Loud & Boisterous

Yesterday was so busy that I almost forgot to look for the Lord’s blessings, that is until this big guy came bouncing across the prairie grass on the side of our RV.

I don’t normally take much interest in the crows, they’re just not an attractive or interesting bird but he caught my attention. He was headed for the mouth of the underground spring at the back of our campsite.

He wasn’t cautious at all. The little birds that come to drink are timid and will light on a branch for only a few seconds, look around and take off again but not him. He strolls in boldly knowing that all others will clear out when he arrives.

Oh my, he’s noisy but he was created by God for a purpose!

This is what Wikipedia says about the crow: “Crows appear to show appreciation to humans by presenting them with gifts.”.

Nothing appears to be said about crows in the Bible but they are very much akin to the raven who is spoken of.

My favorite story involving ravens is found in I Kings 17. Elijah, the prophet, had just told King Ahab that the Lord was going to withhold rain for the next several years. It would only rain again when Elijah said. After that proclamation, the Lord told Elijah to head to a ravine where there was water.

Enter the raven…

“Then the Lord said to Elijah, “Leave this place and go east. Hide near Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan River. You can get your water from that stream, and I have commanded ravens to bring food to you there.” So Elijah did what the Lord told him to do. He went to live near Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan River. Ravens brought Elijah food every morning and every evening, and he drank water from the stream.” I King 17:2-6 ERV

I wonder what kind of food they brought him.

The crows in our campground are always finding morsels and tidbits of food in the trash dumpsters. I don’t think I would be too open to be partaking of the food they would bring. However, if the Lord said he sent them, I probably wouldn’t argue.

My takeaway from watching this feathered friend was this. The Lord is willing to use anyone who makes themselves available. It’s not just those who are petite, beautiful (brightly colored), and sing with a sweet melodious voice. He will also use those who are big, unattractive, loud and boisterous.

If I had to give human characteristics to the crow/raven I would say that the Apostle Peter would be a crow – loud, impetuous, foot-in-mouth kind of guy and the Apostle John would be more like the meadowlark with a sweet song and attractive appearance.

The Father uses all kinds of people and birds. Let’s learn to truly appreciate all those God brings into our lives.