Inquiring Minds

A long time ago I was asked by some students who worked for me “Are you one of those born again ‘Christians’?” I could tell by the question that this was an opening from the Lord and I could also tell that I wasn’t what they were asking.

Let’s read this morning’s verses and then come back and I’ll give you my answer to their question.

“Friends, when I came and told you the mystery that God had shared with us, I didn’t use big words or try to sound wise. 2 In fact, while I was with you, I made up my mind to speak only about Jesus Christ, who had been nailed to a cross.

3 At first, I was weak and trembling with fear. 4 When I talked with you or preached, I didn’t try to prove anything by sounding wise. I simply let God’s Spirit show his power. 5 That way you would have faith because of God’s power and not because of human wisdom.” I Corinthians 2:1-5 CEV

I asked the student posing the question what he meant by Christian. He said that his aunt and uncle were always telling he couldn’t do this and had to do that. If he didn’t he was going to hell. And they are “Christians” so are you one of those?

I took a deep breath and answered. “No, I’m not a Christian like that but let me tell you what I am”. My office area was filled with students because it was midday and they always came to hang out in my office. They all got quiet and gave me their attention.

“I am a Christian because Christian means one who is like Christ. I am born again because that means I have been given new life by Jesus. He has forgiven my sins and made me new.

I am a fanatic because I trust the Lord with what I do each and every day. I pray over my grocery list. I pray for my kids to be healed and my husband to be safe at work. I pray for you (calling a student by name) to pass your Algebra test and for another student to find something valuable that she had lost.

I believe that God wants to be involved in every part of my life and I also know that He can handle it so much better than I can do on my own.

I don’t live by a long list of do’s and don’ts. I live by relationship with a Heavenly Father who loves and wants the best for me. I want to do nothing that would displease Him. When I do fail, because I do, I go to Him and find His forgiveness. His love isn’t based on my goodness – it’s unconditional!

So I guess to answer your question, yes, I am a born again Christian. I’m a fanatic who believes that God wants to show me his love and his power and I pray that each one of you will want a relationship like that too.”

That day the Lord opened the door for me to talk with and pray for many of the students in that room. I thank Him that my life wasn’t filled with religious words and condescending looks but with real life relationship. From that day forward I have tried to live and teach Jesus in a practical way that cowboys, farmers, ranchers, students and just plain folks could understand.

I encourage you to live a life that draws questions. Inquiring minds want to know the answer is Jesus!

Make A Difference

Yesterday afternoon Dave and I went to the movies. The second time in a month and it’s not something we do very often but I’m so glad we did.

Earlier in the month we saw a movie with Kim and Austin which was fun, spending time with our kids always is. It was then we saw the preview for “Jesus Revolution”. That’s what we saw yesterday.

It really hit home with me. In the fall of 1971, I attended Biola College. Coming from Yuma I had never heard of Calvary Chapel or Pastor Chuck Smith and I had only heard of the “Jesus People” on the news. Friends invited me to go with them to some of Pastor Chuck’s Sunday evening services and a couple of times to the baptisms at the beach.

What an experience!

Hippies and regular church people praising and worshipping the Lord together. No judgement or criticism, just heartfelt worship. It was a small glimpse of heaven.

“Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39 NLT

Why am I sharing this with you? One, I think you would really enjoy the movie – it will stir your heart and two, it challenged me.

“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.” Romans 1:16 NLT

At the start of the movie there were older people attending Pastor Chuck’s church who were offended by the hippies who began coming. Sad to say, we have that with every generation. In Jesus’ day, the Pharisees and religious leaders were offended by Jesus and His group of rough fishermen, tax collectors and women of dubious reputation.

“When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. ‘Zacchaeus!’ he said. ‘Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.’ Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy. But the people were displeased. ‘He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner,’ they grumbled.” Luke 19:5-7 NLT

I think we can all agree that our world needs more of the love of Jesus. The only way this will happen is for His love to flow through you and I. We are called to a purpose.

“Jesus called out to them, ‘Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!’ 20 And they left their nets at once and followed him.” Matthew 4:19-20 NLT

I pray that we will all start a Jesus Revolution, first in our hearts and then reach out to those around us.