And this is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts to let us know that his own divine greatness is seen in the face of Christ.

We have this treasure from God, but we are only like clay jars that hold the treasure. This is to show that the amazing power we have is from God, not from us. We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We often don’t know what to do, but we don’t give up. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed.” II Corinthians 4:6-9 ERV (emphasis mine)

Paul had some pretty big buts in those four verses. The circumstances he faced were life threatening – stoning, ship wreck, beatings, imprisonment, snake bites. BUT he knew God would never abandon him.

*Our world is in the midst of a viral crisis BUT God…heals all my diseases (Ps. 103:3 NLT)

*Finances may be effected BUT My God will use his glorious riches to give you everything you need. He will do this through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19 ERV)

*Physical strength has come to an end and we don’t think we can go on BUT Christ gives me the strength to face anything. (Philippians 4:13 CEV)

*We’re scared and don’t know what to do BUT God, you give true peace to people who depend on you, to those who trust in you. So trust the Lord always, because in the Lord Yah you have a place of safety forever. (Isaiah 26:3-4 ERV)

There is absolutely nothing that we will face in this life that God hasn’t given us an answer for. This is one time when it’s appropriate to say “does this crisis make my but look big?”.

The bigger, the better!

Choose Joy & Pray

Our President has called today, March 15, as a National Day of Prayer. I whole heartedly concur. Pastors all across our nation will be leading their members in a time of prayer, either in small church gatherings or on-line. What a great way to spend the day!

Last night, we watched our pastor on-line, heard a wonderful message from God’s word and joined in prayer. Today I know I will find myself listening to other pastors and joining my heart with those who are listening.

Over the last few days I have found many places where God’s word encourages us during times of trouble.

“He will protect me when I am in danger.  He will hide me in his tent. He will take me up to his place of safety. If he will help me defeat the enemies around me, I will offer sacrifices in his tent with shouts of joy. I will sing and play songs to honor the Lord.” Psalm 27:5-6 ERV

“The Lord watches over his followers, those who wait for him to show his faithful love.
19 He saves them from death.  He gives them strength when they are hungry. 20 So we will wait for the Lord. He helps us and protects us. 21 He makes us happy.  We trust his holy name. 22 Lord, we worship you, so show your great love for us.” Psalm 33:18-22 ERV

“I went to the Lord for help, and he listened. He saved me from all that I fear. If you look to him for help, he will put a smile on your face. You will have no need to be ashamed. As a poor, helpless man I prayed to the Lord,  and he heard me. He saved me from all my troubles. The Lord’s angel builds a camp around his followers,  and he protects them. Give the Lord a chance to show you how good he is. Great blessings belong to those who depend on him!” Psalm 34:4-8 ERV

Did you notice these words in those verses – Joy – Happy – Smile? When we are trusting God we can have joy in even the worst circumstances. I have one more verse to share with you before I close.

“A cheerful heart is good medicine,  but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” Proverbs 17:22 NLT

Today is a good day for taking the medicine of a cheerful heart! Open wide, swallow big and repeat as often as needed. No adverse side effects.

Trust God! Choose Joy! Pray!

Protection From Above

A few days back I asked if you enjoyed the quiet of peaceful streams or the loud noise of battle? Some of you made comment that you like the quiet where there seems to be no drama.

Me too!

The verses I used to paint the pastoral scene of rest came from Psalm 23, better known to many as the Shepherd’s Psalm. Even people who don’t know much about the Bible seem to know a little a bit of the 23rd Psalm and a few lines from the Lord’s Prayer.

Did you realize that the Shepherd’s Psalm is filled with danger?

“I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won’t be afraid. You are with me,
 and your shepherd’s rod[a] makes me feel safe. You treat me to a feast, while my enemies watch. You honor me as your guest, and you fill my cup until it overflows.
Your kindness and love will always be with me each day of my life, and I will live forever in your house, Lord.” Psalm 23:4-6 CEV

There it is – valleys dark as death, filled with danger but as footnote [a] tells us we are kept safe by the shepherd’s rod. “23.4 shepherd’s rod: The Hebrew text mentions two objects carried by the shepherd: a club to defend against wild animals and a long pole to guide and control the sheep.”

Each day as we follow the good Shepherd’s lead we will experience restoration. He will restore us to strength and brings refreshing. He will lead us on the right path – place us in right standing with Him, not because we are deserving in our own efforts but because He is righteous and He gives His righteousness to us.

The shepherd’s rod would beat those wild animals who attacked and his staff would gently nudge the sheep back on the trail where it is safe. Our Shepherd does the same. He defeated every enemy that we will ever face and when we listen to His voice, we will feel the gentle nudging to keep us in a place of safety.

And then it’s time for the party! A banquet! The best linen, silver and china. Gourmet appetizers and entrées and no one is allowed to disturb or upset the ambiance of the meal. Jesus sees to it that there are no unwanted, uninvited guests!

Fear, greed, selfishness, low self-esteem, danger or destruction are NOT allowed to interrupt. God’s love and kindness are ever present and everlasting. Then when this life is over we will have the joy of living in the Father’s house forever.

Jesus protects and guides those that are his own. Today, there may be circumstances that try to cause you to fear but remember, He is with you to protect, guide and comfort, to restore and refresh.

Come through the dark valley to the banquet table. Dinner is waiting!

Lessons From Glory

Those of you who have been reading my blog any length of time have heard me refer to Glory on a number of occasions. She is my morning buddy and has sat with me through countless hours of Bible Study and prayer. Yesterday, Dave and I had to make the hard decision to let her go. Her little heart had given up; the vet said it was used up.

So, this morning for the first time in a very long time I’m at my computer alone. I just had to re-share one of the many lessons the Lord taught me when Glory was here…

It was a typical Saturday morning. Dave was busy working on things outside and I was getting the house cleaned. Somewhere in all that our little dog Glory got very nervous and unsettled.

She wasn’t a dog to jump up on people but she was that day. Jumping up on Dave and then on me. She was obviously upset. Her world wasn’t as she thought it should be and the only way she knew to do to make it safe was to be with one of us, on our lap.

It made me think, what do I do when my world seems to be wrong? Do I get upset and just work harder, not smarter? Do I hide myself away from family and friends? Do I try to escape the situation by running away – into the television, on a vacation, a shopping trip? Or do I go to the Father, jump up in His lap and let Him assure me things will be alright?

“So whenever we are in need, we should come bravely before the throne of our merciful God. There we will be treated with undeserved kindness, and we will find help.” Hebrews 4:16 ERV

This morning I am spending time in my Father’s lap and letting Him dry my tears. It’s where I am finding the comfort I need. It’s the best place to be!

A Box of Promises

Were you able to encourage someone yesterday? I had a pretty tough afternoon and I am so thankful for dear friends and family who were there to encourage me. It meant so much.

As I sat here this morning I found myself thinking about my Grama Mac’s kitchen table. When I was a little girl and we would go to visit her and Grampa we never left the breakfast table without one of them taking a card from the Promise Box, reading it aloud and then taking time to pray. Do you remember those little “Promise Boxes”? I didn’t realize it then but she was planting God’s word in my heart.

We found out yesterday that success, true success, in life comes one way!

“Joshua, you must be strong and brave! You must lead these people so that they can take their land. I promised their fathers that I would give them this land. 7 But you must be strong and brave about obeying the commands my servant Moses gave you. If you follow his teachings exactly, you will be successful in everything you do. 8 Always remember what is written in that book of law. Speak about that book and study it day and night. Then you can be sure to obey what is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything you do. 9 Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:6-9 ERV

Meditate on the Word of God and obey it! It’s a simple instruction. God’s message is consistent. See what he spoke through Moses:

“Always remember these commands that I give you today. 7 Be sure to teach them to your children. Talk about these commands when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road. Talk about them when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them on your hands and wear them on your foreheads to help you remember my teachings. 9 Write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:6-9 ERV

Maybe we should make our own box of promises. Take one promise from God’s word and write it down. Keep it in our pocket read it over throughout the day. Let it bring life to our situation. Moses preached it, so did Joshua, King David, Isaiah, and Jesus did too. After Jesus ascended back into heaven Peter made teaching God’s Word his daily ministry.

“The apostles did not stop teaching the people. They continued to tell the Good News—that Jesus is the Messiah. They did this every day in the Temple area and in people’s homes.” Acts 5:42 ERV

Every day. Day in and day out. Just like breathing, eating and drinking. Every day the Word gives life and causes us to succeed.

He’s Not Mad

As the year comes to a close many become introspective; examining their lives over the past year. They also become determined to make changes; to improve themselves in the coming year. Part of the self-examination is letting go of bitterness and also making amends with those who have been hurt.

Religion, man’s idea of how God is, tries to tell us that we have failed God and that He is angry with us. Maybe you’ve grown up with that concept of God, maybe you think there is nothing you can do to please Him so why try.

The angels message on the night when Jesus was born is this, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” Jesus came to show us how greatly God loves us. His whole life was spent doing good and displaying the compassion and unconditional love of the Father.

Jesus ended the war between God and man. God judged our sin by placing it on Jesus and He paid the price. He was convicted, found guilty and punished with death for crimes (Sin) He didn’t do. Our spiritual indebtedness was Paid in Full.

“But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment. The world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in me. 10 Righteousness is available because I go to the Father, and you will see me no more. 11 Judgment will come because the ruler of this world has already been judged.” John 16:7-11 NLT

The Holy Spirit corrects people who don’t believe that Jesus was and is God’s Son and He is the sacrifice for our sins. He shows us that we are made righteous (in right standing) through relationship with Christ and that God’s judgment belongs to satan and those that follow him.

“Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new. 18 God has done it all! He sent Christ to make peace between himself and us, and he has given us the work of making peace between himself and others.” II Corinthians 5:17-18 CEV

New Year’s Eve is one of the prime times that people are plagued with depression and loneliness. It is our job to tell them that God has made a way of “peace” for them through Christ. The good news that was proclaimed in the angels’ message is still true. Peace on earth, good will to me.

I am doing my job of bringing this good news to you. I hope you will share it too.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:11-13 NLT

Three Dog Morning

For the last several days we have been at our daughter’s, dog sitting. They went to Japan to visit our grandson and his wife. What a wonderful opportunity for them and we were glad to help.

When I got up this morning, I started the coffee and you guessed it, I let the dogs out. The past few mornings the dogs have come in and scattered to their various places. Not today! If I were to take a picture, you would find me in the large chair with one pup laying across my legs while the other two are sleeping on the floor on either side of my chair.

It’s a three dog morning. The pups are content to be close – no fear, just gentle sleep. This was the object lesson before me while I was reading my Bible.

“The faithful love of the Lord never ends!  His mercies never cease. 23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. 24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance;  therefore, I will hope in him!” 25 The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him.” Lamentations 3:22-25 NLT

The Lord is good. The Lord is faithful. The Lord’s love never ends. The Lord’s mercies are fresh every morning.

Those are verses of comfort and peace. God’s word is soothing and it makes my heart rest just like these pups that surround me. This morning is free from anxiousness or fear. There is rest and peace in the air.

My prayers turned to those who woke this morning in turmoil and anxiety. I prayed that they would know rest and safety. Remember a week or so back when I wrote about the kindness of God? Since then I have been very mindful of finding the words kind, kindness and safety in my daily Bible reading. It’s there on almost every page!

One of my favorite Scriptures, a must read at least 4 or 5 times a month, is Psalm 91. When I was learning to trust, really trust, the Lord I read it daily. On difficult days I would read it several times throughout the day. Here are just a few verses from that chapter.

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection…Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you…If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, 10 no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home…14 The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. 15 When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. 16 I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.” Psalm 91 NLT

A place of rest – a place of safety; staying close to the Father brings me to that place!

As the pups sleep on, my heart is quiet and I am content knowing that my Father watches over me and gives me new mercy for the day ahead.

It’s a three dog morning!